Audio Spotlight: The Alchemy Wars by Ian Tregillis

Today, we wanted to highlight the audio editions of the Alchemy WarsIan Tregillis‘s widely acclaimed fantasy trilogy. Published by Hachette in the UK and North America, all three novels are available as audiobooks, narrated by Chris Kayser: THE MECHANICAL, THE RISING, and THE LIBERATION.

Here’s the synopsis for THE MECHANICAL

My name is Jax.

That is the name granted to me by my human masters.

I am a slave.

But I shall be free.

Set in a world that might have been, of mechanical men and alchemical dreams, the new novel from Ian Tregillis confirms his place as one of the most original new voices in speculative fiction.

The print and eBook editions of the trilogy are published by Orbit Books in the UK and North America.

As already mentioned, the Alchemy Wars trilogy was met with incredible critical acclaim when each novel was published. Here is just a small sample of the reviews the series has received…

‘The first thing readers will say after finishing this splendid book is: “Wow.” The second thing will probably be: “When can I read the next one?” … This is a rousing SF/fantasy adventure, with a brilliantly imagined and beautifully rendered alternate world. Although he keeps the pace moving at a brisk clip, the author is able to work in some Big Ideas, asking us to think about what we mean when we speak about souls and free will. This isn’t Tregillis’ first venture into alternate history — the Milkweed Triptych is set during WWII and features an alternate time line — but, in terms of the quality of writing and cleverness of ideas, this new book constitutes a major leap forward.’ — Booklist (Starred Review) on THE MECHANICAL

‘… launches a series with this superb alternate history filled with clockwork men and ethical questions on the nature of free will… Tregillis’s complex setting is elegantly delivered, and the rich characters and gripping story really make this tale soar.’ — Publishers Weekly (Starred Review) on THE MECHANICAL

‘An original approach to a well-known subject matter; human ethics and free will… a fascinating world… Tregillis is a capable sculptor of narrative. He rarely drags on in his descriptions, painting a complex picture of his world one section at a time. He imbues most characters with a specific internal voice, ably switching between points of view without it ever jarring. And the central character, a Clakker known as Jax, is the most engaging automaton you’ll encounter in any recent book. This opener to the Alchemy Wars trilogy delivers a mostly fresh breath of sci-fi fantasy.’ — SciFi Now on THE MECHANICAL

‘This is the kind of novel you’re reading on the bus or train and you actually resent reaching your destination because it means you have to pause your reading … One of the sharpest, most intelligent, hugely compelling works I’ve read this year, and I cannot wake to see where Tregillis takes this series next.’ — Forbidden Planet Blog on THE MECHANICAL

‘An excellent novel. Truly excellent: I have rarely found myself this gripped by a book … At the climactic points, I had to pause and walk away for moments at a time, because the intensity of the tension became nerve-wrackingly hard to bear. Tregillis has an excellent eye for characterisation, and a master’s grasp of how to build tension to a breaking point: the sheer narrative drive here, the way in which the storylines of the three point-of-view characters support and reinforce the tension in each other, is a thing of beauty. I can’t escape the feeling that it’s shaping up as a long arc tragedy – in the classic sense of tragedy – for all of its protagonists, but it is immensely well done. I’m very much on board to see what happens next. Even though it’s probably going to horrify me more.’ — Locus on THE MECHANICAL

‘The chases, the battles, the brutal violence, and the scheming are nonstop. As always, Tregillis offers richly textured and genuinely likable personalities with shades-of-gray morality; it’s clearly no accident that the most purely good person in the novel is the mechanical Jax, although even his sterling qualities are severely tested by the terrible situations he faces. Middle volumes are always tricky; they can often read as an obstacle to overcome on the way to the forgone conclusion of the third installment. Tregillis commendably avoids this trap, deepening his story and keeping it moving along toward an unknown horizon. Part 3 can’t come too soon.’ — Kirkus (Starred Review) on THE RISING

‘Tregillis’s splendid sequel to THE MECHANICAL is a vivid alternate history tale filled with action sequences, fascinating characters, and great worldbuilding… engrossing, with plenty of mid-story twists, and it’s well worth the ride.’ — Publishers Weekly on THE RISING

The thoughtful, blood-soaked conclusion to an alternate-history trilogy… A frighteningly frank and brutal consideration of slavery, post-slavery, and colonialism in metallic garb.’ — Kirkus on THE LIBERATION

‘Action-packed and harrowing…’ — RT Book Reviews on THE LIBERATION

THE LIBERATION brings to a violent, triumphant conclusion Ian Tregillis’s epic Alchemy Wars Trilogy: one of the most entertaining, original, and thought-provoking series of recent years… It’s a wonderfully realized world, packed with fascinating characters, and Tregillis uses alternative history brilliantly to explore concerns we still have over new technologies and their potential effect, for good and ill, on our freedom.’ — Toronto Star

THE LIBERATION is part philosophical debate over human nature and choice, part contemplation on colonialism and slavery, and part action-y alternate history. It brings the trilogy to a raucous, blood-soaked end where no one gets everything they want, but everyone gets exactly what they deserve… evocative and exciting… Every moment builds to half a dozen more. Each action scene both tightens the noose on the protagonists and ramps up the heart rate of the plot… 10/10…’ —

Ian’s first trilogy, the Milkweed Triptych, is also available — published by Orbit Books in the UK and Tor Books in North America: BITTER SEEDS, THE COLDEST WAR, and NECESSARY EVIL. The audiobook editions are published by Audible, and narrated by Kevin Pariseau.

Here’s the synopsis for BITTER SEEDS

The year is 1939. Raybould Marsh and other members of British Intelligence have gathered to watch a damaged reel of film in a darkened room. It appears to show German troops walking through walls, bursting into flames and hurling tanks into the air from afar.

If the British are to believe their eyes, a twisted Nazi scientist has been endowing German troops with unnatural, unstoppable powers. And Raybould will be forced to resort to dark methods to hold the impending invasion at bay.

But dealing with the occult exacts a price. And that price must be paid in blood.

Ian Tregillis’ Bitter Seeds is a chilling masterpiece – a tale of a twentieth century like our own and also profoundly different.

Short Fiction Watch: COME THE REVOLUTION by Ian Tregillis

You may recall that Ian Tregillis has written a prequel novella for his Alchemy Wars trilogy: COME THE REVOLUTION. First published in the March/April 2020 issue of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, the novella has also been included in a new anthology, THE YEAR’S TOP TALES OF SPACE AND TIME, published by Infinivox.

In an alternate 18th Century Holland, a robot whose obedience is enforced through pain is determined to escape her makers’ constraints.

Ian’s highly-acclaimed Alchemy War novels are out now, published by Orbit Books in the UK and North America: THE MECHANICAL, THE RISING, and THE LIBERATION. Here’s the synopsis for the first book…

My name is Jax.

That is the name granted to me by my human masters.

I am a slave.

But I shall be free.

Set in a world that might have been, of mechanical men and alchemical dreams, the new novel from Ian Tregillis confirms his place as one of the most original new voices in speculative fiction.

The series has also been published in Poland, Italy, and China; and THE MECHANICAL has also been published in Hungary and Turkey.

Here are a few of the great reviews the series has received since publication…

‘The first thing readers will say after finishing this splendid book is: “Wow.” The second thing will probably be: “When can I read the next one?” … This is a rousing SF/fantasy adventure, with a brilliantly imagined and beautifully rendered alternate world. Although he keeps the pace moving at a brisk clip, the author is able to work in some Big Ideas, asking us to think about what we mean when we speak about souls and free will. This isn’t Tregillis’ first venture into alternate history — the Milkweed Triptych is set during WWII and features an alternate time line — but, in terms of the quality of writing and cleverness of ideas, this new book constitutes a major leap forward.’ — Booklist (Starred Review) on THE MECHANICAL

‘… launches a series with this superb alternate history filled with clockwork men and ethical questions on the nature of free will… Tregillis’s complex setting is elegantly delivered, and the rich characters and gripping story really make this tale soar.’ — Publishers Weekly (Starred Review) on THE MECHANICAL

‘An original approach to a well-known subject matter; human ethics and free will… a fascinating world… Tregillis is a capable sculptor of narrative. He rarely drags on in his descriptions, painting a complex picture of his world one section at a time. He imbues most characters with a specific internal voice, ably switching between points of view without it ever jarring. And the central character, a Clakker known as Jax, is the most engaging automaton you’ll encounter in any recent book. This opener to the Alchemy Wars trilogy delivers a mostly fresh breath of sci-fi fantasy.’ — SciFi Now on THE MECHANICAL

‘Tregillis never fails to impress, and his writing and stories seem to be getting better with each novel. This book is truly unlike anything I’ve ever read before, and it’s my favorite work of his to date. I can’t wait to see what the next installment in The Alchemy Wars will bring.’ — BiblioSanctum on THE MECHANICAL

‘The chases, the battles, the brutal violence, and the scheming are nonstop. As always, Tregillis offers richly textured and genuinely likable personalities with shades-of-gray morality; it’s clearly no accident that the most purely good person in the novel is the mechanical Jax, although even his sterling qualities are severely tested by the terrible situations he faces. Middle volumes are always tricky; they can often read as an obstacle to overcome on the way to the forgone conclusion of the third installment. Tregillis commendably avoids this trap, deepening his story and keeping it moving along toward an unknown horizon. Part 3 can’t come too soon.’ — Kirkus (Starred Review) on THE RISING

‘Tregillis’s splendid sequel to THE MECHANICAL is a vivid alternate history tale filled with action sequences, fascinating characters, and great worldbuilding… engrossing, with plenty of mid-story twists, and it’s well worth the ride.’ — Publishers Weekly on THE RISING

The thoughtful, blood-soaked conclusion to an alternate-history trilogy… A frighteningly frank and brutal consideration of slavery, post-slavery, and colonialism in metallic garb.’ — Kirkus on THE LIBERATION

‘Action-packed and harrowing…’ — RT Book Reviews on THE LIBERATION

THE LIBERATION brings to a violent, triumphant conclusion Ian Tregillis’s epic Alchemy Wars Trilogy: one of the most entertaining, original, and thought-provoking series of recent years… It’s a wonderfully realized world, packed with fascinating characters, and Tregillis uses alternative history brilliantly to explore concerns we still have over new technologies and their potential effect, for good and ill, on our freedom.’ — Toronto Star

Elizabeth Moon’s SPEED OF DARK has been Re-Issued in the UK!

We just wanted to draw people’s attention to the re-issued edition of Elizabeth Moon‘s Nebula Award-winning SPEED OF DARK. Published in the UK by Orbit, here’s the synopsis…

Lou has been told he is different to ‘normal’ people. He interacts with the world in a way they do not understand. He might not see the things they see, however, but he also sees many things they do not. Lou is autistic.
One of his skills is an ability to find patterns in data: extraordinary, complex, beautiful patterns that not even the most powerful computers can comprehend. The company he works for has made considerable sums of money from Lou’s work. But now they want Lou to change – to become ‘normal’ like themselves. And he must face the greatest challenge of his life. To understand the speed of dark.

SPEED OF DARK is a powerful near-future thriller, the theme of which is both universal and intensely personal. It is dedicated to the author’s own autistic son, and to other parents of autistic children, ‘in the hope that they also find that delight in difference’.

Here are just a few of the great reviews the novel has received, since it was first published in 2002…

Compelling […] a poignant earnestness that borders on the philosophical and showcases Moon’s gift for characterization […] will touch even the most jaded.’ Publishers Weekly

‘Inevitably, THE SPEED OF DARK has been compared to Daniel Keyes’ classic and tragic Flowers for Algernon, in which a mentally disabled young man is medically enhanced to become a genius. THE SPEED OF DARK may be an even greater book […] it is [a] subtle, eerily nuanced character portrait of a man who is both unforgettable and unlike anyone else in fiction […] The end of THE SPEED OF DARK is not unexpected, but it is marvelous all the same, and exceptionally moving in its balance of loss and wonder […] It is a measure of Elizabeth Moon’s genius that she enables a reader to thoroughly experience the world through Lou’s tangled but exhilarating neurology, and wonder what we “normal” people are missing when we don’t acknowledge our connection to those who seem so different from us. A lot of novels promise to change the way a reader sees the world; THE SPEED OF DARK actually does.’ — Washington Post

‘This poignant work, which won the 2004 Nebula prize for respected science-fiction author Elizabeth Moon […] will leave a deep impression upon the reader. The pages will make you hold your breath until the very last line.’ Associated Press (France)

‘For those of you who are a bit shy of hardcore SF, one of your best bets is Elizabeth Moon. She’s been writing great science fiction for years […] a highly sensitive treatment of the world of an autistic man set in the not too distant future […] For people with autism, the world can be a very scary place, and Moon documents poignantly their battle to interact with a world of shapes, sounds and feelings that are strangers to them.’ — Times (UK)

‘A stunner. Not just for parents and friends of autistic individuals, not just for sf fans — THE SPEED OF DARK makes me remember why I love Moon for her ability to immerse me in the thought processes of a sympathetic, transparent protagonist.’ — The AV Club

‘A touching account. Well-written, intelligent, quite moving. Moon places the reader inside the world of an autistic and unflinchingly conveys the authenticity of his situation.’ — Kirkus (Starred Review)

‘Significant and evocative […] While the theme must have an enormous emotional charge for Elizabeth Moon, she does not forget she is a novelist.’ Le Monde (France)

Zeno represents Elizabeth Moon in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.

Ian Tregillis’s THE LIBERATION Now Available in China!

We’re very happy to report that the third novel in Ian Tregillis‘s acclaimed Alchemy Wars trilogy is now available in China! THE LIBERATION is published in China by 四川科学技术出版社, as 炼金术战争:解放.

四川科学技术出版社 has also published the first two novels in the series: 机械人 (THE MECHANICAL) and 崛起 (THE RISING).

The Alchemy Wars trilogy is published in the UK and North America by Orbit Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis for THE LIBERATION

I am the mechanical they named Jax.

My kind was built to serve humankind, duty-bound to fulfil their every whim.

But now our bonds are breaking, and my brothers and sisters are awakening.

Our time has come. A new age is dawning.

Set in a world that might have been, of mechanical men and alchemical dreams, this is the third and final novel in a stunning series of revolution by Ian Tregillis, confirming his place as one of the most original new voices in speculative fiction.

All three novels in the Alchemy Wars trilogy have been critically acclaimed. Here are just a few of the reviews THE LIBERATION has received…

The thoughtful, blood-soaked conclusion to an alternate-history trilogy… A frighteningly frank and brutal consideration of slavery, post-slavery, and colonialism in metallic garb.’ — Kirkus

‘Action-packed and harrowing…’ — RT Book Reviews

THE LIBERATION brings to a violent, triumphant conclusion Ian Tregillis’s epic Alchemy Wars Trilogy: one of the most entertaining, original, and thought-provoking series of recent years… It’s a wonderfully realized world, packed with fascinating characters, and Tregillis uses alternative history brilliantly to explore concerns we still have over new technologies and their potential effect, for good and ill, on our freedom.’ — Toronto Star

THE LIBERATION is part philosophical debate over human nature and choice, part contemplation on colonialism and slavery, and part action-y alternate history. It brings the trilogy to a raucous, blood-soaked end where no one gets everything they want, but everyone gets exactly what they deserve… evocative and exciting… Every moment builds to half a dozen more. Each action scene both tightens the noose on the protagonists and ramps up the heart rate of the plot… 10/10…’ —

‘A fantastic conclusion to a brilliantly crafted trilogy… THE LIBERATION is about free will, and the privileges and responsibilities that come with it. It is about how a person (or machine) wields that power, whether you choose vengeance and violence or decide to walk the path of peace. It is about recognizing the humanity in others, and the consequences of ignorance and hubris. It’s a satisfying, stunning end to one of the most compelling and cleverly written stories I’ve ever read. If you’re looking for a series that’s both entertaining and thought-provoking, I highly recommend The Alchemy Wars.‘ — Bibliosanctum

‘Tregellis concludes his Alchemy Wars trilogy in fine style… This is a satisfying conclusion to an excellent trilogy.’ — Publishers Weekly

New Limited Edition BITTER SEEDS on the way!

You may have seen the news via Twitter already, but there’s a new, limited edition of Ian Tregillis‘s superb debut novel, BITTER SEEDS on the way! Due to be published by Midworld Press, you can see the stunning cover above.

BITTER SEEDS is the first novel in the highly-acclaimed Milkweed Triptych, which also includes THE COLDEST WAR and NECESSARY EVIL. The trilogy is published in the UK by Orbit Books, in North America by Tor Books, and in a number of translated editions.

Milkweed Triptych (UK Covers)

Here’s the synopsis for BITTER SEEDS

The year is 1939. Raybould Marsh and other members of British Intelligence have gathered to watch a damaged reel of film in a darkened room. It appears to show German troops walking through walls, bursting into flames and hurling tanks into the air from afar.

If the British are to believe their eyes, a twisted Nazi scientist has been endowing German troops with unnatural, unstoppable powers. And Raybould will be forced to resort to dark methods to hold the impending invasion at bay.

But dealing with the occult exacts a price. And that price must be paid in blood.

Milkweed Triptych (North American Covers)

Here are just a few of the many great reviews BITTER SEEDS has received since it was first published…

‘Debut novelist Tregillis breathes new life into alternate military history with this fun take on WWII… exciting and intense, and the clash of magic and (mad) science meshes perfectly with the tumultuous setting.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘Tregillis… has created a unique, unsettling, and deeply atmospheric setting; populated it with a diversity of grimly fascinating characters; and turned up the heat with the sort of plot that requires those characters to keep shovelling frantically if they are ever to stay in advance of the needs of the firebox… These are the book’s strengths – its atmosphere, its setting, the vividly imagined consequences of immoral and desperate actions… All in all, this is an excellent first book, and I am eagerly awaiting number two.’ — Tor.Com (Elizabeth Bear)

‘Invoking black magic in an alternate history sounds silly, but Tregillis makes the psychic and physical costs to the combatants so painfully high that the supernatural elements become terrifying indeed. This novel is too bleak to be fun, but true horror was never supposed to be humorous.’ — Cleveland Plain Dealer

‘[O]ne of the best novels I’ve read this year. It’s original, inspired and engrossing from the first page until the last… brilliantly written, and filled with so many great passages – from brisk and realistic dialogue to lush, gothic description. The story kept me guessing until the end, and drops plenty of hints for things to come in the future… a superb novel, and a wonderful start to this series… I loved everything about BITTER SEEDS, and I definitely consider it among my best reads this year.’ — Civilian Reader

BITTER SEEDS is a book of questions and is far deeper than you might expect… Aside from the depth of characters and meanings, this book is filled with the kinds of exciting, intelligent and intense scenes that you’ll find in only the best page turners… another huge point regarding BITTER SEEDS and that is that it is just written so damned beautifully. The prose really is some of the most accessible yet academic that I have read in a while. Tregillis writes with authority while displaying a firm understanding of the subtler things that make us human… Whether you are looking for a cool alternate history that questions the core of humanity or just a damned brilliant story with twisted powers and great action, you should check this out and be wowed. It’s one hell of a ride.’ — Fantasy Faction

Ian’s second (and equally acclaimed) trilogy, the Alchemy Wars is also out now, published by Orbit Books in both the UK and North America (it is also available in a growing number of translated editions).

This Thursday: Ian Tregillis Discusses “Creating a Character” with Turkish Fantasy Fans!

This Thursday (November 26th) Ian Tregillis is taking part (virtually) in the Kara Hafta İstanbul Festivali (Blackweek Festival) in Turkey! Specifically, he’ll be hosted for a discussion about Creating a Character (Bir Kahraman Yaratmak).

The event will start at 8:30pm, Istanbul time, and last for about an hour.

THE MECHANICAL, the first novel in Ian’s latest series, the Alchemy Wars, is published in Turkey by April Yayıncılık as MEKANIK, here’s the synopsis…

Adım Jax.

Bu ismi bana efendilerim bahşetti.

Ben bir köleyim.


Spekülatif kurmacanın usta yazarı Ian Tregillis’le tanışın.

Fonda felsefi punk gösterisi var.

Karşınızdaysa simya düşleri, mekanik adamlar ve olası gelecek.

Asimov’un izinde Tregillis, robotiksle tarihi kurmacayı birleştiriyor.

Özgür irade ve insanlığı sorguluyor.

Mekanik yalnızca bir başlangıç.

To celebrate the Turkish release of the novel, Ian recorded a short introductory video, which you can watch below…

The Alchemy Wars series is out now in the UK and North America, published by Orbit Books: THE MECHANICAL, THE RISING, and THE LIBERATION. Here’s the English-language synposis for the first book…

My name is Jax.

That is the name granted to me by my human masters.

I am a slave.

But I shall be free.

Set in a world that might have been, of mechanical men and alchemical dreams, the new novel from Ian Tregillis confirms his place as one of the most original new voices in speculative fiction.

The Alchemy Wars is one of the most widely-praised fantasy series of the past decade. If, however, you’re not sure you want to dive into a full-length novel, then we recommend you check out the prequel novella — COME THE REVOLUTION — which was published in a recent issue of the Fantasy & Science Fiction Magazine. (We’re pretty sure you’ll finish that and want to pick up the novels right away.)

If you’re looking for more of Ian’s novels, Orbit Books also publishes his first trilogy, the critically-acclaimed Milkweed Triptych, in the UK: BITTER SEEDS, THE COLDEST WAR, and NECESSARY EVIL.

Zeno represents Ian Tregillis in the UK and in Translation, on behalf of Aurous, Inc.

Short Fiction Watch: New Alchemy Wars story by Ian Tregillis!

Ian Tregillis has a new Alchemy Wars story, COME THE REVOLUTION, in the latest issue of Fantasy & Science Fiction magazine! It’s a must-read for fans of the critically-acclaimed series. Here’s is the description, from the editors…

Like much of Tregillis’s fiction, this story combines elements of alternate history, hard science, and fantasy adventure with the exploration of difficult ethical questions and an unmistakable voice… “Come the Revolution” takes place before the first book in the series and plants the seed of that rebellion. Readers who loved the series now have the chance to find out more about it, and readers coming to Tregillis’s world for the first time will be happy to know that there are more books to read when they finish this story.

Ian was also interviewed about the story, and you can read that here.

The Alchemy Wars trilogy is published by Orbit Books in the UK and North America: THE MECHANICAL, THE RISING and THE LIBERATION. In case you missed it, here’s the synopsis for the first novel…

My name is Jax.

That is the name granted to me by my human masters.

I am a slave.

But I shall be free.

Set in a world that might have been, of mechanical men and alchemical dreams, the new novel from Ian Tregillis confirms his place as one of the most original new voices in speculative fiction.

Ian is also the author of the equally-acclaimed Milkweed Trilogy, also published in the UK by Orbit Books: BITTER SEEDS, THE COLDEST WAR, and NECESSARY EVIL.

Zeno represents Ian Tregillis in the UK & Commonwealth and in Translation, on behalf of Aurous, Inc.

Vatta’s War: Elizabeth Moon re-issues out tomorrow in the UK!

Tomorrow, Orbit Books are re-issuing the first two volumes in Elizabeth Moon‘s critically-acclaimed sci-fi series Vatta’s War in the UK!

TRADING IN DANGER, the first novel in the series, introduces readers to Ky Vatta…

Ky Vatta is a highly promising military cadet with a great future ahead of her, until an insignificant act of kindness makes her the focus of the Academy’s wrath. She is forced to resign, her dreams shattered.

For the child of a rich trading family, this should mean disgrace on a grand scale. And yet, to her surprise, Ky is offered the captaincy of a ship headed for scrap with its final cargo.

Her orders are absolutely clear, but Ky quickly sees potential profit in altering the journey. Because, whatever the risks, it’s in her blood to trade – even if the currency is extreme danger.

And here’s the synopsis for the second book, MOVING TARGET

Ky Vatta was a military cadet destined for great things, until an act of kindness incurred her Academy’s wrath and ended her career.

Instead of the expected disgrace, her rich trader family gave her captaincy of a small ship, to sell for scrap. In flagrant disregard of orders, she saw the opportunity to make a profit and save the ship.

Several upgrades later, Ky is determined to retain the ship and her independence in the cut-throat world of interplanetary trading. But a threat emerges that challenges even her sharp wits and, if she survives, could leave the military forever in her debt…

Here are just a few of the great reviews the series has received…

‘Mercenaries, pirates, and her Aunt Gracie’s fruitacakes, a fun adventure full of thrills and touches of humor.’ — Locus on TRADING IN DANGER

‘Absorbing, fairly low-key complications and agreeable character development: an auspicious series opener.’ — Kirkus on TRADING IN DANGER

‘Moon’s reputation as one of the best female sci-fi writers will be enhanced by TRADING IN DANGER. Witty and well-intentioned yet a bit boneheaded, Ky is a heroine well-suited to the bumpy ride Moon takes her on. A mix of space opera, military science fiction and human drama, this is an exciting and often touching novel.’ — RT Book Reviews

‘A superior novel, and if there is any justice it will bring Elizabeth Moon the praise and popularity she deserves.’ — on TRADING IN DANGER

‘Excellent plotting and characters support the utterly realistic action sequences: swift, jolting, confusing, and merciless. It’s a corker!’ — Kirkus on MOVING TARGET

‘Kylara Vatta lets loose in this rip-roaring sequel. The charm lies in Moon’s deft characterizations, especially the exorcism of Ky’s guilt over her family’s deaths. There’s plenty of shipboard and dockside action, plus authentically grungy space-station settings. Former Marine Moon has a genuine hoorah series going for her.’ — Publishers Weekly on MOVING TARGET

‘This is a satisfying adventure with an engaging captain and crew.’ — Denver Post on MOVING TARGET

Moon’s most recent series is Vatta’s Peace, a follow-up series to Vatta’s WarCOLD WELCOME and INTO THE FIRE, which are also published by Orbit Books in the UK.

Elizabeth Moon is also the award-winning author of SPEED OF DARK, which is also published in the UK by Orbit Books.

Zeno represents Elizabeth Moon in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.

Listen to Michael Cobley’s SPLINTERED SUNS now!

The audio edition of Michael Cobley‘s latest space opera, SPLINTERED SUNS is out now! Published by Audible, it is the fifth novel set in the author’s Humanity’s Fire universe. Here’s the synopsis…

For Pyke and his crew it should have been just another heist. Travel to a backwater desert planet, break into a museum, steal a tracking device then use it to find a ship buried in the planet’s vast and trackless sandy wastes.

Except that the museum vault is a bioengineered chamber, and the tracking device is sought after by another gang of treasure hunters led by an old adversary of Pyke’s, the devious Raven Kaligara. Also, the ship is a quarter of a million years old and about two kilometres long, and somewhere aboard it is the Essavyr Key, a relic to unlock all the treasures and technologies of a lost civilisation…

The novel is published in print in the UK and US by Orbit Books, who have also published the previous novels in the series: the trilogy featuring SEEDS OF EARTH, THE ORPHANED WORLDS, and THE ASCENDANT STARS; and the stand-alone ANCESTRAL MACHINES. (The latest novel is also a stand-alone adventure.) You can read an excerpt from SPLINTERED SUNS over on Hachette’s website.

‘Michael Cobley writes vast, sprawling space opera in the wide-screen tradition of Iain M Banks, replete with mega-starships, exotic alien worlds, artfully rendered extraterrestrial species and much swashbuckling derring-do, all carried off with an up-to-the minute political sensibility… a thrilling action adventure… SPLINTERED SUNS is a page-turner with a high-octane sense of wonder, full of gloriously described technology and fabulous settings.’ — Guardian

‘[H]uge fun’ — SFX on SPLINTERED SUNS

Michael Cobley’s highly-anticipated SPLINTERED SUNS out this week in the US and UK!

We’re very happy to report that Michael Cobley‘s highly-anticipated new novel is out this week! Published by Orbit Books in the US (Tuesday) and UK (Thursday), SPLINTERED SUNS is the latest stand-alone novel set in Humanity’s Fire the universe. Here’s the synopsis…

A speed of light space adventure novel of a treasure hunt that could unlock all the wonders of a vast and advanced civilization’s lost technologies.

For Pyke and his crew it should have been just another heist. Travel to a backwater desert planet, break into a museum, steal a tracking device then use it to find a ship buried in the planet’s vast and trackless sandy wastes.

Except that the museum vault is a bio-engineered chamber, and the tracking device is sought-after by another gang of treasure hunters led by an old adversary of Pyke’s, the devious Raven Kaligara. Also, the ship is quarter of a million years old and about two kilometres long and somewhere aboard it is the Essavyr Key, a relic to unlock all the treasures and technologies of a lost civilisation…

The other Humanity’s Fire novels are also published in the US and UK by Orbit Books: the first trilogy SEEDS OF EARTH, THE ORPHANED WORLDS, THE ASCENDANT STARS, and the stand-alone novel ANCESTRAL MACHINES.

Robotics Through Science Fiction: Ian Tregillis interviewed

Today, we wanted to share with you this great interview with Ian Tregillis, for Robotics Through Science Fiction, in which he discusses his incredible Alchemy Wars series:

Ian is the critically-acclaimed author of the Milkweed Triptych and the aforementioned Alchemy Wars fantasy series, both of which are published in the UK by Orbit Books. Here are the covers, as well as just a few of the great reviews that the series have received…

‘Tregillis has journeyed into that most overtilled field, World War II alternate history, and in the process he has created a unique, unsettling, and deeply atmospheric setting; populated it with a diversity of grimly fascinating characters; and turned up the heat with the sort of plot that requires those characters to keep shoveling frantically if they are ever to stay in advance of the needs of the firebox… These are the book’s strengths – its atmosphere, its setting, the vividly imagined consequences of immoral and desperate actions… All in all, this is an excellent first book, and I am eagerly awaiting number two.’ Tor.Com (Elizabeth Bear) on BITTER SEEDS

‘The engrossing second book in Tregillis’s Milkweed Triptych… Tregillis ably mixes cold war paranoia with his mythology, also nicely expanding characters (particularly Gretel)… The monstrous, extra-dimensional Eidolons add a genuinely convincing menace that transcends the more banal evil motivations of the political game players, although Gretel’s more complicated motivations really drive the action. A few nice twists keep things interesting, and the cliffhanger ending sets up the concluding volume quite well…’ Publishers Weekly on THE COLDEST WAR

‘With all the flair he showed in his debut novel, Tregillis continues the tale, bringing to it that same marvellous plotting, immersive sense of place, and above all, wonderful characters. One of the characters introduced in the first novel is a precognitive, and in this volume – which revolves around her long plots – we are shown that the power to see the future is the most corrupting power of them all. Tregillis’s oracle is one of the most chilling psychopath villains of literature, a delicious monster who drives the book forward. As with the earlier volume, I tore through this one in a day and a half. Tregillis is a major new talent in the field, and this is some of the best – and most exciting – alternate history I’ve read. Bravo.’ BoingBoing on THE COLDEST WAR

‘In this bleak fantasy, World War II was fought between Nazis with devastating psychic powers and British warlocks employing Eidolons, irresistible demons beyond time and space – a struggle the British ultimately lost… intensity of the narrative, the torments of the protagonist or the deviously alluring storyline. Darkly fascinating… A thoroughly satisfying conclusion to an imaginative tour de force.’ Kirkus on NECESSARY EVIL

‘The masterful conclusion… There are so many small details throughout the book (and series as a whole, actually) that help make the characters more-real, and the time more vivid. Gretel is an absolutely fascinating character, and one of my favourites in any book or series: she is both star and villain; Machiavellian in the extreme and ultimately tragic… Tregillis brings the novel and series to a brilliant close. The ending of NECESSARY EVIL is heart-wrenching… but it feels right, given what’s come before. The Milkweed Triptych is one of my all-time favourite series. It is a must-read. Very highly recommended.’ Civilian Reader

‘The first thing readers will say after finishing this splendid book is: “Wow.” The second thing will probably be: “When can I read the next one?” … This is a rousing SF/fantasy adventure, with a brilliantly imagined and beautifully rendered alternate world. Although he keeps the pace moving at a brisk clip, the author is able to work in some Big Ideas, asking us to think about what we mean when we speak about souls and free will. This isn’t Tregillis’ first venture into alternate history — the Milkweed Triptych is set during WWII and features an alternate time line — but, in terms of the quality of writing and cleverness of ideas, this new book constitutes a major leap forward.’ Booklist (Starred Review) on THE MECHANICAL

‘… launches a series with this superb alternate history filled with clockwork men and ethical questions on the nature of free will… Tregillis’s complex setting is elegantly delivered, and the rich characters and gripping story really make this tale soar.’ Publishers Weekly (Starred Review) on THE MECHANICAL

‘The chases, the battles, the brutal violence, and the scheming are nonstop. As always, Tregillis offers richly textured and genuinely likable personalities with shades-of-gray morality; it’s clearly no accident that the most purely good person in the novel is the mechanical Jax, although even his sterling qualities are severely tested by the terrible situations he faces. Middle volumes are always tricky; they can often read as an obstacle to overcome on the way to the forgone conclusion of the third installment. Tregillis commendably avoids this trap, deepening his story and keeping it moving along toward an unknown horizon. Part 3 can’t come too soon.’ Kirkus (Starred Review) on THE RISING

‘Tregillis’s splendid sequel to THE MECHANICAL is a vivid alternate history tale filled with action sequences, fascinating characters, and great worldbuilding… engrossing, with plenty of mid-story twists, and it’s well worth the ride.’ Publishers Weekly on THE RISING

THE LIBERATION brings to a violent, triumphant conclusion Ian Tregillis’s epic Alchemy Wars Trilogy: one of the most entertaining, original, and thought-provoking series of recent years… It’s a wonderfully realized world, packed with fascinating characters, and Tregillis uses alternative history brilliantly to explore concerns we still have over new technologies and their potential effect, for good and ill, on our freedom.’ Toronto Star 

The thoughtful, blood-soaked conclusion to an alternate-history trilogy… A frighteningly frank and brutal consideration of slavery, post-slavery, and colonialism in metallic garb.’ Kirkus on THE LIBERATION

Zeno represents Ian Tregillis in the UK and in Translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.

Elizabeth Moon delivers COLD WELCOME to the UK…

Elizabeth Moon‘s highly-anticipated new novel, COLD WELCOME is out today in the UK! The first in the author’s new Vatta’s Peace series, it is published in the UK by Orbit Books, here’s the synopsis…

Admiral Ky Vatta should return to her childhood home a war hero, but on the way her shuttle is downed by sabotage.

Marooned in a hostile landscape it’ll take every bit of wit, skill and luck she can muster to lead her fellow survivors to safety, knowing that the mysterious enemies who destroyed the ship are on the hunt, and may have an agent in the group ready to finish the job at any moment. And was the sabotage an attempt on Ky’s own life, or someone else’s?

COLD WELCOME is set after Moon’s previous Vatta War series, which are also published in the UK by Orbit: TRADING IN DANGER, MOVING TARGET, ENGAGING THE ENEMY, COMMAND DECISION and VICTORY CONDITIONS.

Elizabeth Moon is also the author of, among many others, the Nebula Award-winning THE SPEED OF DARK, which is published in the UK by Orbit.

Zeno represents Elizabeth Moon in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.

Alchemy Wars RISING in Poland…

Ian Tregillis‘s second Alchemy Wars novel, THE RISING is out today in Poland! Published by Wydawnictwo SQN as POWSTANIE, here’s the synopsis…

Odrodzony w ogniach zniszczonej Wielkiej Kuźni Jax rozpoczyna życie jako wolny klakier. Z wyzwoleniem wiąże się jednak ogromne brzemię. Jax pragnie wolności dla swoich mosiężnych braci i sióstr. Nadziei upatruje w na poły legendarnej królowej Mab i jej mitycznej arkadii ukrytej gdzieś daleko na północy kontynentu.

Berenice pełniła funkcję Talleyranda – szpiegmistrzyni, bohaterki dziesiątków opowieści, herosa ludu Nowej Francji. A potem popełniła błąd… Została wygnana z kraju i pochwycona przez drakońską sekretną policję zegarmistrzów. Choć jej dni zdają się policzone, nadal zamierza za wszelką cenę dążyć do odmienienia losów wojny.

Mosiężny Tron planuje znów najechać francuskie ziemie. Ostatnim bastionem Francuzów jest dotąd niezdobyta twierdza Zachodniej Marsylii. Właśnie tu do obrony przygotowuje się kapitan Hugo Longchamp. Zadanie ma wyjątkowo trudne, bo naprzeciw niestrudzonej armii mechanicznych żołnierzy może wystawić jedynie znękane i nieprzetestowane oddziały złożone w większości z kupców i rzemieślników. Sytuacja dawno nie była tak beznadziejna.

Wydawnictwo SQN have also published the first in the trilogy (MECHANICZNY), and are due to publish the third later this year (we’ll share cover and details as soon as we have it). In the meantime, here’s the English-language synopsis…

They called me Jax.

That was the name given by those who built me and enslaved me. But a miracle has happened, and now my bonds are broken.

Now I must flee — because a rogue mechanical is a very dangerous thing.

But I will not run forever.

Set in a world that might have been, of mechanical men and alchemical dreams.

The Alchemy Wars trilogy is published in the UK by Orbit Books, who also published Ian’s Milkweed Triptych.

THE RISING by Ian Tregillis covered in Poland…

Above you can see the stunning Polish cover for Ian Tregilliss THE RISING! The second novel in his Alchemy Wars series, it is due to be published in Poland as POWSTANIE, by Wydawnictwo SQN in March 2017. (We don’t have a Polish synopsis yet, but we’ll be sure to share that in the not-too-distant future.)

Wydawnictwo SQN published the first novel in the series, THE MECHANICAL, late last year as MECHANICZNY.

The Alchemy Wars series is published in the UK and US by Orbit Books. Here’s the synopsis for THE RISING

They called me Jax.

That was the name given by those who built me and enslaved me. But a miracle has happened, and now my bonds are broken.

Now I must flee — because a rogue mechanical is a very dangerous thing.

But I will not run forever.

Set in a world that might have been, of mechanical men and alchemical dreams, this is the second novel in a stunning new series by Ian Tregillis, confirming his place as one of the most original new voices in speculative fiction.

Zeno represents Ian Tregillis in the UK and Translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.

Elizabeth Moon’s Admiral Vatta returns to a COLD WELCOME!

This April, Elizabeth Moon returns to the universe of her Vatta’s War series! Due to be published in the UK by Orbit Books, COLD WELCOME is the first in a new series, Vatta’s Peace. We think you’ll agree that cover is pretty stunning?

Here’s the synopsis…

Admiral Ky Vatta should return to her childhood home a war hero, but on the way her shuttle is downed by sabotage.

Marooned in a hostile landscape it’ll take every bit of wit, skill and luck she can muster to lead her fellow survivors to safety, knowing that the mysterious enemies who destroyed the ship are on the hunt, and may have an agent in the group ready to finish the job at any moment. And was the sabotage an attempt on Ky’s own life, or someone else’s?

Orbit has published a considerable number of Moon’s novels, including the Vatta’s War series (pictured below), the science fiction Serrano series, and three of Moon’s fantasy series: the Deeds of Paksenarrion, the Paladin’s Legacy, and the Legacy of Gird.

Zeno represents Elizabeth Moon in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.