The Czech edition of Travis Baldree‘s #1 best-selling BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST is out now! The prequel to LEGENDS & LATTES, it’s published in Czechia by Laser, as KNIHKUPECTVÍ A KOSTNÍ PRACH. The novel was translated by Jitka Čupová. Here’s the synopsis…

Strávit hodiny v obleženém knihkupectví ve společnosti jeho prostořekého majitele je to poslední, co by Viv předpovídala, ale může to být přesně to, co potřebuje – zárodek změn, které si nedokázala představit. Dobrodružství však není tak daleko. Podezřelý cestovatel v šedém, skřítek s čipem na rameni, letní úlet a nepravděpodobné množství koster dokazují, že Murk je rušnější, než by Viv kdy čekala.

Laser also publishes the first book, as LEGENDY A LATÉČKA (also translated by Jitka Čupová).

Both BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST and LEGENDS & LATTES are published by Tor Books in the UK and North America. Here’s the English-language synopsis for BOOKSHOPS

When an injury throws a young, battle-hungry orc off her chosen path, she may find that what we need isn’t always what we seek.

Set in the world of New York Times bestselling Legends & Lattes, Travis Baldree’s Bookshops & Bonedust takes us on a journey of high fantasy, first loves, and secondhand books.

Viv’s career with the notorious mercenary company Rackam’s Ravens isn’t going as planned.

Wounded during the hunt for a powerful necromancer, she’s packed off against her will to recuperate in the sleepy beach town of Murk—so far from the action that she worries she’ll never be able to return to it.

What’s a thwarted soldier of fortune to do?

Spending her hours at a beleaguered bookshop in the company of its foul-mouthed proprietor is the last thing Viv would have predicted, but it may be both exactly what she needs and the seed of changes she couldn’t possibly imagine.

Still, adventure isn’t all that far away. A suspicious traveler in gray, a gnome with a chip on her shoulder, a summer fling, and an improbable number of skeletons prove Murk to be more eventful than Viv could have ever expected.

BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST was a best-seller on both sides of the Atlantic, and was a #1 Bestseller in the US.

Peter Flannery’s DECIMUS FATE Novels Available Now in Czechia!

We’re very happy to report that Peter A. Flannery‘s first two Decimus Fate novels are now available in Czechia! Published by Nakladatelství Triton, read on for the details.

The first novel is DECIMUS FATE AND THE TALISMAN OF DREAMS, which is published as DECIMUS FATE A TALISMAN SNŮ. Here’s the synopsis…

Decimus Fate je čaroděj, který už nepoužívá magii.

Tutor je lovec démonů, který už démony neloví.

Když je požádají o pomoc mniši ze zapadlého kláštera, kteří se stali obětí záhadné nemoci, jsou oba nuceni spolupracovat a vypraví se hledat příčinu a lék. Záhy však uvíznou v nebezpečné hře zločineckých bossů, zákeřných vrahů a bezohledných mágů, kteří čerpají svou moc z říše démonů.

Dva muži s temnou a pohnutou minulostí. Naučí se jeden druhému důvěřovat?

Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Decimus Fate and the Tutor… one a sorcerer who no longer wields magic, the other a demon hunter who no longer hunts demons. Two dangerous men, each with a dark and troubled past. When the monks of a remote monastery fall victim to a mysterious illness the two men are forced to work together. But as the story unfolds they find themselves caught in a web of danger from ruthless crime lords, vengeful assassins and evil magic users who draw their power from the realm of demons. Will Fate and the Tutor learn to trust each other or will one sacrifice the other to save his own skin?

The second novel in the series is DECIMUS FATE AND THE BUTCHER OF GUILE, which is published in Czechia as DECIMUS FATE A ŘEZNÍK Z GUILE

Fate (mág, který se vzdal magie) a Tutor (lovec démonů, který je už neloví) pátrají po dvou zmizelých mladících a jako vždy šlápnou do vosího hnízda. Zničehonic se ocitnou v boji na život a na smrt s mocným šlechticem, jeho psychopatickým synem, letkou čarodějnic, magickými asassiny a podzemními hrůzami guilských kanálů. Pátrání po pravdě je dovede až k Řezníkovi z Guile, který své oběti porcuje a v pytlích posílá po vodě do města. Ale nebezpečí hrozí i doma.

Zeno represents Peter A. Flannery in translation.

Roger Zelazny’s ROADMARKS Out Now in Czechia!

We’re very happy to report that a new Czech edition of Roger Zelazny‘s ROADMARKS is out now! Published by Laser as POSLEDNÍ ODBOČKA NA BABYLON, and translated by Richard Podaný, here’s the synopsis…

Silnice vede z nepředstavitelně vzdálené minulosti do daleké budoucnosti. Ti, kteří po ní putují, mohou odbočit do jakéhokoliv místa a času – dokonce i do alternativních proudů historie, které se nikdy neudály.

Zrzek Dorakeen jezdí po Silnici tak dlouho, kam až sahá jeho paměť. Před dávnými časy po ní putoval jako starý muž pěšky; nyní, mnohem mladší, veze ve své odřené modré dodávce zbraně Řekům bojujícím proti Peršanům u starověkého Marathónu. Někdo ale po Zrzkovi jde. Tento „někdo“ má právo desetkrát se pokusit Zrzka zavraždit, aniž za to bude podle zákonů Silnice stíhán. Zrzkův skrytý nepřítel prohledal minulost i budoucnost, aby našel deset vrahů – ať už lidí nebo hrůzných stvoření, od vraždícího mnicha po tyranosaura – kteří Zrzka pronásledují, kamkoli ho Silnice zavede…

Proč Draci z Bel’kwinithu Silnici vystavěli, a kdo vlastně jsou, to nikdo neví. Ale Silnice tu vždy byla a bude – pro ty, kteří ji umějí najít…

Here’s the English-language synopsis…

The road leads from the unimaginably distant past to the distant future. Those who travel along it can veer off into any place and time—even into alternate streams of history that never happened.

Redhead Dorakeen has been riding the Road for as long as he can remember. A long time ago, he wandered on foot like an old man; now, much younger, he drives weapons in his battered blue van to the Greeks fighting the Persians at ancient Marathon. But someone is after Zrzko. This “someone” has the right to try ten times to murder Redhead without prosecution under the laws of the Road. Redhead’s hidden enemy has scoured the past and future to find ten assassins—whether human or hideous creatures, from a murderous monk to a tyrannosaurus—who pursue Redhead wherever the Road leads him…

Why the Dragons of Bel’kwinith built the Road, or who they really are, no one knows. But the Road has always been there and always will be — for those who know how to find it…

Czech Edition of TALES FROM THE FOLLY Now Available!

The Czech edition of TALES FROM THE FOLLY is now available! Published by Argo as HISTORKY Z ROZMARU, it is a collection of short stories set in Ben Aaronovitch‘s Rivers of London world. Here’s the synopsis…

Další výprava do světa Řek Londýna, tentokrát ve sbírce povídek! Ben Aaronovitch svůj fantastický svět dosud představoval v románech, novelách a komiksových příbězích. Už léta však mimo tento hlavní proud píše kratší i delší povídky, v nichž rozvíjí dílčí nápady, popisuje dosud opomíjené osudy, vypráví anekdoty, které doplňují mozaiku jedné z nejpodmanivějších sérií současnosti. S Peterem Grantem, Abigail, agentkou Reynoldsovou, Nightingalem i Tobiasem Winterem z německé obdoby londýnského Rozmaru se zde vydáme zjistit, co skrývá dálniční čerpací stanice uprostřed noci, kdo stále bloumá mezi regály populárního londýnského knihkupectví, co přesně se stalo s řekou Lugg… Každý tento střípek je doplněný autorovým úvodem a pro snadnější orientaci se u něj udává, ve které fázi série se odehrává.

The collection also includes an introduction by Charlaine Harris (which also appears in the Czech edition.)

TALES FROM THE FOLLY is published by JABberwocky (UK/North America eBook and print), Subterranean Press (US special edition) and Orion (UK audio).

Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Return to the world of Rivers of London in this first short story collection from #1 Sunday Times bestselling author, Ben Aaronovitch. Tales from the Folly is a carefully curated collection that gathers together previously published stories and brand new tales in the same place for the first time.

Each tale features a new introduction from the author, filled with insight and anecdote offering the reader a deeper exploration into this absorbing fictional world. This is a must read for any Rivers of London fan.

Join Peter, Nightingale, Abigail, Agent Reynolds and Tobias Winter for a series of perfectly portioned tales. Discover what’s haunting a lonely motorway service station, who still wanders the shelves of a popular London bookshop, and what exactly happened to the River Lugg…

With an introduction from internationally bestselling author of the Sookie Stackhouse series, Charlaine Harris.

This collection includes:
– The Home Crowd Advantage
– The Domestic
– The Cockpit
– The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Granny
– King of The Rats
– A Rare Book of Cunning Device
– A Dedicated Follower of Fashion
– Favourite Uncle
– Vanessa Sommer’s Other Christmas List
– Three Rivers, Two Husbands and a Baby
– Moments One, Two and Three

‘[F]ans of the series who will no doubt find plenty of enjoyment and satisfaction in these bite-sized adventures… A special shoutout also to Kobna Holdbrook-Smith, who gave an awesome performance as Peter Grant. While I mostly read the print versions of the books in the Rivers of London series, the few times I was fortunate to listen to the audiobooks, I always enjoyed his work. There’s no doubt about it, he is the voice of this series.’Bibliosanctum

‘The stories here are smart, snappy, and self-contained. They’ll keep you turning pages, for sure — they’re full of sizzle… they’re great fun, and a great way to get to know some of our favourite folks a little better. My only real complaint is that there aren’t enough of them — I would happily have devoured twice as many… this was a joy to read. It hits all the right notes. The humour, the pathos, the intelligence and the wry commentary of Grant are all very welcome…’Sci-Fi & Fantasy Reviews

‘For any devotee of the Met’s smallest specialist policing unit and the magical world that Aaronovitch has built with such success, TALES FROM THE FOLLY is an essential addition to the bookshelf and will amply repay a close reading in search of interesting snippets while you revel in the longer stories. This is certainly one world I can’t get enough of.’Crime Review

Argo has published all of Ben’s Rivers of London books in Czechia, to date.

Two New Chronicles of Amber Czech Audiobook Editions Out Now!

We’re very happy to report that Walker & Volf have published two more audiobook editions of Roger Zelazny‘s Chronicles of Amber! Specifically, the fourth and fifth volumes in the classic fantasy series, both of which are narrated by Luboš Ondráček.

First up, the fourth volume in the series, THE HAND OF OBERON is available as PAŽE OBERONOVA (cover above)…

Ve čtvrtém díle ságy Tajemný Amber princ Corwin pátrá po tom, kdo z Ambeřanů otevřel cestu zrůdám Chaosu. Byl to snad zmizelý Oberon? Brand, který podle všeho měl být dávno mrtev? Fiona, která vládne silami, o kterých ostatní nemají ani potuchy? Někdo úplně jiný? Corwin neví, ale musí jednat. Na Amberu se totiž začínají dít hrůzyplné věci. Vstupte s námi do napínavého a složitého světa Stínů!

Originally published in 1976, here’s the English-language synopsis…

Across the mysterious Black Road, demons swarm into Shadow. The ancient, secret source of the royal family’s power is revealed, & an unholy pact between a prince of the realm & the forces of Chaos threaten all the known worlds with absolute obliteration. The hour of battle is at hand.

Now Corwin and the remaining princes of Amber must call upon all their superhuman powers to defeat their brother-turned-traitor before he can walk the magical Pattern that created Amber and remake the universe in his own image.

The fifth volume in the series, THE COURTS OF CHAOS (1978), is published in Czechia as DVORY CHAOSU. It is the final volume in the first part of the series, the Corwin Cycle. Here’s the Czech synopsis…

Americký spisovatel, držitel literárních cen Hugo, Nebula a Locus, Roger Zelazny dovedl šlechtice Corwina na závěr jeho spletité a krvavé poutě.

Pátým dílem fantasy ságy Tajemný svět Amberu se uzavírají proslulé „Corwinovy kroniky“.

Vstupte s námi naposled do Amberu a vydejte se s jeho hrdinou do rozhodující bitvy!

Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Amber, the one real world of which all others – including our own Earth – are but Shadows…

For untold millennia, the cosmic Pattern sustained order in Amber and all the known worlds. But now the forces of Chaos have succeeded in disrupting the Pattern, unleashing destructive forces beyond measure… forces meant to reshape the universe.

To save Amber, Corwin, prince of the blood, champion of the perfect realm, must undertake the most perilous journey of his life. A journey that will take him through all the terrors of Shadows to the enemy’s last stonghold. A journey beyond the very edge of existence… to the Courts of Chaos.

Walker & Volf have also published the first three novels in the series: DEVĚT PRINCŮ AMBERU (NINE PRINCES IN AMBER), PUŠKY AVALONU (THE GUNS OF AVALON), and ZNAMENÍ JEDNOROŽE (SIGN OF THE UNICORN) — all narrated by Luboš Ondráček.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Ben Aaronovitch’s FALEŠNÁ HODNOTA out now!

The Czech edition of FALSE VALUE is out now! The eighth novel in Ben Aaronovitch‘s acclaimed, best-selling Rivers of London/Peter Grant series, it is published in Czechia by Argo, as FALEŠNÁ HODNOTA. Here’s the synopsis…

Nové dobrodružství Petera Granta… a zároveň nový rozjezd! Jsme stále v Londýně, ale Peter už nepracuje u metropolitní policie. Po uzavření případu Muže bez tváře a dalších peripetiích se Peter usazuje, připravuje se na otcovskou roli a zároveň čelí poněkud nejisté budoucnosti. Nastupuje do soukromého sektoru, do IT firmy Terrence Skinnera, kde věci nejsou takové, jaké se zdají být. V rámci zaměstnání se musí naučit splynout s civilisty, kteří jsou ještě větší geekové než on, byť nadále zůstává v kontaktu se starými známými, jež ho provázeli při dřívějších vyšetřováních, ať operují v Rozmaru nebo třeba v Americe. A i zde má samozřejmě slovo magie. Pracoviště skrývá tajemství, technologii, která je sice high-tech a zkoumá možnosti umělé inteligence, ale má kořeny u Ady Lovelaceové a Charlese Babbage.

V pořadí osmý román série Řeky Londýna má všechno, na co jsme byli zvyklí z dřívějších částí – humor i svérázný pohled na svět – a také něco navíc: třeba to, že firma, kde teď Peter působí, nese silný otisk světa Stopařova průvodce po galaxii!

Argo has published all of the other previous novels in Ben’s series in Czechia, as well as a couple of his novellas and comic series (the latter co-authored with Andrew Cartmel).

FALSE VALUE is published in the UK by Gollancz, in North America by DAW Books; it is also available in Germany, published by DTV (as EIN WEISSER SCHWAN IN TABERNACLE STREET). Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Peter Grant is facing fatherhood, and an uncertain future, with equal amounts of panic and enthusiasm.

Leaving his old police life behind, he takes a job with Silicon Valley tech genius Terrence Skinner’s new London start up: the Serious Cybernetics Corporation.

Drawn into the orbit of Old Street’s famous ‘silicon roundabout’, Peter must learn how to blend in with people who are both civilians and geekier than he is. Compared to his last job, Peter thinks it should be a doddle.

But magic is not finished with the Met’s first trainee wizard in fifty years…

Because a secret is hiding somewhere in the building. A technology that stretches back to Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage, and forward to the future of artificial intelligence. A secret that is just as magical as it technological – and twice as dangerous.

Here are just a few of the reviews the novel has received so far…

‘Aaronovitch showcases a superlative blend of whimsy and grit in the eighth Rivers of London urban fantasy… The suspenseful mystery at the novel’s core is laced with humor and charm. Jim Butcher meets Douglas Adams in this winning series installment.’ — Publishers Weekly (Starred Review)

‘… sees Peter taking on new responsibilities both at work and at home and there’s a definite shift in tone towards the stranger side of magic and the broader implications of what a resurgence of strangeness means to the world at large. Aaronovitch is clearly having a blast building on the world he’s already created… The main character is a delight as always… The tone is light, witty, and action packed as always. Cinematic where has to be and detective chic in other places. And, as always, the description of London is so solid and real that you can practically feel the familiar layer of grime the city has… As always, Ben Aaronovitch takes the reader on an unforgettable ride into the fantastic.’ — Starburst (9/10)

‘… my favorite current series… delightful, compulsive and fresh — with a love of multicultural London evident on every page, wonderfully diverse characters, magic, mystery, and mayhem. Once you start, you will literally not be able to put them down.’ — Lavie Tidhar in Washington Post

‘Wonderfully blending technology and magic… Aaronovitch creates a fantastic blend of real-world London, harbouring a secret magical underground, delicately interwoven with an alternative history that touches on the origins of computer programming and the work of Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage… a solid crime/detective novel that provides fans of the series with another entertaining adventure for Peter Grant complete with dark humour and explosive action.’ — SciFi Now

FALSE VALUE is a rousing episode in the Ben Aaronovitch’s Rivers of London series’ — Canberra Times

‘[A] great read… I enjoyed the new direction and dynamics introduced here. Big things are clearly coming for Peter Grant and I’m looking forward to seeing where the next book will take us.’ — Bibliosanctum

‘[A]nother unmissable instalment of the Rivers of London series’… FALSE VALUE is a welcome addition to the collection and long may they keep coming — Crime Review

‘Packed with treasures and little bits of history and illusion this latest adventure from Ben Aaronovitch sends Peter deep into the ‘silicon roundabout’… What I love about these stories is the way they are told. You could be listening directly to the author, no filters and straightforward dialogue by real people. Peter is great and Nightingale as the much older generation is the comforting hand on the shoulder…’ — SF Crowsnest

Ben Aaronovitch’s FALEŠNÁ HODNOTA due out in September!

On September 30th, Argo are due to publish the Czech edition of FALSE VALUE, the eighth novel in Ben Aaronovitch‘s acclaimed, best-selling Rivers of London/Peter Grant series! Published as FALEŠNÁ HODNOTA, here’s the synopsis…

Nové dobrodružství Petera Granta… a zároveň nový rozjezd! Jsme stále v Londýně, ale Peter už nepracuje u metropolitní policie. Po uzavření případu Muže bez tváře a dalších peripetiích se Peter usazuje, připravuje se na otcovskou roli a zároveň čelí poněkud nejisté budoucnosti. Nastupuje do soukromého sektoru, do IT firmy Terrence Skinnera, kde věci nejsou takové, jaké se zdají být. V rámci zaměstnání se musí naučit splynout s civilisty, kteří jsou ještě větší geekové než on, byť nadále zůstává v kontaktu se starými známými, jež ho provázeli při dřívějších vyšetřováních, ať operují v Rozmaru nebo třeba v Americe. A i zde má samozřejmě slovo magie. Pracoviště skrývá tajemství, technologii, která je sice high-tech a zkoumá možnosti umělé inteligence, ale má kořeny u Ady Lovelaceové a Charlese Babbage.

V pořadí osmý román série Řeky Londýna má všechno, na co jsme byli zvyklí z dřívějších částí – humor i svérázný pohled na svět – a také něco navíc: třeba to, že firma, kde teď Peter působí, nese silný otisk světa Stopařova průvodce po galaxii!

Argo has published all of the other previous novels in Ben’s series in Czechia, as well as a couple of his novellas and comic series (the latter co-authored with Andrew Cartmel).

FALSE VALUE is published in the UK by Gollancz, and in North America by DAW Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Peter Grant is facing fatherhood, and an uncertain future, with equal amounts of panic and enthusiasm.

Leaving his old police life behind, he takes a job with Silicon Valley tech genius Terrence Skinner’s new London start up: the Serious Cybernetics Corporation.

Drawn into the orbit of Old Street’s famous ‘silicon roundabout’, Peter must learn how to blend in with people who are both civilians and geekier than he is. Compared to his last job, Peter thinks it should be a doddle.

But magic is not finished with the Met’s first trainee wizard in fifty years…

Because a secret is hiding somewhere in the building. A technology that stretches back to Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage, and forward to the future of artificial intelligence. A secret that is just as magical as it technological – and twice as dangerous.

FALSE VALUE has also been published in Germany, by DTV.

Here are just a few of the reviews the novel has received so far…

‘Aaronovitch showcases a superlative blend of whimsy and grit in the eighth Rivers of London urban fantasy… The suspenseful mystery at the novel’s core is laced with humor and charm. Jim Butcher meets Douglas Adams in this winning series installment.’ — Publishers Weekly (Starred Review)

‘… sees Peter taking on new responsibilities both at work and at home and there’s a definite shift in tone towards the stranger side of magic and the broader implications of what a resurgence of strangeness means to the world at large. Aaronovitch is clearly having a blast building on the world he’s already created… The main character is a delight as always… The tone is light, witty, and action packed as always. Cinematic where has to be and detective chic in other places. And, as always, the description of London is so solid and real that you can practically feel the familiar layer of grime the city has… As always, Ben Aaronovitch takes the reader on an unforgettable ride into the fantastic.’ — Starburst (9/10)

‘… my favorite current series… delightful, compulsive and fresh — with a love of multicultural London evident on every page, wonderfully diverse characters, magic, mystery, and mayhem. Once you start, you will literally not be able to put them down.’ — Lavie Tidhar in Washington Post

‘Wonderfully blending technology and magic… Aaronovitch creates a fantastic blend of real-world London, harbouring a secret magical underground, delicately interwoven with an alternative history that touches on the origins of computer programming and the work of Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage… a solid crime/detective novel that provides fans of the series with another entertaining adventure for Peter Grant complete with dark humour and explosive action.’ — SciFi Now

FALSE VALUE is a rousing episode in the Ben Aaronovitch’s Rivers of London series’ — Canberra Times

‘[A] great read… I enjoyed the new direction and dynamics introduced here. Big things are clearly coming for Peter Grant and I’m looking forward to seeing where the next book will take us.’ — Bibliosanctum

‘[A]nother unmissable instalment of the Rivers of London series’… FALSE VALUE is a welcome addition to the collection and long may they keep coming — Crime Review

‘Packed with treasures and little bits of history and illusion this latest adventure from Ben Aaronovitch sends Peter deep into the ‘silicon roundabout’… What I love about these stories is the way they are told. You could be listening directly to the author, no filters and straightforward dialogue by real people. Peter is great and Nightingale as the much older generation is the comforting hand on the shoulder…’ — SF Crowsnest

ICYMI: Roger Zelazny’s DILVISH, THE DAMNED is Available in Czechia!

We just wanted to take this opportunity to share that one of Roger Zelazny‘s classic novels, DILVISH, THE DAMNED, has been re-issued in Czechia! Published by Straky na vrbě, as PROKLETÝ DILVISH, here’s the synopsis…

Na svém jak půlnoc černém oři se Proklatec Dilvish žene fantaskní krajinou.

Hledá pomstu a nalézají jej potíže všelikého zrna.

Nechce ublížit nikomu vyjma černého mága, jehož jméno není radno vyslovit: A přece se zaplétá do potyček, které nejsou jeho bojem, a svým ostřím si klestí cestu vpřed.

Příběhy rychlé jako Black s dialogy břitkými jak hrdinova čepel!

Klasická fantasy okořeněná humorem i téměř keltským smutkem.

DILVISH, THE DAMNED was first published in 1982. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Escaping from Hell was only the beginning for Dilvish and Black, his demonic metal horse. Finding Jerelak, the evil sorcerer who sent him to two hundred years of torture, was the only thing that interested him. But Fate had other plans.

The armies of Colonel Lylish attacked his homeland, and only Black could carry Dilvish through the enemy lines to warn the king. The city of Dilfar was under siege, and only Dilvish, descendant of Selar, could raise the ghostly legions of Shorendan and bring them to its aid.

Then a damsel in distress cried out for his help – but really wanted his blood! Twin sorcerers needed him as a pawn in a deadly game for power. An ancient forgotten goddess tried and failed to stop his quest for vengeance, while a werewolf almost succeeded.

Then, when Dilvish finally climbed to Jerelak’s stronghold in the tower of ice, he found nothing but greater perils separating him from his ancient enemy.

Straky na vrbě has published a few of Zelazny’s novels in Czechia — more details can be found here.

Andrew Cartmel’s THE RUN-OUT GROOVE out now in Czech!

The second novel in Andrew Cartmel‘s acclaimed Vinyl Detective series, is available in Czechia! Published by Kalibr/Euromedia as VŠECHNY KOČKY MILUJÍ VALERIANU, here’s the synopsis…

Bydlí se dvěma kočkami, prvotřídním gramofonem, velkou sbírkou jazzových nahrávek a na živobytí pro sebe i obě ochočené šelmy si vydělává jako „vinylový detektiv“. Nenechte se zmýlit, o vzrušení a nebezpečí není v jeho profesi nouze! Občas jde i o život…

Když se mu na prahu objeví nesourodá dvojice v podobě bratra tragicky zesnulé zpěvačky Valeriany a mladé senzacechtivé novinářky, roztáčí se kolotoč intrik, poštovních koček, podezřelých úmrtí včetně jedné hlídací husy a život ohrožujících halucinogenních zážitků. Zemřela Valeriana skutečně přirozenou smrtí rockových muzikantů, tedy sebevraždou po požití štědré dávky drog? A nahrála na svůj ztracený poslední singl tajný vzkaz nebo temnou mši, jak se šeptá v kruzích milovníků vinylu? Odhalí jeho nalezení, co se stalo se zmizelým zpěvaččiným synem?

Ocitli se snad náš hrdina se svou vynalézavou přítelkyní Nevadou opět přímo v hledáčku zločinců, kteří se nezastaví před ničím?

Euromedia has also published the first book in the series, as POSLEDNÍ DESKA.

The Vinyl Detective series is published in the UK and North America by Titan Books: WRITTEN IN DEAD WAX, THE RUN-OUT GROOVE, VICTORY DISC, FLIP BACK, and LOW ACTION. The first two books in the series have also been published in Germany, by Suhrkamp.

Here’s the English-language synopsis for THE RUN-OUT GROOVE

His first adventure consisted of the search for a rare record; his second begins with the discovery of one. When a mint copy of the final album by “Valerian” — England’s great lost rock band of the 1960s — surfaces in a charity shop, all hell breaks loose.

Finding this record triggers a chain of events culminating in our hero learning the true fate of the singer Valerian, who died under equivocal circumstances just after — or was it just before? — the abduction of her two-year-old son.

Along the way, the Vinyl Detective finds himself marked for death, at the wrong end of a shotgun, and unknowingly dosed with LSD as a prelude to being burned alive. And then there’s the grave robbing…

But he does find out what happened to the missing child, and it wasn’t what anyone expected — or wanted — to hear.

Here are just a few of the reviews THE RUN-OUT GROOVE has received…

‘Part of the fun of the series is the obsessiveness of record collectors, the contradictions between the mundane places in which they hunt their treasures — charity shops, church bazaars — and the sophisticated sound systems they have set up to play what they find… the Vinyl Detective is proving to be a very amenable companion to have on a treasure hunt. This is one vinyl nerd you won’t mind spending time with.’Kirkus

‘… entertaining second record-spinning mystery… Cartmel treats music and records seriously, plays his strange characters for laughs, and provides a bit of danger and some unexpected twists in this affectionate nod to the vagaries of rock stardom.’Publishers Weekly

THE RUN-OUT GROOVE does a fantastic job of making its fictional history of music so fascinating and authentic that you’ll forget it isn’t all true… This a follow-up every bit the equal of its highly memorable predecessor, presenting a mystery you’ll be eager to solve and characters whose company you won’t want to leave. Written with infectious charm, the Vinyl Detective has more than proven he’s no one-hit-wonder.’ (9/10) — Alternative Magazine Online

‘Polished, fast-paced and a ton of fun, this is a fantastic read that is easy to get lost in… more polished… keeps the story rolling forward at an incredible speed – and also makes it very hard to put down… Cartmel has created an intoxicating mix of adventure, humour and mystery to lose yourself in… a truly engaging and enjoyable read. THE RUN-OUT GROOVE surpasses even the opening novel in the series for polish and fun.’The Crime Review

In related news, Andrew was recently interviewed for The Eternal Village-Cast. You can listen to that, below…

Roger Zelazny’s SIGN OF THE UNICORN Available in Czech Audio!

SIGN OF THE UNICORN, the third novel in Roger Zelazny‘s acclaimed, classic Chronicles of Amber is now available in a Czech audio edition! Published by Walker & Volf as ZNAMENI JEDNOROŽCE, and narrated by Luboš Ondráček, here’s the synopsis…

Ve třetím díle fantasy ságy Tajemný Amber od Velmistra žánru Rogera Zelazneho (Znamení jednorožce) se lámou hodnoty, boří mýty. Vyvrcholení této audioknihy je současně i vyvrcholením všech tří dosud zveřejněných audioknih této série.

Situace kolem Corwina se stává neudržitelnou. Kdo je vůbec spojenec a kdo nepřítel? Jaké jsou vlastně principy Amberu a co stojí za magickou mocí trumfů?

Největší tajemství královské rodiny, schopnost manipulovat stíny a cestovat paralelními světy, bylo prozrazeno úhlavním nepřátelům Amberu. Obklíčen démonickými silami a podvedený děsivým spiknutím ve vlastní rodině kráčí princ Corwin vstříc konečnému odhalení.

Walker & Volf also publishes the first two novels in the series as audiobooks in Czechia: NINE PRINCES IN AMBER (DEVĚT PRINCŮ AMBERU) and THE GUNS OF AVALON (PUŠKY AVALONU).

SIGN OF THE UNICORN was first published in 1975. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

He who rules Amber rules the one true world. He who thwarts Amber invites the wrath of Amber betrayed.

An unseen enemy of immense strength has seized a Prince of the Blood, and now threatens the perfect kingdom by striking at the very core of its power — the secret knowledge of Shadow.

When Corwin summons forces to defend the throne, he finds himself challenged by royal conspirators, hideous demons, supernatural patterns and the ominous unknown that suddenly transcends all he ever suspected about the true nature of Amber.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in the UK and Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Czech Edition of Ben Aaronovitch’s THE OCTOBER MAN Out Now!

We’re very happy to share the news that the Czech edition of Ben Aaronovitch‘s THE OCTOBER MAN is out now! Published by Argo as STÍN NAD TREVÍREM, it’s the first set in Germany and starring Tobias Winter. Here’s the synopsis…

První případ, který se neodehrává v Londýně a který neřeší Peter Grant. Svižné dobrodružství, které si v ničem nezadá s eskapádami slavné partičky z Rozmaru a anglických říčních božstev. Tajnosti tentokrát obestírají řeku Moselu a jihoněmecké město Trevír, proslavené vínem a starověkými Římany. Právě zde je na vinici nalezena mrtvola muže pokrytého plísní. Místní policie s něčím takovým nemá zkušenosti, kolem případu se navíc vznáší aura nadpřirozena, a proto je na scénu pozván vyšetřovatel Tobias Winter, německá obdoba Petera Granta, který s pomocí trevírské policistky Vanessy Sommerové záhy odhalí propojení oběti se skupinkou místních mužů a čímsi, co město a jeho okolí prorůstá už pěkně dlouhou dobu. Případ se větví a nejde v něm pouze o plíseň a vraždu, nýbrž i o vlákna minulosti, sahající do dávné historie Trevíru.

Knižní řada Řeky Londýna se vydává do Německa!

Argo has also published Ben’s first seven Peter Grant novels, the novella THE FURTHEST STATION, and also the first two Rivers of London comic collections (co-authored by Andrew Cartmel).

THE OCTOBER MAN is published by Gollancz in the UK, Subterranean Press in North America, and DTV in Germany. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Trier is famous for wine, Romans and for being Germany’s oldest city. So when a man is found dead with, his body impossibly covered in a fungal rot, the local authorities know they are out of their depth.

Fortunately this is Germany, where there are procedures for everything.

Enter Investigator Tobias Winter, whose aim is to get in, deal with the problem, and get out with the minimum of fuss, personal danger and paperwork. With the help of frighteningly enthusiastic local cop, Vanessa Sommer, he’s quick to link the first victim to a group of ordinary middle aged men – and to realise they may have accidentally reawakened a bloody conflict from a previous century. But the rot is still spreading, literally and with the suspect list extending to people born before Frederick the Great solving the case may mean unearthing the city’s secret magical history.

… so long as that history doesn’t kill them first.

Finally, check out some of the reviews the novella has received so far…

‘In this enjoyable spin-off from the Rivers of London urban fantasy series, Aaronovitch successfully transfers his blend of the supernatural and humor from England to the Continent as he introduces Tobias Winter, a German police officer who practices magic… Supernatural mystery fans who enjoy more whimsical takes on the paranormal will hope for more of Winter and Sommer.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘Winter’s stolidness is a feature rather than a bug. While there are moments of adventure and daring, the story of this crime is both a satisfying whodunit and a primer on how magic works in Deutschland. THE OCTOBER MAN would be an interesting place to enter the Rivers of London world. Rather than fae, a new reader would anticipate werewolves, perhaps — and still greatly enjoy Aaronovitch’s work. Those who know the Folly will appreciate this outsider’s view of Grant and Nightingale, as well as learn a bit about how the latter spent the war, while still greatly enjoying Aaronovitch’s work, even if it is set someplace new.’ — Locus (Adrienne Martini)

‘Sommer and Winter are an interesting team, the latter especially being a fascinating take of the “ordinary copper” style trope that these books do so well… THE OCTOBER MAN is a must for any fan of the series so far and, unusually, a good introduction to the series. It only marginally connects to the big plot of the main books, but does introduce all the core ideas and distinctive style. More please, and soon.’ — Starburst

‘There is a joyous familiarity to Aaronovitch’s writing, meaning that fans of the series will delight in seeing how unexplainable events are dealt with in the Rhineland, without ever feeling like they left Grant or London behind… Aaronovitch continues to develop his well-crafted magical alternate/fantasy history backdrop with his usual level of attention to detail. Familiar geographical and historical touchstones are cleverly rolled away, leaving you with a non-fiction reading list that will keep you curious long after you’ve closed the last page… The characters are at once likeable and engaging… an enjoyable jaunt to the Continent that leaves you hoping that the Rivers Of London series will be packing its bags to take us on another outing to a new destination around the globe soon.’ — SciFi Now

‘Aaronovitch is well on his way to becoming this country’s standout voice of urban fantasy, with a sprinkling of humour… a tasty little mystery… Set in Germany, with all the usual murder and mayhem the author is famed for, it’s about as enjoyable as a tease can be from a writer on top form.’ — The Sun (UK)

‘Aaronovitch expands the universe of his Rivers of London series (Broken Homes, 2014) to include new characters operating in different countries with ties to supernatural crimes and detective work. THE OCTOBER MAN introduces Tobias Winter, a sanctioned magic practitioner who investigates the supernatural angles of crimes for the Abteilung KDA (which fans will recognize as the German extension of the British Folly)… Aaronovitch delivers yet another classic detective novel rich with the magical world building accomplished in his previous work.’ — Booklist

Peter A. Flannery’s BATTLE MAGE out in Czechia!

In case you missed it, Peter A. Flannery‘s acclaimed fantasy novel, BATTLE MAGE, is out in Czechia! Published by Triton as BITEVNÍ MÁG, here’s the synopsis…

Svět podléhá spalujícímu stínu Posedlých a pouze moc bitevního mága ho může zachránit. Ale prastaré pouto mezi mágy a draky selhává. Příliš mnoho draků je černých.

Černí draci jsou nepřáteli lidstva.

Černí draci jsou šílení.

Falco Danté je churavý kluk ve světě válečníků, a co hůř, je synem vraha. Hnán touhou porozumět svému otci se odhodlá k činu, který ho dožene na pokraj beznaděje. Najde způsob, jak spasit svou duši před věčnými plameny pekla?

BATTLE MAGE has also been published in France (Albin Michel), Germany (Heyne), and Poland (Fabryka Słów) — in these markets, it is available as two volumes.

Here’s the English-language synopsis…

The world is falling to the burning shadow of the Possessed and only the power of a battle mage can save it. But the ancient bond with dragonkind is failing. Of those that answer a summoning too many are black. Black dragons are the enemy of humankind. Black dragons are mad.

Falco Dante is a weakling in a world of warriors, but worse than this, he is the son of a madman. Driven by grief, Falco makes a decision that will drive him to the brink of despair. As he tries to come to terms with his actions Falco follows his friends to the Academy of War, an elite training school dedicated to martial excellence. But while his friends make progress he struggles to overcome his doubts and insecurity. Even Queen Catherine of Wrath has her doubts about Falco’s training.

While the Queen tries to unite the Kingdoms against the Possessed, Falco struggles to overcome his fears. Will he unlock the power trapped inside of him or will he succumb to madness and murder like his father?

Zeno represents Peter A. Flannery in Translation.

Check out this video of Ben Aaronovitch at Prague Comic-Con!

A few days ago, Ben Aaronovitch attended Prague’s Comic-Con! Ben’s Peter Grant series, published by Argo, has been very well received by the Czech public. To celebrate, he was interviewed for the event.

Unfortunately, we weren’t able to embed the video, but you can watch it at Česká televize’s website. Ben’s portion of the clip begins at the 1:57 mark. (The clip is not in English, but Ben is clearly audible under the translation.)

Not only that, but the first eight books in the Peter Grant series are now available in a collected box set, also published by Argo!

Argo has published the first eight books in the series (including the novella THE FURTHEST STATION), as well as the first two story-arcs of the Rivers of London comic series (co-written with Andrew Cartmel).

Ben Aaronovitch’s ZVONY LONDÝNA out now!

Czech fans of Ben Aaronovitch‘s fantastic Peter Grant series can rejoice: LIES SLEEPING, the seventh novel in the series, is now available in Czechia! Published by Argo as ZVONY LONDÝNA, here’s the synopsis…

Muž bez tváře, pachatel mnoha vražd, podvodů a zločinů proti lidskosti, byl demaskován a je na útěku. Peter Grant, londýnský detektiv a čarodějnický učeň, nyní hraje klíčovou roli v bezprecedentní operaci bezpečnostních sil, která má Muže bez tváře dostat před soud. Peter mezitím zjišťuje, že Muž bez tváře není ještě ani…

Argo has published all of the previous books in the series as well (in addition to the novella THE FURTHEST STATION).

LIES SLEEPING and the other Peter Grant books are published in the UK by Gollancz, and in North America by Del Rey (#1-3), DAW Books (#4-) and Subterranean Press (novellas). The series has been published widely around the world, and recently passed one million sales in Germany!

Here’s the English-language synopsis for LIES SLEEPING

A deadly history.
A dangerous mystery.
And a dark plan coming to light.


Martin Chorley – aka the Faceless Man – wanted for multiple counts of murder, fraud and crimes against humanity, has been unmasked and is on the run. Peter Grant, Detective Constable and apprentice wizard, now plays a key role in an unprecedented joint operation to bring Chorley to justice.

But even as the unwieldy might of the Metropolitan Police bears down on its foe, Peter uncovers clues that Chorley, far from being finished, is executing the final stages of a long term plan. A plan that has its roots in London’s two thousand bloody years of history, and could literally bring the city to its knees.

To save his beloved city Peter’s going to need help from his former best friend and colleague – Lesley May – who brutally betrayed him and everything he thought she believed in. And, far worse, he might even have to come to terms with the malevolent supernatural killer and agent of chaos known as Mr Punch…

Czech Audiobook edition of WHISPERS UNDERGROUND now available via Audible!

The Czech audiobook edition of Ben Aaronovitch‘s third Peter Grant novel, WHISPERS UNDERGROUND is available now through Audible! Published by Tympanum as ŠEPOT PODZENÍ, and read by Tomáš Kobr, here’s the synopsis…

Další případ ze světa nejúspěšnější městské fantasy uplynulého desetiletí! Peter Grant na cestě do labyrintem londýnského metra. Jmenuji se Peter Grant. Není to tak dávno, co jsem byl obyčejný četnický zelenáč v řadách londýnské Metropolitní policie. Teď jsem policejní detektiv a čarodějnický učeň. Jenže inspektor Nightingale má plné ruce práce s pátráním po Muži bez tváře, takže stojím nad mrtvolou amerického studenta na stanici metra Baker Street sám. Vlastně ne sám, FBI mi poslala na pomoc nějakou mladou ambiciózní křesťanku. No, hezká je, ale veškerá kouzla jsou pro ni jasné dílo ďáblovo. Je na čase ponořit se strašidelné hlubiny nejstarší, největší a nyní i nejvražednější podzemní dráhy na světě.

The print edition of the novel is published in Czechia by Argo. The Peter Grant series is published in the UK by Gollancz, in North America by Del Rey (1-3) and DAW Books (4-), and widely in translation. Here’s the English-language synopsis for WHISPERS UNDERGROUND

Peter Grant is learning magic fast. And it’s just as well – he’s already had run-ins with the deadly supernatural children of the Thames and a terrifying killer in Soho. Progression in the Police Force is less easy. Especially when you work in a department of two. A department that doesn’t even officially exist. A department that if you did describe it to most people would get you laughed at. And then there’s his love life. The last person he fell for ended up seriously dead. It wasn’t his fault, but still.

Now something horrible is happening in the labyrinth of tunnels that make up the tube system that honeycombs the ancient foundations of London. And delays on the Northern line is the very least of it. Time to call in the Met’s Economic and Specialist Crime Unit 9, aka ‘The Folly’. Time to call in PC Peter Grant, Britain’s Last Wizard.

Here are just a handful of the reviews the novel has received…

‘One of the most refreshing things about former Doctor Who writer Aaronvitch’s Rivers of London series of magical procedurals is that they are blessedly free of manufactured rivalries. Instead, Police Constable (and freshly minted wizard) Peter Grant works for a supernatural branch of the London police department that is more interested in solving crimes than creating drama. In Grant’s third outing (after Moon over Soho), he gets called in to help with a magic-linked murder at an Underground station. The victim turns out to be the son of a U.S. senator, with a sketchy, not-quite-human roommate. To solve the murder, Grant and his associates, including disfigured fellow magician Lesley May and trigger-happy FBI agent Kimberley Reynolds, plumb the city’s depths as well as its secret history. This fast, engrossing novel is enjoyable, cheerful, and accessible to new readers.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘… the Peter Grant novels by Ben Aaronovitch are a great way to feel like you’re actually visiting the city by the Thames… Ben Aaronovitch writes some of the funniest prose in current fantasy. These books are extremely entertaining, mainly because narrator Peter Grant has a hilarious voice and a sly sense of humor… quirkily effective prose and dry humor, making it a pure pleasure to read… I’m usually not a big fan of urban fantasy, but this series is so much fun that I always look forward to the next installment. If you’re looking for a fast-moving, entertaining urban fantasy that’ll make you feel like you’re visiting London vicariously this summer, pick up series opener MIDNIGHT RIOT / RIVERS OF LONDON. And if you’ve already read the first two books, you’ll probably be glad to hear that the newest installment WHISPERS UNDER GROUND is just as good.’ —

‘The quality of the writing is superb with an instantly engaging style and subtle humour that makes reading the novel a real joy and almost impossible to resist… The ending is pretty dramatic and very much a seat-of-your-pants cliff hanger that really does leave you wanting more, I can’t wait to read more in the life of Peter Grant.’ 5/5 — SF Book Reviews

‘The voice is persuasive and funny as all get-out, and the reader is engaged with the narrative from the very first page. Aaronovitch has written a diverse cast of characters who all feel like real people with their own specific motivations. This book is simply wonderful.’ — RT Book Reviews

The next novel in the series, FALSE VALUE, is due to be published in February 2020.