Coming Soon: THE SECOND CHRONICLES OF AMBER by Roger Zelazny

The second Chronicles of Amber omnibus is out tomorrow in the UK! Collecting the final five novels in Roger Zelazny‘s classic series, it is published in the UK by Gollancz, as part of their SF Masterworks series. Here’s the synopsis…

Merlin is a Prince of Chaos and Amber, Corwin’s son and heir. He has grown up knowing that his legacy is to one day follow in his father’s footsteps, live up to his father’s legend.

When Corwin goes missing, that day comes far sooner than he could ever have expected. Merlin must find his own identity as the ruler of the worlds, and discover what kind of King he wants to be. Will he be a warrior like his father, or embrace his own path as a hacker-magician?

A generation after Corwin’s rise to the throne, Merlin is aided by powers beyond anything Corwin could have imagined. The epic magic from The Chronicles of Amber is wielded alongside sentient computers, a vorpal sword, and the ghosts of those who came before.

Featuring the Locus award-winning TRUMPS OF DOOM, the Locus nominated BLOOD OF AMBER and SIGN OF CHAOS, and the final two novels KNIGHT OF SHADOWS and PRINCE OF CHAOS, the Second Chronicles of Amber continues the epic story of Amber and the Shadow worlds.

The first omnibus collection will also be published in the UK by Gollancz, on April 14th — so, not long to go before you can start enjoying this classic series (for the first time, or as a revisit)!


In two weeks, Recorded Books are due to publish a new audiobook edition of Roger Zelazny‘s classic novel CREATURES OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS! Narrated by Matt Godfrey, here’s the synopsis…

Two gods, two houses, one quest, and the eternal war between life and death   

To save his kingdom, Anubis, Lord of the Dead, sends forth his servant on a mission of vengeance. At the same time, from The House of Life, Osiris sends forth his son, Horus, on the same mission to destroy utterly and forever The Prince Who Was a Thousand.   

But neither of these superhuman warriors is prepared for the strange and harrowing world of mortal life, and The Thing That Cries in the Night may well destroy not only their worlds, but all mankind.   

As Zelazny did with the Hindu pantheon in the legendary, groundbreaking classic Lord of Light, the master storyteller here breathes new life into the Egyptian gods with another dazzling tale of mythology and imagination.

Godfrey also narrated the recent ROADMARKS audiobook, published by Recorded Books.

Coming Soon: New UK Chronicles of Amber SF Masterworks Omnibus!

In April, Gollancz are due to publish a new SF Masterworks Chronicles of Amber omnibus edition! Including the first five novels in Roger Zelazny‘s classic series, here’s the synopsis…

Amber is the one real world, casting infinite reflections of itself – Shadow worlds, that can be manipulated by those of royal Amberite blood. But the royal family is torn apart by jealousies and suspicion; the disappearance of the Patriarch Oberon has intensified the internal conflict by leaving the throne apparently up for grabs.

In a hospital on the Shadow Earth, a young man is recovering from a freak car accident; amnesia has robbed him of all his memory, even the fact that he is Corwin, Crown Prince of Amber, rightful heir to the throne – and he is in deadly peril…

The five books, NINE PRINCES IN AMBER, THE GUNS OF AVALON, SIGN OF THE UNICORN, THE HAND OF OBERON, and THE COURTS OF CHAOS, together make up The Chronicles of Amber, Roger Zelazny’s finest work of fantasy and an undisputed classic of the genre.

The Chronicles of Amber series is available widely in translation — in individual and omnibus editions. Check out Zelazny’s page for more details.

Gollancz also publishes Zelazny’s LORD OF LIGHT as part of their SF Masterworks series.

New Audiobook of CREATURES OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS out in two weeks!

In two weeks, Recorded Books are due to publish a new audiobook edition of Roger Zelazny‘s classic novel CREATURES OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS! Narrated by Matt Godfrey, who also narrated the recent ROADMARKS audiobook, here’s the synopsis…

Two gods, two houses, one quest, and the eternal war between life and death   

To save his kingdom, Anubis, Lord of the Dead, sends forth his servant on a mission of vengeance. At the same time, from The House of Life, Osiris sends forth his son, Horus, on the same mission to destroy utterly and forever The Prince Who Was a Thousand.   

But neither of these superhuman warriors is prepared for the strange and harrowing world of mortal life, and The Thing That Cries in the Night may well destroy not only their worlds, but all mankind.   

As Zelazny did with the Hindu pantheon in the legendary, groundbreaking classic Lord of Light, the master storyteller here breathes new life into the Egyptian gods with another dazzling tale of mythology and imagination.

New French Edition of DEUS IRAE Out Now!

A new French edition of DEUS IRAE is out today! The novel, co-authored by Roger Zelazny and Philip K. Dick, is published in France by Folio SF. Here’s the synopsis…

Après l’holocauste qui a mis fin à la Troisième Guerre mondiale, les rares survivants devenus méconnaissables à force de mutations sont l’enjeu d’une lutte sans merci entre deux Églises : celle du Bien et celle du Mal, qui vénère Deus irae, le Dieu de la Colère, celui qui a lâché sur le monde l’horreur atomique.

Chargé de réaliser un portrait de cette funeste divinité pour ranimer la foi de ses fidèles, Tibor McMasters, un peintre sans bras ni jambes, part à sa recherche à travers une Terre dévastée, en proie aux stigmates d’un monde devenu fou. Un monde où se dissipe la frontière entre l’humain et le divin…

First published in 1976, here’s the English-language synopsis…

After World War III, the Servants of Wrath cult deified the mysterious Carlton Lufteufel, creator of the doomsday weapon that wiped out much of humanity. But to worship the man, they need an image of him as a god, and no one has ever seen him. So the high priests send a limbless master painter named Tibor McMasters into the wilderness on a mission to find Lufteufel and capture his likeness. Unfortunately for Tibor, the nation’s remaining Christians do not want him to succeed and are willing to kill to ensure that the so-called Deus Irae remains hidden.

This hallucinatory tale through a nuclear wasteland asks what price the artist must pay for art and tries to figure out just what makes a god.

DEUS IRAE is also available in Poland (Rebis) and Russia (Эксмо).

New ROADMARKS Audiobook Out Tomorrow in North America!

A new North American audiobook edition of Roger Zelazny‘s ROADMARKS is out tomorrow! To be published by Recorded Books, it is narrated by Matt Godfrey. Here’s the synopsis…

The Road runs from the unimaginable past to the far future, and those who travel it have access to the turnoffs leading to all times and places – even to the alternate time-streams of histories that never happened. Why the Dragons of Bel’kwinith made the Road — or who they are — no one knows. But the Road has always been there and for those who know how to find it, it always will be!

Dizzying in its virtuosity, gripping in its kaleidoscopic treatment of time, character, and action, Roadmarks is a dazzling achievement.

Below are a couple of photos from Godfrey’s recording session. If you’d like to watch a brief excerpt-clip, you can do so here.

New ROADMARKS Audiobook on the way!

We’re very happy to report that there is a new North American audiobook edition of Roger Zelazny‘s ROADMARKS on the way! Due to be published on November 19th by Recorded Books, it is narrated by Matt Godfrey. Here’s the synopsis…

The Road runs from the unimaginable past to the far future, and those who travel it have access to the turnoffs leading to all times and places – even to the alternate time-streams of histories that never happened. Why the Dragons of Bel’kwinith made the Road — or who they are — no one knows. But the Road has always been there and for those who know how to find it, it always will be!

Dizzying in its virtuosity, gripping in its kaleidoscopic treatment of time, character, and action, Roadmarks is a dazzling achievement.

And, as a bonus, here’s an excerpt, in the form of a clip of Godfrey recording…

New Russian Edition of Roger Zelazny’s THE COURTS OF CHAOS Out Now!

There’s a new Russian edition of Roger Zelazny‘s THE COURTS OF CHAOS! The fifth novel in the classic, beloved Chronicles of Amber series, it has been translated by Pchelintsev Mikhail Alekseevich. It’s published in Russia by Эксмо as Владения Хаоса. Here’s the synopsis…

Амбер вновь на краю гибели! Хаос наступает, и кажется, некому его остановить… Пускай король Оберон снова заполучил свой великий артефакт, Камень Правосудия, даже ему будет нелегко восстановить Лабиринт Амбера, а в случае его неудачи весь их мир погибнет. Перед мятежным принцем Корвином встает последний, нелегкий выбор… Заключительная книга Пятикнижия Корвина культового цикла “Хроники Амбера”!

Амбер вновь на краю гибели! Хаос наступает, и, кажется, некому его остановить… Пускай король Оберон снова заполучил свой великий артефакт, Камень Правосудия, даже ему будет нелегко восстановить Лабиринт Амбера, а в случае его неудачи весь их мир погибнет. Перед мятежным принцем Корвином встает последний, нелегкий выбор… Заключительная книга «Пятикнижия Корвина» культового цикла «Хроники Амбера»! Переиздание классического фэнтези в удобном формате и стильном оформлении! Заключительный роман культового цикла «Хроники Амбера» от признанного мастера американской фантастики Роджера Желязны, лауреата главных жанровых премий («Хьюго», «Небьюла» и др.). Продолжение приключений девяти принцев в борьбе за престол Амбера.

Эксмо has published all ten of the Chronicles of Amber novels, and the first four are also available in the Эксклюзивная фантастика (Exclusive Fantasy) series.

THE COURTS OF CHAOS was first published in 1978, and was nominated for the Locus Award for Best SF Novel. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Amber, the one real world of which all others — including our own Earth — are but Shadows…

For untold millennia, the cosmic Pattern sustained order in Amber and all the known worlds. But now the forces of Chaos have succeeded in disrupting the Pattern, unleashing destructive forces beyond measure… forces meant to reshape the universe.

To save Amber, Corwin, prince of the blood, champion of the perfect realm, must undertake the most perilous journey of his life. A journey that will take him through all the terrors of Shadows to the enemy’s last stonghold. A journey beyond the very edge of existence… to the Courts of Chaos.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Roger Zelazny’s LORD OF LIGHT out now in Lithuania!

Roger Zelazny‘s classic novel LORD OF LIGHT is now available in Lithuania! Published by Leidybos Studija’s Eridanas imprint, and translated by Danguolė Žalytė, here’s the synopsis for ŠVIESOS VALDOVAS

Žemės seniai nebėra. Kolonizuotoje planetoje grupė naujakurių užgrobė technologijas, tapo nemirtingi ir dabar valdo pasaulį kaip hinduizmo dievai. Priešintis išdrįsta tik vienas, tas, kuris kadaise buvo Sidhartha, o dabar Mahasamatmanas, Demonų Apkalėjas. Šviesos Valdovas.

Šiek tiek plačiau: 

Norėdami išgyventi naujame priešiškame pasaulyje, kolonistai pasitelkę biotechnologijas, elektroniką, kitus mokslo pasiekimus, mutavo savo smegenis, tobulino kūną, naudojo pažangiausias technologijas ir kiekvienas susikūrė įvaizdį – dieviškąjį pavidalą, kuris „sustiprino kūną, užgrūdino valią ir suteikė troškimų galią atributams, o šie stebuklingai ištikdavo tuos, į kuriuos būdavo atkreipiami“.

Jie išrado būdą perkelti žmogaus atmaną, arba sielą ir protą, į naują kūną. Reinkarnacija sukūrė nemirtingųjų rasę – buvę erdvėlaivio įgulos nariai įvedė kastinę hinduizmo sistemą, hinduizmą kaip oficialią religiją ir vietiniams gyventojams – nesuskaičiuojamiems savo pačių palikuoniams oficialiai tapo dievais.

Pagrindinis veikėjas Samas, išsiugdęs atributą valdyti elektromagnetines jėgas, atsisako dievystės ir tampa maištininku ir paskutiniu akceleratu: jis mano, kad žmonės turi teisę į technologijas, o reinkarnacijos neturi kontroliuoti elitas. Jo maištas prieš dievus trunka daugelį metų.

First published in 1967, LORD OF LIGHT won the Hugo Award for Best Novel, and was also nominated for the Nebula Award. George R.R. Martin has said it is one of the five best science fiction novels ever written. It is available in the UK as part of the SF Masterworks series, published by Gollancz. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Imagine a distant world where gods walk as men, but wield vast and hidden powers. Here they have made the stage on which they build a subtle pattern of alliance, love, and deadly enmity. Are they truly immortal? Who are these gods who rule the destiny of a teeming world?

Their names include Brahma, Kali, Krishna and also he who was called Buddha, the Lord of Light, but who now prefers to be known simply as Sam. The gradual unfolding of the story – how the colonization of another planet became a re-enactment of Eastern mythology — is one of the great imaginative feats of modern science fiction.

LORD OF LIGHT has also been published in Germany, Russia, China, Turkey, Ukraine and Poland.

New Russian Edition of Zelanzy’s HAND OF OBERON Out Now!

There is a new edition of Roger Zelazny‘s fourth Chronicles of Amber novel, THE HAND OF OBERON! Published as part of Эксмо‘s Эксклюзивная фантастика series, here’s the synopsis for Рука Оберона

Древний Хаос пробуждается. Тьма поглощает души отпрысков короля Оберона. Лабиринт Амбера поврежден, и лишь великий артефакт, Камень Правосудия, может восстановить его. Но чтобы заполучить Камень, принцу Корвину предстоит узнать многое о своем отце и о самом себе… Четвертая книга культового цикла “Хроники Амбера”!

The first three novels are also available as part of the Эксклюзивная фантастика series: NINE PRINCES IN AMBER (Девять принцев Амбера), THE GUNS OF AVALON (Ружья Авалона) and SIGN OF THE UNICORN (Знак Единорога).

First published in 1976, here’s the English-language synopsis for THE HAND OF OBERON

Across the mysterious Black Road, demons swarm into Shadow. The ancient, secret source of the royal family’s power is revealed, & an unholy pact between a prince of the realm & the forces of Chaos threaten all the known worlds with absolute obliteration. The hour of battle is at hand. Now Corwin and the remaining princes of Amber must call upon all their superhuman powers to defeat their brother-turned-traitor before he can walk the magical Pattern that created Amber and remake the universe in his own image.

Estonian View of Hokusai’s Mt. Fuji…

We’re happy to report that there is a new Roger Zelazny collection available in Estonia! The main story it includes is the award-winning 24 VIEWS OF MT. FUJI, BY HOKUSAI. Published by Fantaasia as IGIKELTS JA TULI, the book contains the aforementioned novella and also a few other writings (science fiction, fantasy, and non-fiction) by the author. Here’s the synopsis…

„Igikelts ja tuli” on Roger Zelazny üks hilisemaid kogumikke, mis sisaldab nii puhast teadusfantastikat (kosmos, tehisintellekt) kui ka fantasy’t,  lisaks veel autori kommentaare ja esseelaadis tekste ulmežanri arengust ja autori loomemeetoditest. Kaks kogumiku lugu on võitnud Hugo („Hokusai: 24 vaadet Fuji mäele” ja „Igikelts“).

Lugu „Hokusai: 24 vaadet Fuji mäele”, räägib tagasihoidlikust palverändurist, kes rändab Fuji mäe läheduses, otsides Hokusai kujutatud vaateid, ja võitleb samal ajal nii virtuaalsete kui pärisdeemonitega.

The various pieces in the collection are translated by Juhan Habicht, Andrus Igalaan, Piret Frey, and Sash Uusjärv.

First published in 1985 as a short story before being expanded into a novella-length work, 24 VIEWS OF MT. FUJI, BY HOKUSAI won the Hugo Award for best novella (1986). Here’s the English-language synopsis for 24 VIEWS OF MT. FUJI, BY HOKUSAI

A widow makes a pilgrimage in Japan to some of the locations of Hokusai’s views of Mt. Fuji, ultimately attempting to confront her former husband who had become a nearly all-powerful digital being.

The collection also includes PERMAFROST, which won the Hugo Award for best novelette in 1987. Here’s a brief synopsis…

On Balfrost, a planet that experiences decades-long seasons, the Playpoint resort attracts tourists during the warm seasons. In winter it is maintained by an artificial intelligence who was once a man, Andrew Aldon, and a pair of custodians, a man and a woman, who are in suspended animation except for a few days each year when they awake to inspect and maintain the resort. The resort has powerful weapons to keep encroaching ice at bay.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in the UK and Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Roger Zelazny’s Chronicles of Amber Omnibus Editions Available Now in Ukraine!

Fans of classic fantasy in Ukraine rejoice: Roger Zelazny‘s classic Chronicles of Amber is available now in two omnibus editions! Published by Богдан as Хроніки Амбера: П’ятикнижжя Корвіна (Том 1) and Хроніки Амбера: П’ятикнижжя Мерліна (Том 2), the volumes collect all ten novels in the series. Read on for more details.

Volume one (pictured above) collects the first five novels…

  1. Дев’ять принців АмбераNINE PRINCES IN AMBER — translated by Анатолій Саган
  2. Рушниці АвалонуTHE GUNS OF AVALON — translated by Анатолій Саган
  3. Знак ЄдинорогаSIGN OF THE UNICORN — translated by Анатолій Пітик & Катерина Грицайчук
  4. Рука ОберонаTHE HAND OF OBERON — translated by Анатолій Пітик & Катерина Грицайчук
  5. Двори ХаосуTHE COURTS OF CHAOS — translated by Анатолій Пітик & Катерина Грицайчук

Here’s the synopsis…

Амбер і Хаос — єдині справжні світи в усьому Всесвіті. Їхнє протистояння — це одвічна боротьба між силами Порядку і Хаосу. Пройшовши ініціацію Лабіринтом чи Лоґрусом, члени королівської сім’ї Амбера та Дворів Хаосу можуть вільно мандрувати Тінями — відображеннями головних світів, а також маніпулювати реальністю. У приватній лікарні Тіні Земля чоловік на ім’я Карл Корі одужує після автокатастрофи. Утративши пам’ять, він і не здогадується, що насправді є одним із дев’яти принців Амбера — Корвіном. Чоловік тікає з лікарні. Йому вдається знайти свою сестру, а потім і брата, відшукати дивну колоду карт Таро, на яких зображений і він сам, а потім пройти Лабіринтом… Згадавши, хто він насправді, Корвін прагне здобути корону Амбера. Та він ще не знає, що проти королівства збираються злі сили…

Volume two includes the following five novels…

  1. Козирі ДоліTRUMPS OF DOOM — translated by Анатолій Пітик & Катерина Грицайчук
  2. Кров АмбераBLOOD OF AMBER — translated by Галина Михайловська
  3. Знак ХаосуSIGN OF CHAOS — translated by Галина Михайловська
  4. Лицар ТінейKNIGHT OF SHADOW — translated by Галина Михайловська
  5. Принц ХаосуPRINCE OF CHAOS — translated by Галина Михайловська

Here’s the synopsis…

Здавалось би, після закінчення війни між двома головними світами — Амбером і Хаосом — у всьому Всесвіті запанував спокій. Трон Амбера очолює новий король, який понад усе прагне зберегти злагоду та мир. Однак… У Тіні Земля юнак Мерлін, син Корвіна Амберського і Дари з Дворів Хаосу, намагається жити нормальним земним життям, життям без підступів, війн, вендет… І це йому добре вдається, якщо не зважати на те, що трапляється з ним кожного 30 квітня. Саме цього дня упродовж восьми років хтось (чи щось?) намагається його вбити. Пожежа, витік газу, автокатастрофа, стрілянина… А цьогорічний убивця виявився схожою на собаку почварою, що загризла його колишню дівчину Джулію та ледь не вбила і його. Хтось повинен стояти за всім цим, але хто?

Zelazny’s classic series has been published widely in translation around the globe. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Amber is the one real world, casting infinite reflections of itself – shadow worlds, which can be manipulated by those of royal Amberite blood. But the royal family is torn apart by jealousies and suspicion; the disappearance of the patriarch Oberon has intensified the internal conflict by leaving the throne apparently for grabs; and amnesia has robbed Corwin, Crown Prince of Amber his memory — even the fact that he is rightful heir to the throne.

The Chronicles of Amber is Zelazny’s finest fantasy, a grand imaginative vision of alternate worlds, magic, swordplay, and murderous rivalries.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation and in the UK, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Roger Zelazny’s LORD OF LIGHT available in Poland!

Roger Zelazny‘s classic post-apocalyptic sci-fi novel LORD OF LIGHT is out now in Poland! Published by Zysk I S-Ka as PAN ŚWIATŁA, and translated by Piotr W. Cholewa, here’s the synopsis…

Magiczna powieść science fiction, w której postapokalitycznym światem odległej planety zawładnęli mściwi hinduistyczni bogowie

Ziemia jest daleko. Na skolonizowanej planecie grupa ludzi zyskała kontrolę nad środkami techniki i zyskała nieśmiertelność. Teraz rządzą tym światem jako bogowie hinduistycznego panteonu – Brahma, Kali, Kriszna, a także ten tego, którego kiedyś nazywali Buddą, a który teraz odważa się wystąpić przeciwko ich tyranii, i nazywa się Mahasamatmanem, Poskromicielem Demonów, Panem Światła.

Wyobraźmy sobie daleki świat, gdzie bogowie chodzą po ziemi jak ludzie, choć dzierżą ogromne, ukryte moce. Tutaj zbudowali scenę, na której budują subtelną sieć przymierzy, miłości i śmiertelnej wrogości. Czy istotnie są nieśmiertelni? Kim są ci bogowie, którzy władają przeznaczeniem ludnego świata?

First published in 1967, here’s the English-language synopsis…

Imagine a distant world where gods walk as men, but wield vast and hidden powers. Here they have made the stage on which they build a subtle pattern of alliance, love, and deadly enmity. Are they truly immortal? Who are these gods who rule the destiny of a teeming world?

Their names include Brahma, Kali, Krishna and also he who was called Buddha, the Lord of Light, but who now prefers to be known simply as Sam. The gradual unfolding of the story – how the colonization of another planet became a re-enactment of Eastern mythology – is one of the great imaginative feats of modern science fiction.

The novel is also available in the UK (Gollancz), Germany (Heyne), Chinese (北京联合出版公司), Turkish (İthaki Yayınları), Russian (Эксмо), and Ukrainian (Книжковий Клуб) editions — other rights are available, please get in touch for more details).

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

New Russian edition of Roger Zelazny’s GUNS OF AVALON out now!

There’s a new Russian edition of GUNS OF AVALON! The second novel in Roger Zelazny‘s classic Chronicles of Amber fantasy series! Published by Эксмо as Ружья Авалона, here’s the synopsis…

Он отправился в путь к Авалону. Но набрел по пути на раненого рыцаря. Первый законный сын Оберона принц Корвин вырвался из заточения и готов на все, чтобы отомстить и получить вожделенную корону — даже прибегнуть к помощи темных сил. Но плата слишком высока — хаос и смерть во всем Амбере…

Эксмо has published all ten of the Chronicles of Amber novels (in addition to other novels), and is in the process of re-issuing them with this new style of cover. Here’s the new edition of the first novel, NINE PRINCES IN AMBER

THE GUNS OF AVALON was first published in 1972. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Across the worlds of Shadow, Corwin, prince of blood royal, heir to the throne of Amber, gathers his forces for an assault that will yield up to him the crown that is rightfully his. But, a growing darkness of his own doing threatens his plans, an evil that stretches to the heart of the perfect kingdom itself where the demonic forces of Chaos mass to annihilate Amber and all who would rule there.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

A ROGUE MOON rises in Poland!

Science Fiction classic ROGUE MOON by Algis Budrys is now available in Poland! Published by Zysk I S-Ka Wydawnictwo as TEN CHOLERNY KSIĘŻYC, here’s the synopsis…

Klasyczna powieść science fiction opowiadająca o człowieku jako istocie wiecznie szukającej i badającej z narażeniem życia coraz to nowe obszary.

Doktor Edward Hawks prowadzi na zlecenie amerykańskiej marynarki wojennej ściśle tajne badania nad tajemniczym obiektem znalezionym na Księżycu. Wszyscy ochotnicy, którzy mieli odwagę wejść do niego są zabijani za łamanie nieznanych obcych zasad panujących wewnątrz. Kolejnym śmiałkiem, który zostaje wysłany do eksploracji obiektu jest Al Barker – człowiek, który nieraz patrzył śmierci w twarz. Teraz również nie zawaha się wykonać kolejnego nadludzkiego zadania…

Shortlisted for the 1961 Hugo Award, ROGUE MOON is available in English, published as part of Gollancz’s SF Masterworks (UK) and Open Road Media (North America). The novel is also available as an audiobook, published by Blackstone Publishing. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

A monstrous apparatus has been found on the surface of the moon. It devours and destroys in ways so incomprehensible to humans that a new language must be invented to describe it and a new kind of thinking to understand it. So far, the human guinea pigs sent there in hopes of unraveling the murderous maze have all died terrible deaths — except the last, now on suicide watch. The ideal candidate won’t go insane, even as he feels the end approaching. And now they think they’ve found their man.

Al Barker has already stared into the face of death — he can handle it again. But Barker won’t merely have to endure the trauma of dying: he will have to endure it over and over again — mentally linked to an ongoing series of duplicates of himself created and sent to the Moon by matter transmission — until the artifact reveals its secret.

With a cast of fascinating characters taking center stage, Rogue Moon is a rare thriller that doesn’t just make you sweat — it makes you think.