ICYMI: First Episode of Lavie Tidhar’s MARS MACHINES is Out Now!

Lavie Tidhar continues his forays into animated works, with MARS MACHINES, which was originally written during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic! The first episode was released on February 19th, and the remaining six episodes will be released weekly. The trailer is abive, and here’s the series synopsis…

A grumpy toaster and a fastidious coffeepot uneasily cohabit in a kitchen on Mars. Their owner is gone, out on a case. The toaster used to be a spaceship, the coffeepot a burglar working for the Robo-Pope. Beyond the window ice-meteorites fall, and the enigmatic Dr Novum haunts their dreams, trying to get into their hidden shelter – and their minds. When a new answering machine turns out to be Bianca, a secret agent from Earth long on the trail of the inhuman Novum, their worlds collide.

Featuring the voice talents of Russell Wilcox (Buddy the coffeepot), Digger Mesch (Toaster) and Anne Wittman (Bianca), the show was scripted by World Fantasy Award winner Lavie Tidhar and directed, animated and scored by Nir Yaniv under their Positronish label.

You can watch the first episode YouTube now, with the other six episodes to follow on a weekly basis.

Written by Lavie Tidhar. Directed by Nir Yaniv. Produced in the US, 2024. Language: English. Seven episodes of 4-6min each. Starring Digger Mesch, Russell Wilcox and Anne Wittman. Type: animated sci fi.

Lavie Tidhar & Nir Yaniv Tackle A.I. & Creativity

Lavie Tidhar has teamed up with Nir Yaniv have teamed up to work on a new project that examines the ways in which A.I. could affect creativity and creative industries. 

What do you do when artificial intelligence starts taking over your life? Should you fear these new technologies, or should you embrace them? With the rise of ChatGPT, MidJourney and their cousins, it can feel like A.I. is taking over the world. What place is there still for the human creative spark? And can we learn to live with, or must we fight against these new creations?

With more questions than answers, the creative team of award-winning writer Lavie Tidhar (Central Station, Neom) and animator Nir Yaniv (LiftOff, The Voice Remains) decided to tackle the question by making a movie about A.I. while using it. Because what if the new machines just want to help? What could possibly go wrong?

Welcome to your A.I. future!

The project has recently been featured in New Scientist. More information on the project can be found here. You can also watch the short film below.

Here’s what Lavie had to say about the project:

‘We’ve been very focused on a human-centric, do-it-yourself creation process. So we were intrigued by the A.I., but also very conscious of the discourse around it right now. We wondered how we could play with these new toys while addressing what they represent. Nir was inspired by the classic French film La Jetée, and called me up to ask if we could do something like that with MidJourney. I immediately said we could only do it if the film we made was about the A.I. – and something sparked. The result, I think, is quite unsettling. The rabbits really freak me out, and I’m the one who wrote them in!’

Lavie’s latest novels are MAROR (Head of Zeus) and NEOM (Tachyon). His next novel is THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF THE WORLD, due to be published by Tachyon Publications, in September 2023.

New World SF StoryBundle Available Now!

Lavie Tidhar has curated a new World SF StoryBundle! Available until mid-April, the bundle features 10 books selected from a variety of countries and cultures, showcasing the diversity of the science fiction genre. Here’s Lavie’s introduction to the bundle…

It’s been my great privilege over the past [mumble mumble] years to edit several anthologies devoted to international speculative fiction in all its forms, beginning with the first volume of The Apex Book of World SF back in 2009, done on a budget of chewing gum-and-string, and culminating this year with The Best of World SF: Volume 3 from Head of Zeus, the third in a series of huge, handsome hardcover volumes. Along the way I got to publish the World SF Blog for four years, and write about many international titles in a regular column for the Washington Post. But perhaps the most fun of these has been putting together these annual bundles for StoryBundle – a direct opportunity to offer readers a selection of wonderful books from around the world, at one low price, while directly benefiting the authors and their publishers. It is a reality of today’s publishing environment that the most exciting titles usually come from smaller presses, that in a crowded field it is hard to stand up, and that even a small bundle like this can often make a real difference to a book and its author.

The titles included are as follows:

  • SIGNAL TO NOISE by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
  • ION CURTAIN by Anya Ow
  • OF DRAGONS, FEASTS AND MURDERS by Aliette de Bodard
  • & THIS IS HOW TO STAY ALIVE by Shingai Njeri Kagunda
  • NOVA HELLAS: STORIES FROM FUTURE GREECE edited by Francesca T Barbini and Francesco Verso
  • HEBREWPUNK by Lavie Tidhar

Lavie is also the editor of the Best of World SF series of anthologies, published by Head of Zeus; he is also the multi-award winning author of many novels, novellas, and short stories.

Next Week: Italian Edition of THE BEST OF WORLD SF, Vol.1!

Next week, Fanucci is due to publish IL GRANDE LIBRO DELLA FANTASCIENZA MONDIALE, the Italian edition of THE BEST OF WORLD SF, Vol.1. Edited by Lavie Tidhar, it’s a fantastic collection of science fiction stories by authors from around the world. Here’s the synopsis…

Il grande libro della fantascienza mondiale” riunisce ventisei storie provenienti da tutto lo spettro della fantascienza – leggerai di robot, astronavi e viaggi nel tempo, oltre a cose davvero strane – che rappresentano ventuno Paesi e quattro continenti. Lavie Tidhar ha selezionato racconti che spaziano da autori esordienti e mai sentiti prima ad altri vincitori di premi, in ogni momento della loro carriera.

Questi i Paesi rappresentati: Francia, Cina, Singapore, Botswana, Nigeria, India, Giappone, Italia, Cuba, Regno Unito, Brasile, Trinidad e Tobago, Spagna, Messico, Finlandia, Israele, Islanda, Russia, Ghana, Sudafrica, Svezia e Malesia.

Gli autori, quattordici donne e dodici uomini sono Aliette de Bodard, Chen Qiufan, Vina Jie-Min Prasad, Tlotlo Tsamaase, Chinelo Onwualu, Vandana Singh, Han Song, Ng Yi-Sheng, Taiyo Fujii, Francesco Verso, Malena Salazar Maciá, Tade Thompson, Fabio Fernandes, R.S.A. Garcia, Cristina Jurado, Gerardo Horacio Porcayo, Hannu Rajaniemi, Nir Yaniv, Emil Hjörvar Petersen, Ekaterina Sedia, Kuzhali Manickavel, Kofi Nyameye, Lauren Beukes, Karin Tidbeck, Silvia Moreno-Garcia e Zen Cho.

The English-language edition is published in the UK and North America by Head of Zeus. Here’s the synopsis…

The future is coming. It knows no bounds, and neither should science fiction.

They say the more things change the more they stay the same. But over the last hundred years, science fiction has changed. Vibrant new generations of writers have sprung up across the globe, proving the old adage false. From Ghana to India, from Mexico to France, from Singapore to Cuba, they draw on their unique backgrounds and culture, changing the face of the genre one story at a time.

Prepare yourself for a journey through the wildest reaches of the imagination, to visions of Earth as it might be and the far corners of the universe. Along the way, you will meet robots and monsters, adventurers and time travellers, rogues and royalty.

In The Best of World SF, award-winning author Lavie Tidhar acts as guide and companion to a world of stories, from never-before-seen originals to award winners, from twenty-three countries and seven languages. Because the future is coming and it belongs to us all.

Here’s the full table of contents…

  • ‘Immersion’ by Aliette de Bodard
  • ‘Debtless’ by Chen Qiufan (trans. from Chinese by Blake Stone-Banks)
  • ‘Fandom for Robots’ by Vina Jie-Min Prasad
  • ‘Virtual Snapshots’ by Tlotlo Tsamaase
  • ‘What The Dead Man Said’ by Chinelo Onwualu
  • ‘Delhi’ by Vandana Singh
  • ‘The Wheel of Samsara’ by Han Song (trans. from Chinese by the author)
  • ‘Xingzhou’ by Yi-Sheng Ng
  • ‘Prayer’ by Taiyo Fujii (trans. from Japanese by Kamil Spychalski)
  • ‘The Green Ship’ by Francesco Verso (trans. from Italian by Michael Colbert)
  • ‘Eyes of the Crocodile’ by Malena Salazar Maciá (trans. from Spanish by Toshiya Kamei)
  • ‘Bootblack’ by Tade Thompson
  • ‘The Emptiness in the Heart of all Things’ by Fabio Fernandes
  • ‘The Sun From Both Sides’ by R.S.A. Garcia
  • ‘Dump’ by Cristina Jurado (trans. from Spanish by Steve Redwood)
  • ‘Rue Chair’ by Gerardo Horacio Porcayo (trans. from Spanish by the author)
  • ‘His Master’s Voice’ by Hannu Rajaniemi
  • ‘Benjamin Schneider’s Little Greys’ by Nir Yaniv (trans. from Hebrew by Lavie Tidhar)
  • ‘The Cryptid’ by Emil H. Petersen(trans. from Icelandic by the author)
  • ‘The Bank of Burkina Faso’ by Ekaterina Sedia
  • ‘An Incomplete Guide…’ by Kuzhali Manickavel
  • ‘The Old Man with The Third Hand’ by Kofi Nyameye
  • ‘The Green’ by Lauren Beukes
  • ‘The Last Voyage of Skidbladnir’ by Karin Tidbeck
  • ‘Prime Meridian’ by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
  • ‘If At First You Don’t Succeed’ by Zen Cho

Paperback Edition of THE BEST OF WORLD SF, Volume 1 is Out Tomorrow!

The paperback edition of the acclaimed THE BEST OF WORLD SF, Volume 1 anthology is out tomorrow! Published by Ad Astra/Head of Zeus, the collection is edited by Lavie Tidhar. Here’s the synopsis…

The future is coming. It knows no bounds, and neither should science fiction.

They say the more things change the more they stay the same. But over the last hundred years, science fiction has changed. Vibrant new generations of writers have sprung up across the globe, proving the old adage false. From Ghana to India, from Mexico to France, from Singapore to Cuba, they draw on their unique backgrounds and culture, changing the face of the genre one story at a time.

Prepare yourself for a journey through the wildest reaches of the imagination, to visions of Earth as it might be and the far corners of the universe. Along the way, you will meet robots and monsters, adventurers and time travellers, rogues and royalty.

In The Best of World SF, award-winning author Lavie Tidhar acts as guide and companion to a world of stories, from never-before-seen originals to award winners, from twenty-three countries and seven languages. Because the future is coming and it belongs to us all.

Here’s the full Table of Contents:

  • IMMERSION by Aliette de Bodard
  • DEBTLESS by Chen Qiufan (trans. from Chinese by Blake Stone-Banks)
  • FANDOM FOR ROBOTS by Vina Jie-Min Prasad
  • VIRTUAL SNAPSHOTS by Tlotlo Tsamaase
  • WHAT THE DEAD MAN SAID by Chinelo Onwualu
  • DELHI by Vandana Singh
  • THE WHEEL OF SAMSARA by Han Song (trans. from Chinese by the author)
  • XINGZHOU by Yi-Sheng Ng
  • PRAYER by Taiyo Fujii (trans. from Japanese by Kamil Spychalski)
  • THE GREEN SHIP by Francesco Verso (trans. from Italian by Michael Colbert)
  • EYES OF THE CROCODILE by Malena Salazar Maciá (trans. from Spanish by Toshiya Kamei)
  • BOOTBLACK by Tade Thompson
  • DUMP by Cristina Jurado (trans. from Spanish by Steve Redwood)
  • RUE CHAIR by Gerardo Horacio Porcayo (trans. from Spanish by the author)
  • HIS MASTER’S VOICE by Hannu Rajaniemi
  • BENJAMIN SCHNEIDER’S LITTLE GREYS by Nir Yaniv (trans. from Hebrew by Lavie Tidhar)
  • THE CRYPTID by Emil H. Petersen (trans. from Icelandic by the author)
  • THE BANK OF BURKINA FASO by Ekaterina Sedia
  • AN INCOMPLETE GUIDE… by Kuzhali Manickavel
  • THE GREEN by Lauren Beukes
  • PRIME MERIDIAN by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

ICYMI: THE BEST OF WORLD SF, Volume 1 Out Now in North America!

In case you missed it, THE BEST OF WORLD SF, VOLUME 1 is out now in North America! Published by Head of Zeus, the critically-acclaimed collection is edited by Lavie Tidhar, and contains 26 stories by authors from around the world. Here’s the synopsis…

Twenty-six new short stories representing the state of the art in international science fiction.

The future is coming. It knows no bounds, and neither should science fiction.

They say the more things change the more they stay the same. But over the last hundred years, science fiction has changed. Vibrant new generations of writers have sprung up across the globe, proving the old adage false. From Ghana to India, from Mexico to France, from Singapore to Cuba, they draw on their unique backgrounds and culture, changing the face of the genre one story at a time.

Prepare yourself for a journey through the wildest reaches of the imagination, to visions of Earth as it might be and the far corners of the universe. Along the way, you will meet robots and monsters, adventurers and time travellers, rogues and royalty.

In The Best of World SF, award-winning author Lavie Tidhar acts as guide and companion to a world of stories, from never-before-seen originals to award winners, from twenty-three countries and seven languages. Because the future is coming and it belongs to us all.

Here’s the table of contents:

  • ‘Immersion’ by Aliette de Bodard
  • ‘Debtless’ by Chen Qiufan (trans. from Chinese by Blake Stone-Banks)
  • ‘Fandom for Robots’ by Vina Jie-Min Prasad
  • ‘Virtual Snapshots’ by Tlotlo Tsamaase
  • ‘What The Dead Man Said’ by Chinelo Onwualu
  • ‘Delhi’ by Vandana Singh
  • ‘The Wheel of Samsara’ by Han Song (trans. from Chinese by the author)
  • ‘Xingzhou’ by Yi-Sheng Ng
  • ‘Prayer’ by Taiyo Fujii (trans. from Japanese by Kamil Spychalski)
  • ‘The Green Ship’ by Francesco Verso (trans. from Italian by Michael Colbert)
  • ‘Eyes of the Crocodile’ by Malena Salazar Maciá (trans. from Spanish by Toshiya Kamei)
  • ‘Bootblack’ by Tade Thompson
  • ‘The Emptiness in the Heart of all Things’ by Fabio Fernandes
  • ‘The Sun From Both Sides’ by R.S.A. Garcia
  • ‘Dump’ by Cristina Jurado (trans. from Spanish by Steve Redwood)
  • ‘Rue Chair’ by Gerardo Horacio Porcayo (trans. from Spanish by the author)
  • ‘His Master’s Voice’ by Hannu Rajaniemi
  • ‘Benjamin Schneider’s Little Greys’ by Nir Yaniv (trans. from Hebrew by Lavie Tidhar)
  • ‘The Cryptid’ by Emil H. Petersen (trans. from Icelandic by the author)
  • ‘The Bank of Burkina Faso’ by Ekaterina Sedia
  • ‘An Incomplete Guide…’ by Kuzhali Manickavel
  • ‘The Old Man with The Third Hand’ by Kofi Nyameye
  • ‘The Green’ by Lauren Beukes
  • ‘The Last Voyage of Skidbladnir’ by Karin Tidbeck
  • ‘Prime Meridian’ by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
  • ‘If At First You Don’t Succeed’ by Zen Cho

If you’d like to sample some of the anthology, check out the following links…

Here, too, are just a few of the great reviews the collection has received…

‘Rare and wonderful’The Times

‘This excellent anthology proves editor Tidhar’s assertion that science fiction should no longer be thought of as “white, male, and American” with 26 exemplary stories from 21 countries… Worthwhile both as a survey of international sci-fi and on a story-by-story level, this wonderful anthology should be a hit with any sci-fi fan.’ — Publishers Weekly (Starred Review)

‘Vital and exciting, THE BEST OF WORLD SF blows the blast panels off the dusty, well-worn tropes of popular science fiction and lets in a dazzling burst of lunar light.’ — Foreword Review

‘There is not a poor story here… nice balance between light and harder stories… IMMERSION by Aliette de Bodard reads like hard Sci Fi but digs a little deeper… As a group, the stories on offer within THE BEST OF WORLD SF Volume 1 are so strong… This is a great introduction to what the rest of the world has to offer.’ — SF Book Reviews

‘Stories like these are the ones you sometimes want to foist upon readers who claim not to like SF, and The Best of World SF: Volume 1 reminds us that such stories can come from anywhere these days, if only we get to see them. I look forward to future volumes.’Locus (Gary K. Wolfe)

‘In addition to being an award-winning sci-fi writer, Israeli-born UK-based Lavie Tidhar is also a tireless champion of international sci-fi… an excellent, lovingly curated collection that is also uniformly well translated.’ — Financial Times

‘Now this book exists, it feels absurd it didn’t exist sooner… hefty, beautifully presented collection… an excellent samples and delight in itself… fizzes with great ideas and wonderful writing.’SFX (5*)

‘[Tidhar] is really a pioneer… He was looking at writers from Malaysia, from Africa, from China, from Japan when no one was really doing that. You might get some stories here and there from other parts of the world. But the way that he constructed this global structure of science fiction and looked at science fiction not as a monoculture but as a vibrant sphere for people to speak from all over the world, and the promotion he gave that over the long term and pushing it on and on in an independent space, is exciting to see and inspiring.’Silvia Moreno-Garcia

Next Month: THE BEST OF WORLD SF, edited by Lavie Tidhar

Today, we just want to remind you all that Head of Zeus (via its Ad Astra imprint) is due to publish THE BEST OF WORLD SF, VOLUME 1 next month (April 1st)! Edited and curated by Lavie Tidhar, it’s a superb anthology of 26 short stories by SFF authors from around the world. Here’s the synopsis…

Twenty-six new short stories representing the state of the art in international science fiction, selected by Lavie Tidhar.

The Best of World SF draws together stories from across the spectrum of science fiction – expect robots, spaceships and time travel, as well as some really weird stuff – representing twenty-one countries and five continents.

Lavie Tidhar has selected stories that range from never-before-seen originals to award winners; from authors at every stage of their career; and a number of translations, including a story translated from Hebrew by Tidhar himself.

And here’s the substantial table of contents…

  • ‘Immersion’ by Aliette de Bodard
  • ‘Debtless’ by Chen Qiufan (trans. from Chinese by Blake Stone-Banks)
  • ‘Fandom for Robots’ by Vina Jie-Min Prasad
  • ‘Virtual Snapshots’ by Tlotlo Tsamaase
  • ‘What The Dead Man Said’ by Chinelo Onwualu
  • ‘Delhi’ by Vandana Singh
  • ‘The Wheel of Samsara’ by Han Song (trans. from Chinese by the author)
  • ‘Xingzhou’ by Yi-Sheng Ng
  • ‘Prayer’ by Taiyo Fujii (trans. from Japanese by Kamil Spychalski)
  • ‘The Green Ship’ by Francesco Verso (trans. from Italian by Michael Colbert)
  • ‘Eyes of the Crocodile’ by Malena Salazar Maciá (trans. from Spanish by Toshiya Kamei)
  • ‘Bootblack’ by Tade Thompson
  • ‘The Emptiness in the Heart of all Things’ by Fabio Fernandes
  • ‘The Sun From Both Sides’ by R.S.A. Garcia
  • ‘Dump’ by Cristina Jurado (trans. from Spanish by Steve Redwood)
  • ‘Rue Chair’ by Gerardo Horacio Porcayo (trans. from Spanish by the author)
  • ‘His Master’s Voice’ by Hannu Rajaniemi
  • ‘Benjamin Schneider’s Little Greys’ by Nir Yaniv (trans. from Hebrew by Lavie Tidhar)
  • ‘The Cryptid’ by Emil H. Petersen (trans. from Icelandic by the author)
  • ‘The Bank of Burkina Faso’ by Ekaterina Sedia
  • ‘An Incomplete Guide…’ by Kuzhali Manickavel
  • ‘The Old Man with The Third Hand’ by Kofi Nyameye
  • ‘The Green’ by Lauren Beukes
  • ‘The Last Voyage of Skidbladnir’ by Karin Tidbeck
  • ‘Prime Meridian’ by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
  • ‘If At First You Don’t Succeed’ by Zen Cho

Lavie’s latest novels is BY FORCE ALONE, published by Head of Zeus in the UK and Tor Books in North America. His first novel for younger readers, CANDY, was recently published by Scholastic in the UK and Peachtree Publishing in North America (as THE CANDY MAFIA).

Lavie is also the author of the critically-acclaimed, award-winning CENTRAL STATION, UNHOLY LAND, THE VIOLENT CENTURY (published by Tachyon Publications), and A MAN LIES DREAMING (published in eBook by JABberwocky).

Head of Zeus are due to re-issue two of Lavie’s classic novels in the UK, next year: the World Fantasy Award-winning OSAMA and the Jerwood Fiction Uncovered Award-winning A MAN LIES DREAMING. (We’ll share more details — including cover art — on here as soon as we have them.)

New Edition! Lavie Tidhar’s THE TEL AVIV DOSSIER

We’re delighted to announce that THE TEL AVIV DOSSIER by Lavie Tidhar and Nir Yaniv, is available in eBook! Published through the JABberwocky eBook program, it has a spiffy new cover, too…


Here’s the synopsis…

Into the city of Tel Aviv the whirlwinds come, and nothing will ever be the same.

Through a city torn apart by a violence they cannot comprehend, three disparate people — a documentary film-maker, a yeshiva student, and a psychotic fireman — must try to survive, and try to find meaning: even if it means being lost themselves. As Tel Aviv is consumed, a strange mountain rises at the heart of the city, and shows the outline of what may be another, alien world beyond. Can there be redemption there? Can the fevered rumours of a coming messiah be true?

A potent mixture of biblical allusions, Lovecraftian echoes, and contemporary culture, The Tel Aviv Dossier is part supernatural thriller, part meditation on the nature of belief — an original and involving novel painted on a vast canvas in which, beneath the despair, humour is never absent.

Experience the last days of Tel Aviv.

Lavie Tidhar is the World Fantasy Award-winning author of OSAMA. Lavie is also the author of the upcoming new comic series, ADLER, which will be published by Titan Comics starting next year. His next novel, THE VIOLENT CENTURY, is due to be published in October 2013 by Hodder in the UK.