Victor Milán’s (paperback) DINOSAUR KNIGHTS sally forth in France!

Victor Milán‘s second Dinosaur Lords novel, DINOSAUR KNIGHTS is out now in paperback in France! Published by Pocket as GUERRE & DINOSAURES II, here’s the synopsis…

Les Anges Gris, serviteurs des Créateurs, sont de retour sur Paradis pour la purger du péché. Mais en ce royaume voué à la guerre, aux complots et à la sauvagerie des dinosaures, qui n’est pas coupable? Karyl et Rob n’ont rien d’innocents. Pourtant ils doivent se défendre lors de leur procès pour crime envers la Communauté du Jardin. Venus en aide à la population, les voilà accusés d’avoir porter la guerre dans leur havre de paix. Là même où la princesse Melodia vient chercher refuge. Celle dont l’amant est le Comte Jaume dels Flors, le rival de Karyl, trouvera-t-elle un allié en ce dernier?

Mais surtout, la Grande Armée Impériale réussira-t-elle à stopper la Croisade dévastatrice de l’Ange Gris? L’Apocalypse est en marche…

Pocket has also published the first novel in the series. DINOSAUR KNIGHTS is published in English by Tor Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Paradise is a sprawling, diverse, often cruel world. There are humans on Paradise but dinosaurs predominate: wildlife, monsters, beasts of burden, and of war. Armored knights ride dinosaurs to battle legions of war-trained Triceratops and their upstart peasant crews.

Karyl Bogomirsky is one such knight who has chosen to rally those who seek a way from the path of war and madness. The fact that the Empire has announced a religious crusade against this peaceful kingdom, the people who just wish to live in peace anathema, and they all are to be converted or destroyed doesn’t help him one bit.

Things really turn to mud when the dreaded Grey Angels, fabled ancient weapons of the Gods who created Paradise in the first place come on the scene after almost a millennia. Everyone thought that they were fables used to scare children. They are very much real.

And they have come to rid the world of sin… including all the humans who manifest those vices.

Zeno represents Victor Milán in Translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.

Victor Milán’s DINOSAUR PRINCESS out now in Poland!

The third novel in Victor Milán‘s Dinosaur Lords trilogy, THE DINOSAUR PRINCESS is out now in Poland! Published by Galeria Książki as KSIĘŻNICZKA DINOZAURÓW, here’s the synopsis…

Witajcie na Raju – pierwotnym świecie, w którym można spotkać wszelkie gatunki dinozaurów wielkich i małych. Żyją tu również ludzie, sprowadzeni przez kaprys bogów. Rycerze ruszają do boju na triceratopsach, a prowadzą ich wielcy bohaterowie dosiadający tyranozaurów.

Jednym z takich bohaterów jest Karyl Bogomirsky.

Kiedyś miał władzę, lecz zdradzili go ci, którzy byli mu najbliżsi. Uratowali go Fae, magiczne istoty zrodzone w tym świecie, planujące wykorzystać go w wolnie z obcymi bogami. Karyl pragnie tylko żyć w spokoju. Nie chce stać się niczyim narzędziem, a tym bardziej zbawcą…

Jednak bogowie powrócili, by osądzić swój ludzki eksperyment i ostatecznie uwolnić planetę od Fae. Karyl może nie uważać się za bohatera, ale jest ostatnią nadzieją ludzkości.

The first two books in the series have also been published by Galeria Książki.

The series is published in English by Tor Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Welcome to Paradise: A primordial world with every species of dinosaur, large and small. And humans, who were brought to this world on the whim of the gods. Knights ride into battle on Triceratops; their heroes lead them on T-Rexes.

Karyl Bogomirskiy is one such hero. Once, he held power. Betrayed by those closest to him, he was resurrected by the Fae, magical beings native to the world, who seek to use him in their eternal battle against alien gods. Karyl just wants to be left in peace, reluctant to be anyone’s tool, much less a savior.

But the gods have returned to judge their human experiment and to finally rid the planet of the Fae. And while Karyl doesn’t feel like a hero, he’s humanity’s last best hope.

Zeno represents Victor Milán in translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.

Rest in Peace, Victor Milán

We are very sad to report that Victor Milán has passed away. An author of considerable and broad talents, over decades he wrote countless adventure-filled stories in many genres (almost 100 novels). Most recently, he entertained readers with his Dinosaur Lords series, which brought together two of our favourite things — knights and dinosaurs! — in a great series of action-packed fantasy novels.

George R.R. Martin, a long-time friend and collaborator of Victor’s called him ‘one of my aces’, a reference to his work on the shared-universe Wild Cards series. You can read the rest of GRRM’s tribute here.

Our deepest condolences to Victor’s friends and family. You will be missed.

Victor Milán’s DINOSAUR KNIGHTS charge out in France!

Today, the second novel in Victor Milán‘s Dinosaur Lords fantasy series is out in France! DINOSAUR KNIGHTS is published in France by Fleuve Éditions as GUERRE & DINOSAURES II. Here’s the synopsis…

L’heure du jugement a sonné. Mais qui est innocent?

Les Anges Gris, serviteurs des Créateurs, que l’on croyait n’être que des fables destinées à l’édification des jeunes esprits, sont bien réels. Et ils sont de retour sur Paradis pour la purger du péché.

Cependant, en ce royaume voué au fracas des armes, aux complots perfides et aux rugissements des dinosaures, qui n’est pas coupable ? Karyl et Rob n’ont rien des jeunes innocents, mais ils doivent se défendre lors de leur procès pour crime envers la communauté du Jardin. Venus en aide à la population de Providence, les voilà accusés d’avoir porté la guerre dans leur havre de paix.

C’est à que la princesse Melodía vient chercher refuge, fuyant l’abominiable machination du duc Falk von Hornberg. Celle dont l’amant est le comte Jaume dels Flors, le rival de Karyl, trouvera-t-elle un allié en ce dernier ?

Mais surtout, la Grande Armée Impériale réussira-t-elle à stopper la Croisade dévastatrice de l’Ange Gris ? L’Apocalypse est en marche et chevauche un tyrannosaurus imperator.

Fleuve has also published the first in the series. The series is published in English by Tor Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis for DINOSAUR KNIGHTS

Paradise is a sprawling, diverse, often cruel world. There are humans on Paradise but dinosaurs predominate: wildlife, monsters, beasts of burden, and of war. Armored knights ride dinosaurs to battle legions of war-trained Triceratops and their upstart peasant crews.

Karyl Bogomirsky is one such knight who has chosen to rally those who seek a way from the path of war and madness. The fact that the Empire has announced a religious crusade against this peaceful kingdom, the people who just wish to live in peace anathema, and they all are to be converted or destroyed doesn’t help him one bit.

Things really turn to mud when the dreaded Grey Angels, fabled ancient weapons of the Gods who created Paradise in the first place come on the scene after almost a millennia. Everyone thought that they were fables used to scare children. They are very much real.

And they have come to rid the world of sin…including all the humans who manifest those vices.

Zeno represents Victor Milan in translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.

DINOSAUR KNIGHTS ride out in Brazil!

Victor Milán‘s DINOSAUR LORDS have been unleashed in Brazil! The second novel in the Dinosaur Lords series, it is published by Dark Side Books as OS CAVALEIROS DOS DINOSSAUROS. Here’s the synopsis…

O Paraíso é um mundo extenso, diversificado, muitas vezes cruel. Existem seres humanos no Paraíso, mas predominam os dinossauros: animais selvagens, monstros, animais de carga e de guerra. Cavaleiros blindados conduzem dinossauros para batalhar legiões de tricerátopos treinados pela guerra e suas equipes camponesas.

Karyl Bogomirsky é um cavaleiro que optou por reunir aqueles que buscam uma saída para a jornada de guerra e loucura. Mas o Império da Nuevaropa anunciou uma cruzada religiosa contra este reino pacífico e as pessoas que desejam viver em paz. Todos devem ser convertidos ou destruídos.

As coisas realmente desandam quando os temidos Anjos Cinzas, antiquadas armas dos deuses que criaram o Paraíso, surgem em cena após quase um milênio. Todos achavam que se tratava de fábulas para assustar crianças. Mas eles são muito reais. E vieram para livrar o mundo do pecado… incluindo todos os humanos que manifestaram esses vícios.

Dark Side Books has also published the first in the series, DINOSAUR LORDSOS SENHORES DOS DINOSSAUROS.

DINOSAUR KNIGHTS is published in English by Tor Books. Here’s the synopsis…

Paradise is a sprawling, diverse, often cruel world. There are humans on Paradise but dinosaurs predominate: wildlife, monsters, beasts of burden, and of war. Armored knights ride dinosaurs to battle legions of war-trained Triceratops and their upstart peasant crews.

Karyl Bogomirsky is one such knight who has chosen to rally those who seek a way from the path of war and madness. The fact that the Empire has announced a religious crusade against this peaceful kingdom, the people who just wish to live in peace anathema, and they all are to be converted or destroyed doesn’t help him one bit.

Things really turn to mud when the dreaded Grey Angels, fabled ancient weapons of the Gods who created Paradise in the first place come on the scene after almost a millennia. Everyone thought that they were fables used to scare children. They are very much real.

And they have come to rid the world of sin… including all the humans who manifest those vices.

‘Milán continues writing terrific battle scenes that make full use of the knights’ saurian mounts. Those waiting for George R.R. Martin’s next book may find a new favorite in this explosive saga of brutal warfare and mythology come to life.’ — Publishers Weekly on DINOSAUR KNIGHTS

Zeno represents Victor Milán in translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.

Victor Milán’s DINOSAUR KNIGHTS sally forth in Poland

Victor Milán‘s second Dinosaur Lords novel, DINOSAUR KNIGHTS is out now in Poland! Published by Galeria Książki as JEŹDŹCY DINOZAURÓW, here’s the synopsis…

Raj jest rozległym, różnorodnym, często okrutnym światem. Mieszkają na nim ludzie, lecz dominują dinozaury, dzikie potwory oraz udomowione, wykorzystywane do pracy, a także w walce. Zakuci w zbroje rycerze wyruszają w bój, dosiadając tych stworzeń, by stawić czoło szkolonym do walki triceratopsom, noszącym na grzbietach załogi złożone z nisko urodzonych.

Jednym z takich rycerzy jest Karyl Bogomirsky – wybrany, by poprowadzić do boju tych, którzy szukają ucieczki od ścieżki wojny i szaleństwa. Fakt, że Cesarstwo ogłosiło krucjatę przeciwko ich pokojowo nastawionego krajowi i wyjęło spod prawa tych, którzy pragną życia wolnego od przemocy, nie pomaga mu nawet w najmniejszym stopniu. Sytuacja pogarsza się dodatkowo, gdy legendarne Szare Anioły – starożytna broń bogów, którzy stworzyli Raj – powracają na scenę po stuleciach nieobecności. Wszyscy uważali, że są tylko bajką służącą straszeniu niegrzecznych dzieci, ale okazało się, że istnieją naprawdę.

The novel is published in English by Tor Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Paradise is a sprawling, diverse, often cruel world. There are humans on Paradise but dinosaurs predominate: wildlife, monsters, beasts of burden, and of war. Armored knights ride dinosaurs to battle legions of war-trained Triceratops and their upstart peasant crews.

Karyl Bogomirsky is one such knight who has chosen to rally those who seek a way from the path of war and madness. The fact that the Empire has announced a religious crusade against this peaceful kingdom, the people who just wish to live in peace anathema, and they all are to be converted or destroyed doesn’t help him one bit.

Things really turn to mud when the dreaded Grey Angels, fabled ancient weapons of the Gods who created Paradise in the first place come on the scene after almost a millennia. Everyone thought that they were fables used to scare children. They are very much real.

And they have come to rid the world of sin… including all the humans who manifest those vices.

The first novel in the series, DINOSAUR LORDS, was also published in Poland by Galeria Książki, as WŁADCY DINOZAURÓW.

Zeno represents Victor Milán in translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.

THE DINOSAUR LORDS have arrived in Hungary!


Victor Milán‘s critically-acclaimed epic fantasy novel THE DINOSAUR LORDS is out now in Hungary! Published by IPC Könyvkiadó as DINOSZAURUSZURAK, here’s the synopsis…

A Paradicsomot, az örök élet békés világát ellentétek feszítik: gyanús, új vallási nézetek terjednek, Terraroja lázadozik, hűbérurak túlkapásaitól szenved a nép. A császár ellen merényletet kísérel meg egy orgyilkos, és lánya sem elégedett a kormányzásával. Azt beszélik, Providenciában már megjelent egy Szürke Angyal, hogy figyelmeztesse a birodalom lakóit az Egyensúly felbomlására…

Felipe – a fiatalok legnagyobb bánatára – lánya, Melodía jegyesét küldi megleckéztetni Vörösföldet. Míg Jaume, a birodalom hős dinoszauruszlovagja, a Virággróf távol vívja csatáit, az újra hűséget tettető korábbi áruló, Falk herceg ármánykodása egészen átszövi a palotát – Melodía csak kishúgára, barátaira és hűséges komornájára számíthat.

Közben a halottnak hitt Karyl vojda, a rettegett hadúr különös szövetségre lép egykori ellenfelével, a dinoszauruszmester és vándor énekes Rob Korrigannal: együtt indulnak a háborúzást elítélő, ám szorongatott helyzetbe került providencek megsegítésére. Egyetlen esélyük a maroknyi, szedett-vedett csapat harcosokhoz méltó kiképzése, a ravaszság és dinoszauruszaik ereje.

The series — which also includes THE DINOSAUR KNIGHTS and the upcoming THE DINOSAUR PRINCESS (pictured below) — is published in English by Tor Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis for book one…

A world made by the Eight Creators on which to play out their games of passion and power, Paradise is a sprawling, diverse, often brutal place. Men and women live on Paradise as do dogs, cats, ferrets, goats, and horses. But dinosaurs predominate: wildlife, monsters, beasts of burden–and of war. Colossal plant-eaters like Brachiosaurus; terrifying meat-eaters like Allosaurus, and the most feared of all, Tyrannosaurus rex. Giant lizards swim warm seas. Birds (some with teeth) share the sky with flying reptiles that range in size from bat-sized insectivores to majestic and deadly Dragons.

Thus we are plunged into Victor Milán’s splendidly weird world of The Dinosaur Lords, a place that for all purposes mirrors 14th century Europe with its dynastic rivalries, religious wars, and byzantine politics…except the weapons of choice are dinosaurs. Where vast armies of dinosaur-mounted knights engage in battle. During the course of one of these epic battles, the enigmatic mercenary Dinosaur Lord Karyl Bogomirsky is defeated through betrayal and left for dead. He wakes, naked, wounded, partially amnesiac – and hunted. And embarks upon a journey that will shake his world.


THE DINOSAUR LORDS has also recently been released in Brazil, France and Poland.


Zeno represents Victor Milán in translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.

GUERRE & DINOSAURES by Victor Milán Out Now!


Victor Milán‘s THE DINOSAUR LORDS is out today in France! Published by Fleuve Editions as GUERRE & DINOSAURES, here’s the synopsis…

Paradis. Pour les dieux, un simple plateau de jeu, le théâtre de leurs passions et luttes de pouvoir. Pour les hommes, c’est une terre brutale et violente, divisée entre dynasties rivales, déchirée par les ambitions et les croyances religieuses, constamment menacée par le machiavélisme politique.

Dans cet état de guerre règnent les dinosaures. Élevés, dressés dès leur plus jeune âge, ils deviennent des armes redoutables dominant les champs de bataille. Et c’est lors d’un affrontement épique dont le fracas pourfend la terre et déchire le ciel que l’énigmatique seigneur Karyl Bogomirskiy est défait par traîtrise et laissé pour mort.

À son réveil, partiellement amnésique, il découvre qu’il est désormais pourchassé. Il se lance alors dans un voyage qui va faire trembler le monde, jusqu’aux trônes des dieux…

THE DINOSAUR LORDS is published in the US by Tor Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

A world made by the Eight Creators on which to play out their games of passion and power, Paradise is a sprawling, diverse, often brutal place. Men and women live on Paradise as do dogs, cats, ferrets, goats, and horses. But dinosaurs predominate: wildlife, monsters, beasts of burden–and of war. Colossal plant-eaters like Brachiosaurus; terrifying meat-eaters like Allosaurus, and the most feared of all, Tyrannosaurus rex. Giant lizards swim warm seas. Birds (some with teeth) share the sky with flying reptiles that range in size from bat-sized insectivores to majestic and deadly Dragons.

Thus we are plunged into Victor Milán’s splendidly weird world of The Dinosaur Lords, a place that for all purposes mirrors 14th century Europe with its dynastic rivalries, religious wars, and byzantine politics…except the weapons of choice are dinosaurs. Where vast armies of dinosaur-mounted knights engage in battle. During the course of one of these epic battles, the enigmatic mercenary Dinosaur Lord Karyl Bogomirsky is defeated through betrayal and left for dead. He wakes, naked, wounded, partially amnesiac–and hunted. And embarks upon a journey that will shake his world.

The novel is also published in Brazil by Darkside Books as OS SENHORES DOS DINOSSAUROS, and Poland by Galeria Książki as WŁADCY DINOZAURÓW.


Zeno represents Victor Milán in translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.

Cover & Details: GUERRE ET DINOSAURES by Victor Milan


THE DINOSAUR LORDS, Victor Milán‘s critically-acclaimed fantasy, is due to be published in France! The novel will be published by Fleuve as GUERRE ET DINOSAURES, on April 14th. Here’s the synopsis…

Paradis. Pour les dieux, un simple plateau de jeu, le théâtre de leurs passions et luttes de pouvoir. Pour les hommes, c’est une terre brutale et violente, divisée entre dynasties rivales, déchirée par les ambitions et les croyances religieuses, constamment menacée par le machiavélisme politique.

Dans cet état de guerre règnent les dinosaures. Élevés, dressés dès leur plus jeune âge, ils deviennent des armes redoutables dominant les champs de bataille. Et c’est lors d’un affrontement épique dont le fracas pourfend la terre et déchire le ciel que l’énigmatique seigneur Karyl Bogomirskiy est défait par traîtrise et laissé pour mort.

A son réveil, partiellement amnésique, il découvre qu’il est désormais pourchassé. Il se lance alors dans un voyage qui va faire trembler le monde, jusqu’aux trônes des dieux…

The novel is also available in Brazil and Poland. THE DINOSAUR LORDS is published in the US by Tor Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

A world made by the Eight Creators on which to play out their games of passion and power, Paradise is a sprawling, diverse, often brutal place. Men and women live on Paradise as do dogs, cats, ferrets, goats, and horses. But dinosaurs predominate: wildlife, monsters, beasts of burden — and of war. Colossal plant-eaters like Brachiosaurus; terrifying meat-eaters like Allosaurus, and the most feared of all, Tyrannosaurus rex. Giant lizards swim warm seas. Birds (some with teeth) share the sky with flying reptiles that range in size from bat-sized insectivores to majestic and deadly Dragons.

Thus we are plunged into Victor Milán’s splendidly weird world of The Dinosaur Lords, a place that for all purposes mirrors 14th century Europe with its dynastic rivalries, religious wars, and byzantine politics… except the weapons of choice are dinosaurs. Where vast armies of dinosaur-mounted knights engage in battle. During the course of one of these epic battles, the enigmatic mercenary Dinosaur Lord Karyl Bogomirsky is defeated through betrayal and left for dead. He wakes, naked, wounded, partially amnesiac — and hunted. And embarks upon a journey that will shake his world.

Here are just a couple of the great reviews the novel has received…

Takes the arresting idea of knights on dinosaurs and expands it into the beginning of a complex and sweeping epic… Milán skillfully crafts his characters, giving each one vivid individuality. He has also given significant thought to just how knights might use dinosaurs as mounts in combat, suggesting novel techniques such as hadrosaurs that make sonic attacks. Readers who pick this up for the gimmick will relish it for the able storytelling.’Publishers Weekly

‘Ever wondered what a tournament joust would look like, if both opponents were charging full-tilt towards each other while mounted on three tons of bellowing hadrosaurus? Honestly, I can’t say I have. But Victor Milán has shown me the light, and it is glorious… well-structured and the pacing was spot on… Even if you do pick this up for love of dinosaurs alone, you’re guaranteed to leave with a lot more than just that, no matter what. Totally worth it.’Bibliosanctum

Zeno represents Victor Milan in translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.


Victor Milán’s THE DINOSAUR LORDS Out Tomorrow in Poland


Victor Milán‘s debut novel, THE DINOSAUR LORDS, is out tomorrow in Poland! Published by Galeria Książki as WŁADCY DINOZAURÓW, here’s the synopsis…

Raj – świat powołany do życia przez Ośmiu Stwórców, którzy toczą w nim gry władzy i namiętności – jest rozległą, różnorodną, a często okrutną krainą. Zamieszkują go ludzie, a wraz z nimi psy, koty, fretki, kozy i konie. Jednak w tym świecie dominują dinozaury: dzikie i śmiertelnie niebezpieczne, ale też wykorzystywane jako zwierzęta pociągowe, a nawet do prowadzenia wojen. Ogromni roślinożercy, jak brachiozaury, straszliwi drapieżcy allozaury oraz budzące największy strach tyranozauru. W morzach pływają gigantyczne jaszczury. Ptaki (niektóre wyposażone w zęby) dzielą niebo z latającymi gadami, od małych jak nietoperze roślinożerców aż po majestatyczne i śmiertelnie groźne smoki.

Victor Milán pokazuje nam wspaniały, niezwykły świat, pod wieloma względami będący odbiciem czternastowiecznej Europy z jej konfliktami dynastycznymi, wojnami religijnymi oraz wyrafinowanymi intrygami… tyle że najgroźniejszą bronią używaną w Raju są dinozaury. W wojnach uczestniczą całe armie dosiadających je rycerzy. Podczas jednej z bitew tajemniczy wojownik Karyl Bogomirsky zostaje zdradzony i podstępnie pokonany – wszyscy są pewni, że zginął. Budzi się jednak na polu bitwy – nagi, ranny i dotknięty częściową utratą pamięci. Ścigany przez wroga, podejmuje wyprawę, która wstrząśnie całym jego światem.

The novel is published in the US by Tor Books. It has also been published in Brazil by Darkside Books, as OS SENHORES DOS DINOSSAUROS. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

A world made by the Eight Creators on which to play out their games of passion and power, Paradise is a sprawling, diverse, often brutal place. Men and women live on Paradise as do dogs, cats, ferrets, goats, and horses. But dinosaurs predominate: wildlife, monsters, beasts of burden–and of war. Colossal plant-eaters like Brachiosaurus; terrifying meat-eaters like Allosaurus, and the most feared of all, Tyrannosaurus rex. Giant lizards swim warm seas. Birds (some with teeth) share the sky with flying reptiles that range in size from bat-sized insectivores to majestic and deadly Dragons.

Thus we are plunged into Victor Milán’s splendidly weird world of The Dinosaur Lords, a place that for all purposes mirrors 14th century Europe with its dynastic rivalries, religious wars, and byzantine politics…except the weapons of choice are dinosaurs. Where vast armies of dinosaur-mounted knights engage in battle. During the course of one of these epic battles, the enigmatic mercenary Dinosaur Lord Karyl Bogomirsky is defeated through betrayal and left for dead. He wakes, naked, wounded, partially amnesiac–and hunted. And embarks upon a journey that will shake his world.

Zeno represents Victor Milán in translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.

Victor Milan’s THE DINOSAUR LORDS Available Soon in Poland!


THE DINOSAUR LORDS, Victor Milán‘s fan-favourite fantasy novel, is due to be released in Poland next month! The novel will be published by Galeria Książki, as WŁADCY DINOZAURÓW. Here’s the synopsis…

Raj – świat powołany do życia przez Ośmiu Stwórców, którzy toczą w nim gry władzy i namiętności – jest rozległą, różnorodną, a często okrutną krainą. Zamieszkują go ludzie, a wraz z nimi psy, koty, fretki, kozy i konie. Jednak w tym świecie dominują dinozaury: dzikie i śmiertelnie niebezpieczne, ale też wykorzystywane jako zwierzęta pociągowe, a nawet do prowadzenia wojen. Ogromni roślinożercy, jak brachiozaury, straszliwi drapieżcy allozaury oraz budzące największy strach tyranozauru. W morzach pływają gigantyczne jaszczury. Ptaki (niektóre wyposażone w zęby) dzielą niebo z latającymi gadami, od małych jak nietoperze roślinożerców aż po majestatyczne i śmiertelnie groźne smoki.

Victor Milán pokazuje nam wspaniały, niezwykły świat, pod wieloma względami będący odbiciem czternastowiecznej Europy z jej konfliktami dynastycznymi, wojnami religijnymi oraz wyrafinowanymi intrygami… tyle że najgroźniejszą bronią używaną w Raju są dinozaury. W wojnach uczestniczą całe armie dosiadających je rycerzy. Podczas jednej z bitew tajemniczy wojownik Karyl Bogomirsky zostaje zdradzony i podstępnie pokonany – wszyscy są pewni, że zginął. Budzi się jednak na polu bitwy – nagi, ranny i dotknięty częściową utratą pamięci. Ścigany przez wroga, podejmuje wyprawę, która wstrząśnie całym jego światem.

The novel is published in English by Tor Books, in the US. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

A world made by the Eight Creators on which to play out their games of passion and power, Paradise is a sprawling, diverse, often brutal place. Men and women live on Paradise as do dogs, cats, ferrets, goats, and horses. But dinosaurs predominate: wildlife, monsters, beasts of burden – and of war. Colossal plant-eaters like Brachiosaurus; terrifying meat-eaters like Allosaurus, and the most feared of all, Tyrannosaurus rex. Giant lizards swim warm seas. Birds (some with teeth) share the sky with flying reptiles that range in size from bat-sized insectivores to majestic and deadly Dragons.

Thus we are plunged into Victor Milán’s splendidly weird world of The Dinosaur Lords, a place that for all purposes mirrors 14th century Europe with its dynastic rivalries, religious wars, and byzantine politics… except the weapons of choice are dinosaurs. Where vast armies of dinosaur-mounted knights engage in battle. During the course of one of these epic battles, the enigmatic mercenary Dinosaur Lord Karyl Bogomirsky is defeated through betrayal and left for dead. He wakes, naked, wounded, partially amnesiac – and hunted. And embarks upon a journey that will shake his world.

The novel is available in Brazil, published by Darkside Books, as OS SENHORES DOS DINOSSAUROS.

Zeno represents Victor Milán in translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.

Victor Milan’s DINOSAUR LORDS gets Brazilian Publisher


This September, Darkside Books will publish Victor Milán‘s DINOSAUR LORDS in Brazil. To be published as OS SENHORES DOS DINOSSAUROS, here’s the English-language synopsis…

A world made by the Eight Creators on which to play out their games of passion and power, Paradise is a sprawling, diverse, often brutal place. Men and women live on Paradise as do dogs, cats, ferrets, goats, and horses. But dinosaurs predominate: wildlife, monsters, beasts of burden — and of war. Colossal plant-eaters like Brachiosaurus; terrifying meat-eaters like Allosaurus, and the most feared of all, Tyrannosaurus rex. Giant lizards swim warm seas. Birds (some with teeth) share the sky with flying reptiles that range in size from bat-sized insectivores to majestic and deadly Dragons.

Thus we are plunged into Victor Milán’s splendidly weird world of The Dinosaur Lords, a place that for all purposes mirrors 14th century Europe with its dynastic rivalries, religious wars, and byzantine politics…except the weapons of choice are dinosaurs. Where vast armies of dinosaur-mounted knights engage in battle. During the course of one of these epic battles, the enigmatic mercenary Dinosaur Lord Karyl Bogomirsky is defeated through betrayal and left for dead. He wakes, naked, wounded, partially amnesiac-and hunted. And embarks upon a journey that will shake his world.

Zeno has negotiated further sales in France, Hungary and Poland. (More details to come.) DINOSAUR LORDS is published in the US by Tor Books. To celebrate the upcoming release, Darkside have produced a very cool book trailer, which you can watch on their Facebook page.

For more by Victor, be sure to check out this piece he wrote for Barnes & Noble’s Sci-Fi Fantasy Blog, “On Mixing Culture, Language, and Thunder Lizards”.

‘It’s like a cross between Jurassic Park and Game of Thrones.’  —  George R. R. Martin

Zeno represents Victor Milán in translation, on behalf of Kay MacCauley at Aurous, Inc.
