Ian McDonald’s LUNE MONTANTE is Now Available in Paperback!

The third novel in Ian McDonald‘s acclaimed Luna series, MOON RISING is now available in a new French paperback edition! Published by Folio SF as LUNE MONTANTE, here’s the synopsis…

Lucas Corta, que tout le monde croyait mort, a réussi l’impossible : survivre, lui, le natif de la Lune, à un long séjour sur la Terre. Revenu en orbite pour se venger, il a triomphé. Désormais la Lune lui appartient. Mais il a également beaucoup perdu, à commencer par son fils Lucasinho, plongé dans le coma et atteint de lésions cérébrales irréversibles. Sans compter que les Mackenzie rescapés n’ont pas dit leur dernier mot et espèrent bien rendre à Lucas la monnaie de sa pièce. Les Sun, quant à eux, fourbissent toujours leurs armes pour éliminer tous leurs concurrents. Plus que jamais, sur la Lune, la guerre entre les Cinq Dragons fait rage.

Après le succès des précédents tomes, Ian McDonald conclut avec brio l’univers violent et sans concession de Luna.

Folio SF has also published the first two novels in the series in France: NOUVELLE LUNE (NEW MOON) and LUNE DU LOUP (WOLF MOON)

Ian’s Luna series is published in the UK by Gollancz, in North America by Tor Books, and in a growing number of translated editions. Here’s the English-language synopsis for MOON RISING

The continuing saga of the Five Dragons, Ian McDonald’s fast-paced, intricately plotted space opera…

A hundred years in the future, a war wages between the Five Dragons — five families that control the Moon’s leading industrial companies. Each clan does everything in their power to claw their way to the top of the food chain — marriages of convenience, corporate espionage, kidnapping, and mass assassinations.

Through ingenious political manipulation and sheer force of will, Lucas Cortas rises from the ashes of corporate defeat and seizes control of the Moon. The only person who can stop him is a brilliant lunar lawyer, his sister, Ariel.

Witness the Dragons’ final battle for absolute sovereignty in Ian McDonald’s heart-stopping finale to the Luna trilogy.

Here are just a few of the reviews that MOON RISING has received so far…

‘McDonald concludes his Luna space opera trilogy in triumphant style… The political intrigue never feels too abstract or removed from 21st-century Earth. Readers will appreciate the care McDonald takes with both worldbuilding and characterization, and will enjoy little touches such as giving an assassin the job title of Corporate Conflict Resolution Officer… fans of the prior books will find this wrap-up rewarding.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘McDonald’s richly imagined Lunar culture and interplanetary poleconomy make for a superb backdrop for literally dozens of richly realized human dramas, and it’s hard to say which is more fascinating. McDonald’s wildly imaginative worldbuilding (present since his debut novel, the utterly wonderful standout OUT ON BLUE SIX) and his ability to spin out intrigues are both in full flight in this final volume.’ — Boing Boing

‘… cinematic set-pieces… so much fun to read… these entertaining, and intelligent novels, capped off by the very satisfying Luna: MOON RISING, have been about establishing a society, a community, a family that looks to the future, that lives and prospers in an environment that must always be treated with respect.’ — Locus (Ian Mond)

‘The Luna trilogy is a masterpiece of worldbuilding. Ian McDonald has created an incredibly developed, complex and astonishingly plausible future for the Moon… What stands out, though, are its threads of gorgeous storytelling… as a whole, this is an extraordinary trilogy. Ian McDonald always writes beautifully. I love what he has to say. I’ll always remember his vision of the Moon, which at times is horrifying and violent and yet at others is so heartwarming and wondrous.’ — For Winter Nights

‘[T]here are few excuses for not reading Ian McDonald’ — Cheryl Morgan

New French Paperback of Lavie Tidhar’s UNHOLY LAND Out Now!

Lavie Tidhar‘s acclaimed, award-winning UNHOLY LAND is now available in a new French paperback edition! Published by Continent Mu as AUCUNE TERRE N’EST PROMISE, here’s the synopsis…

… aucune destinée n’est manifeste.

Berlin. Lior Tirosh, écrivain de seconde zone, embarque pour la Palestina, fuyant une existence minée d’échecs. Il espère retrouver à Ararat City la chaleur du foyer, mais rien ne se passe comme prévu : la ville est ceinturée par un mur immense, et sa nièce, Déborah, a disparu dans les camps de réfugiés africains. Traqué, soupçonné de meurtre, offert en pâture à un promoteur véreux, Lior est entraîné malgré lui dans les dédales d’une histoire qu’il contribue pourtant à écrire.

Lavie Tidhar questionne nos identités, et le prix qui leur est attaché. Aucune terre n’est promise est un roman d’une incroyable lucidité sur les enjeux d’Israël, microcosme du monde. Il n’en cède pourtant rien à la poésie, seule utopie capable encore d’incarner la paix.

UNHOLY LAND is published in English by Tachyon Publications; it is also available in Poland, published by Katedra. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Lior Tirosh is a semi-successful author of pulp fiction, an inadvertent time traveler, and an ongoing source of disappointment to his father.

Tirosh has returned to his homeland in East Africa. But Palestina — a Jewish state founded in the early 20th century — has grown dangerous. The government is building a vast border wall to keep out African refugees. Unrest in Ararat City is growing. And Tirosh’s childhood friend, trying to deliver a warning, has turned up dead in his hotel room. A state security officer has identified Tirosh as a suspect in a string of murders, and a rogue agent is stalking Tirosh through transdimensional rifts — possible futures that can only be prevented by avoiding the mistakes of the past.

From the bestselling author of Central Station comes an extraordinary new novel recalling China Miéville and Michael Chabon, entertaining and subversive in equal measures.

Here are just a few of the great reviews UNHOLY LAND has received so far…

‘… will leave readers’ heads spinning with this disorienting and gripping alternate history… Readers of all kinds, and particularly fans of detective stories and puzzles, will enjoy grappling with the numerous questions raised by this stellar work.’ — Publishers Weekly (PW Picks: Books of the Week, October 15, 2018)

‘… provocative and brash… UNHOLY LAND is a wildly inventive and entertaining novel that moves at a breathless gallop… [Tidhar has] staked a claim as the genre’s most interesting, most bold, and most accomplished writer.’ — Locus (Ian Mond)

‘Shifting perspectives will keep readers trying to catch up with this fast-paced plot involving incredible twists on multiple realities and homecoming. This latest from Campbell and World Fantasy Award winner Tidhar (Central Station) is fascinating and powerful.’ — Library Journal

‘… adventurous readers will appreciate this well-written and ambitious book. It should find a place at any library that offers high-quality literary fiction.’ — Booklist

‘Lavie Tidhar is a genius at conjuring realities that are just two steps to the left of our own — places that look and smell and feel real, if just a bit hauntingly alien. UNHOLY LAND develops slowly. It begins with banal strangeness (this Palestinia, so like and unlike modern-day Israel) and leans gently into it… This is a story that gets weirder the deeper you get into it; that cultivates strangeness like something precious. It has three narrators: Investigator Bloom, Tirosh and a woman, Nur, who works as a field agent for the Border Agency. There are echoes of Chabon’s The Yiddish Policeman’s Union in it, wild strains of P.K. Dick and Roger Zelazny’s Chronicles of Amber. But UNHOLY LAND is its own thing. Something that no one but Tidhar could’ve written. Gorgeous in its alienness, comfortingly gray in its banality, and disquieting throughout.’ — NPR

‘We are in that kind of novel, the kind that doubles back and dodges sideways. Keeping up provides its own kind of pleasure… the various points of view meet up, and the result is an altogether dizzying and masterful use of narrative voice. The clashing narrative perspectives produce something like parallax—looking out of one eye, and then the other, and then both focused together on a third point. Which is the operative metaphor of UNHOLY LAND: one of partition and perspective, the same thing seen over and over and over again through different eyes… UNHOLY LAND plays in the strange, uncomfortable DMZ between the national founding myth and the uninterrogated childhood, between the person who leaves the homeland and the one who returns.’ — Barnes & Noble Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog

‘By extending Tidhar’s exploration of multiple and metafictional realities in even more sophis­ticated and assured ways than his earlier novels, UNHOLY LAND is quite an irritated oyster.’ — Locus (Gary K. Wolfe)

Tachyon Publications also publishes Lavie’s critically acclaimed THE VIOLENT CENTURY and CENTRAL STATION; and are due to published his latest novel, THE ESCAPEMENT, in mid-October.

BATTLE MAGE Out Now in French Paperback!

Peter A. Flannery‘s acclaimed fantasy novel BATTLE MAGE is now available in mass market paperback in France! Split into two parts, it is published by Le Livre de Poche as MAGE DE BATAILLE. Here’s the synopsis…

Dans un monde en guerre peu à peu conquis par l’armée infernale des Possédés, Falco Danté est un gringalet. Pire, il est méprisé, mis à l’écart, à cause de son père qui fut un immense mage de bataille avant de sombrer dans une folie meurtrière. Alors que la Reine tente de rassembler toutes les forces armées pour repousser les Possédés, Falco prend une décision qui va l’amener aux marges du désespoir: entrer à l’académie de la Guerre, une école d’excellence pour les officiers. Là, il devra surmonter ses doutes, ceux de ses amis et même ceux de la Reine.

Le monde brûle ; seul un mage de bataille pourra sauver ce qu’il en reste. Falco réussira-t-il à libérer son pouvoir, à invoquer un dragon à sa mesure ou succombera-t-il à la folie… comme son père ?

Porté par son héros meurtri, condamné à se dépasser face au mal absolu, Mage de bataille a rencontré un formidable succès dans les pays anglo-saxons.

The French edition is translated by Patrice Louinet. The novel is also available in Germany, Poland, and Czechia. Earlier this year, the novel was nominated for Best Fantasy Novel in Poland.

Here’s the English-language synopsis…

The world is falling to the burning shadow of the Possessed and only the power of a battle mage can save it. But the ancient bond with dragonkind is failing. Of those that answer a summoning too many are black. Black dragons are the enemy of humankind. Black dragons are mad.

Falco Dante is a weakling in a world of warriors, but worse than this, he is the son of a madman. Driven by grief, Falco makes a decision that will drive him to the brink of despair. As he tries to come to terms with his actions Falco follows his friends to the Academy of War, an elite training school dedicated to martial excellence. But while his friends make progress he struggles to overcome his doubts and insecurity. Even Queen Catherine of Wrath has her doubts about Falco’s training.

While the Queen tries to unite the Kingdoms against the Possessed, Falco struggles to overcome his fears. Will he unlock the power trapped inside of him or will he succumb to madness and murder like his father?

Zeno represents Peter A. Flannery in translation.

New Edition of Ian McDonald’s LUNE DU LOUP available now!

The second novel in Ian McDonald‘s acclaimed Luna series, WOLF MOON, is now available in a new French mass-market paperback edition. Published by Folio SF as LUNE DU LOUP, here’s the synopsis…

Sur la Lune, deux ans après les événements qui ont précipité la chute de la famille Corta, les Mackenzie se sont approprié les restes de leur entreprise. Il n’y a donc plus que quatre « Dragons », ces consortiums familiaux qui se partagent l’exploitation des ressources lunaires et, donc, le pouvoir. Pourtant, les Mackenzie se déchirent sur les cadavres encore frais de leurs ennemis de toujours. Les Sun continuent, discrètement, à élaborer des plans visant à affaiblir leurs adversaires. Les Vorontsov vendent toujours leurs indispensables services au plus offrant. Et les Asamoah tentent tant bien que mal de préserver leur neutralité de façade. Mais le statu quo, même sous gravité réduite, n’est jamais acquis. D’autant que les rares survivants de la famille Corta – blessés, en fuite ou sous la protection d’autres Dragons – n’ont pas dit leur dernier mot.

Avec le deuxième tome de sa trilogie, Ian McDonald continue, sans temps mort, l’exploration minutieuse de sa colonie lunaire, nouveau Far West où tous les coups (bas) sont permis.

Folio SF has also published the first novel in the series, NEW MOON, as NOUVELLE LUNE.

WOLF MOON and the other novels in the Luna series — which also includes MOON RISING (#3) — are published in the UK by Gollancz, in North America by Tor Books, and in a growing number of translated editions. Here’s the English-language synopsis for WOLF MOON

Corta Helio, one of the five family corporations that rule the Moon, has fallen. Its riches are divided up among its many enemies, its survivors scattered. Eighteen months have passed.

The remaining Helio children, Lucasinho and Luna, are under the protection of the powerful Asamoahs, while Robson, still reeling from witnessing his parent’s violent deaths, is now a ward – virtually a hostage – of Mackenzie Metals. And the last appointed heir, Lucas, has vanished from the surface of the moon.

Only Lady Sun, dowager of Taiyang, suspects that Lucas Corta is not dead, and – more to the point – that he is still a major player in the game. After all, Lucas always was a schemer, and even in death, he would go to any lengths to take back everything and build a new Corta Helio, more powerful than before. But Corta Helio needs allies, and to find them, the fleeing son undertakes an audacious, impossible journey – to Earth.

In an unstable lunar environment, the shifting loyalties and political machinations of each family reach the zenith of their most fertile plots as outright war between the families erupts.

Here are just a few of the great reviews the series has received…

‘… powerful sequel… compelling throughout. Each of McDonald’s viewpoint characters is made human in fascinating and occasionally disturbing detail, and the solar system of the 22nd century is wonderfully delineated. Fans of the first volume will love this one and eagerly look forward to the next.‘ — Publishers Weekly

NEW MOON was one of the most interesting sci-fi novels of 2015, with smart ideas on humanity and economies matched by street smarts, political brawls and murder in the streets. LUNA: WOLF MOON turns that up to eleven – it’s a fascinating story, which is also a tense, enthralling read.’ — Sci-Fi & Fantasy Review

‘The fights and vengeance that follow are more vicious and intricate than anything in Game of Thrones, full of great acts of self-sacrifice and viciousness alike, brave cavalry charges and last stands, cowardice and avarice. McDonald’s great gift is to hold the micro- and macro-scale in his hand at once. Starting with his debut novel, 1988’s Desolation Road, McDonald has used his intense, finely crafted and small personal stories of his vast casts of characters as the pixels in an unimaginably vast display on which he projects some of the field’s most audacious worldbuilding — never worldbuilding for its own sake, either, but always in the service of slyly parodying, critiquing or lionizing elements of our present-day world.’ — Boing Boing

‘No one builds a world like Ian McDonald does… Spare, simple, elegant when he needs to be…, deep and meaty when he wants to be…, he does his work like an artisan pulling a sculpture from stone… McDonald has made a world that is ruthless in its consistency and living, breathing reality, and then made characters who are not just living in it, but wholly and fully of it… McDonald’s corporate war is a gorgeous thing, fought with every tool available… McDonald is able to wrap the biggest events in constellations of the smallest so that a cocktail party here, a discussion of ’80s retro fashion (all mall-hair and WHAM! T-shirts), a love story and a day at work for a guy who cleans solar panels all build and coalesce to form the background radiation of life in this unstable future. Every moment with his characters makes them precious, real and alive.’ — NPR

‘Luna: New Moon was a “magnificent bastard of a book,” as I put it in my review. Part two, it’s my pleasure to tell you, is just as awesome, and just as masterfully nasty.’ — Tor.com

A prequel novella to the series, THE MENACE FROM FARSIDE is also available, published by Tor.com.

Folio also publishes French editions of Ian’s KING OF MORNING, QUEEN OF DAY, RIVER OF GODS, CYBERABAD DAYS, and THE DERVISH HOUSE.

ICYMI: New French Edition of Zelazny’s A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER

There’s a new French edition of Roger Zelazny‘s classic A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER! Published by Hélios (an imprint of ActuSF), as LE SONGE D’UNE NUIT D’OCTOBRE, here’s the synopsis…

Octobre. Dans 31 jours, le portail s’ouvrira et les Grands Anciens déferleront sur le monde

Dracula, Sherlock Holmes, Raspoutine, le docteur Frankenstein… Ils seront tous là. Mais feront-ils partie des ouvreurs avides de pouvoir, ou seront-ils des fermeurs qui s’opposeront aux horreurs indicibles?

Les familiers de ces personnages seront eux aussi impliqués dans cette murder party ésotérique riche en rebondissements. Tout particulièrement Snuff, un chien dont le maître, Jack, aime se promener la nuit dans Londres avec son grand couteau…

Le Jeu va commencer.

Quel sera votre camp?

A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER is available in the UK, published by Farrago. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

All is not what it seems.

In the murky London gloom, a knife-wielding gentleman named Jack prowls the midnight streets with his faithful watchdog Snuff – gathering together the grisly ingredients they will need for an upcoming ancient and unearthly rite. For soon after the death of the moon, black magic will summon the Elder Gods back into the world. And all manner of Players, both human and undead, are preparing to participate.

Some have come to open the gates. Some have come to slam them shut. And now the dread night approaches – so let the Game begin.

Farrago also publishes DOORWAYS IN THE SAND in the UK.

The novel is one of Zelazny’s best-loved by fans. Here are just a few of the great reviews it has received…

‘One of Zelazny’s most delightful books: Jack the Ripper’s dog Snuff narrates a mad game of teams to cause or prevent armageddon.’Neil Gaiman

‘The last great novel by one of the giants of the genre.’George R.R. Martin

‘A madcap blend of horror tropes and fantasy… There aren’t many authors who would set out to write a novel in which the Wolfman and Jack the Ripper were the two heroes… And I’m not sure anyone else could have made it work.’Science Fiction Chronicle

‘Sparkling, witty, delightful. Zelazny’s best for ages, perhaps his best ever.’Kirkus

‘A cheerful, witty, well-crafted fantasy… Its deft, understated good humor and spare, poetic prose reaffirm Zelazny as one of fantasy’s most skilled practitioners.’Publishers Weekly

Lavie Tidhar’s UNHOLY LAND Out Tomorrow in France!

We’re very happy to report that Lavie Tidhar‘s highly acclaimed novel UNHOLY LAND will be available in a new French edition from tomorrow! Published by Continent Mu as AUCUNE TERRE N’EST PROMISE, here’s the synopsis…

… aucune destinée n’est manifeste.

Berlin. Lior Tirosh, écrivain de seconde zone, embarque pour la Palestina, fuyant une existence minée d’échecs.

Il espère retrouver à Ararat City la chaleur du foyer, mais rien ne se passe comme prévu : la ville est ceinturée par un mur immense, et sa nièce, Déborah, a disparu dans les camps de réfugiés africains.

Traqué, soupçonné de meurtre, offert en pâture à un promoteur véreux, Lior est entraîné malgré lui dans les dédales d’une histoire qu’il contribue pourtant à écrire.

Lavie Tidhar questionne nos identités, et le prix qui leur est attaché. Aucune terre n’est promise est un roman d’une incroyable lucidité sur les enjeux d’Israël, microcosme du monde. Il n’en cède pourtant rien à la poésie, seule utopie capable encore d’incarner la paix.

UNHOLY LAND is published in English by Tachyon Publications, who also publish Lavie’s other acclaimed, award-winning novels CENTRAL STATION and THE VIOLENT CENTURY. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Lior Tirosh is a semi-successful author of pulp fiction, an inadvertent time traveler, and an ongoing source of disappointment to his father.

Tirosh has returned to his homeland in East Africa. But Palestina — a Jewish state founded in the early 20th century — has grown dangerous. The government is building a vast border wall to keep out African refugees. Unrest in Ararat City is growing. And Tirosh’s childhood friend, trying to deliver a warning, has turned up dead in his hotel room. A state security officer has identified Tirosh as a suspect in a string of murders, and a rogue agent is stalking Tirosh through transdimensional rifts — possible futures that can only be prevented by avoiding the mistakes of the past.

From the bestselling author of Central Station comes an extraordinary new novel recalling China Miéville and Michael Chabon, entertaining and subversive in equal measures.

(Each of these covers was designed and produced by Sarah Anne Langton.)

Here are just a few of the great reviews the novel has received…

‘… will leave readers’ heads spinning with this disorienting and gripping alternate history… Readers of all kinds, and particularly fans of detective stories and puzzles, will enjoy grappling with the numerous questions raised by this stellar work.’ — Publishers Weekly (PW Picks: Books of the Week, October 15, 2018)

‘Lavie Tidhar is a genius at conjuring realities that are just two steps to the left of our own — places that look and smell and feel real, if just a bit hauntingly alien. UNHOLY LAND develops slowly. It begins with banal strangeness (this Palestinia, so like and unlike modern-day Israel) and leans gently into it… This is a story that gets weirder the deeper you get into it; that cultivates strangeness like something precious. It has three narrators: Investigator Bloom, Tirosh and a woman, Nur, who works as a field agent for the Border Agency. There are echoes of Chabon’s The Yiddish Policeman’s Union in it, wild strains of P.K. Dick and Roger Zelazny’s Chronicles of Amber. But UNHOLY LAND is its own thing. Something that no one but Tidhar could’ve written. Gorgeous in its alienness, comfortingly gray in its banality, and disquieting throughout.’ — NPR

UNHOLY LAND starts out hard-boiled and comes at you sideways with the speculative elements. Tidhar has blended alternative history with murder in hotel rooms, missing women, an honest-to-god Fedora and mysterious borders in a tale that evokes Chabon’s The Yiddish Policemen’s Union, Cassablanca and Mieville’s The City & the City. Political and pulpy, with distinct metafictional elements, Tidhar adroitly pulls off this fantastical tale of an occupied territory.’ — Tade Thompson

‘… adventurous readers will appreciate this well-written and ambitious book. It should find a place at any library that offers high-quality literary fiction.’ — Booklist

‘Tidhar has turned a suspenseful adventure tale into a complex meditation on the possible paths of modern Jewish history.’ — Chicago Tribune

‘We are in that kind of novel, the kind that doubles back and dodges sideways. Keeping up provides its own kind of pleasure… the various points of view meet up, and the result is an altogether dizzying and masterful use of narrative voice. The clashing narrative perspectives produce something like parallax—looking out of one eye, and then the other, and then both focused together on a third point. Which is the operative metaphor of UNHOLY LAND: one of partition and perspective, the same thing seen over and over and over again through different eyes… UNHOLY LAND plays in the strange, uncomfortable DMZ between the national founding myth and the uninterrogated childhood, between the person who leaves the homeland and the one who returns.’ — Barnes & Noble Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog

‘By extending Tidhar’s exploration of multiple and metafictional realities in even more sophis­ticated and assured ways than his earlier novels, UNHOLY LAND is quite an irritated oyster.’ — Locus (Gary K. Wolfe)

‘… provocative and brash… UNHOLY LAND is a wildly inventive and entertaining novel that moves at a breathless gallop… [Tidhar has] staked a claim as the genre’s most interesting, most bold, and most accomplished writer.’ — Locus (Ian Mond)

Lavie’s latest novel, BY FORCE ALONE, is out now — published by Head of Zeus in the UK and Tor Books in North America.

Lavie Tidhar’s UNHOLY LAND Coming Soon to France!

Lavie Tidhar‘s acclaimed novel UNHOLY LAND is due out in France next year! To be published by Editions Mu as AUCUNE TERRE N’EST PROMISE, we wanted to take this opportunity to share the stunning cover. (We’ll update you when we have a more-certain release date and synopsis.)

The novel is out now in the UK and North America, published by Tachyon Publications. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Lior Tirosh is a semi-successful author of pulp fiction, an inadvertent time traveler, and an ongoing source of disappointment to his father.

Tirosh has returned to his homeland in East Africa. But Palestina — a Jewish state founded in the early 20th century — has grown dangerous. The government is building a vast border wall to keep out African refugees. Unrest in Ararat City is growing. And Tirosh’s childhood friend, trying to deliver a warning, has turned up dead in his hotel room. A state security officer has identified Tirosh as a suspect in a string of murders, and a rogue agent is stalking Tirosh through transdimensional rifts — possible futures that can only be prevented by avoiding the mistakes of the past.

Here are just some of the accolades the novel has received…

  • An NPR Best Book of 2018
  • A Library Journal Best Book of 2018
  • A Publishers Weekly Best Book of 2018
  • A Guardian Best Book of 2018
  • A Barnes & Noble Favorite Science Fiction and Fantasy Book of 2018
  • A Crime Time Book Best Book of 2018
  • Locus Recommended Reading List
  • 2018 SCKA Award nominations
  • 2018 British Science Fiction Award finalist, Best Artwork: Sarah Anne Langton

And some of the aforementioned critical-acclaim…

‘… will leave readers’ heads spinning with this disorienting and gripping alternate history… Readers of all kinds, and particularly fans of detective stories and puzzles, will enjoy grappling with the numerous questions raised by this stellar work.’ — Publishers Weekly (PW Picks: Books of the Week, October 15, 2018)

‘Lavie Tidhar is a genius at conjuring realities that are just two steps to the left of our own — places that look and smell and feel real, if just a bit hauntingly alien. UNHOLY LAND develops slowly. It begins with banal strangeness (this Palestinia, so like and unlike modern-day Israel) and leans gently into it… This is a story that gets weirder the deeper you get into it; that cultivates strangeness like something precious. It has three narrators: Investigator Bloom, Tirosh and a woman, Nur, who works as a field agent for the Border Agency. There are echoes of Chabon’s The Yiddish Policeman’s Union in it, wild strains of P.K. Dick and Roger Zelazny’s Chronicles of Amber. But UNHOLY LAND is its own thing. Something that no one but Tidhar could’ve written. Gorgeous in its alienness, comfortingly gray in its banality, and disquieting throughout.’ — NPR

UNHOLY LAND starts out hard-boiled and comes at you sideways with the speculative elements. Tidhar has blended alternative history with murder in hotel rooms, missing women, an honest-to-god Fedora and mysterious borders in a tale that evokes Chabon’s The Yiddish Policemen’s Union, Cassablanca and Mieville’s The Cty & the City. Political and pulpy, with distinct metafictional elements, Tidhar adroitly pulls off this fantastical tale of an occupied territory.’ — Tade Thompson

‘… adventurous readers will appreciate this well-written and ambitious book. It should find a place at any library that offers high-quality literary fiction.’ — Booklist

‘Tidhar has turned a suspenseful adventure tale into a complex meditation on the possible paths of modern Jewish history.’ — Chicago Tribune

‘We are in that kind of novel, the kind that doubles back and dodges sideways. Keeping up provides its own kind of pleasure… the various points of view meet up, and the result is an altogether dizzying and masterful use of narrative voice. The clashing narrative perspectives produce something like parallax—looking out of one eye, and then the other, and then both focused together on a third point. Which is the operative metaphor of UNHOLY LAND: one of partition and perspective, the same thing seen over and over and over again through different eyes… UNHOLY LAND plays in the strange, uncomfortable DMZ between the national founding myth and the uninterrogated childhood, between the person who leaves the homeland and the one who returns.’ — Barnes & Noble Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog

‘By extending Tidhar’s exploration of multiple and metafictional realities in even more sophis­ticated and assured ways than his earlier novels, UNHOLY LAND is quite an irritated oyster.’ — Locus (Gary K. Wolfe)

Ian McDonald’s LE TEMPS FUT (TIME WAS) is out tomorrow in France!

Ian McDonald‘s acclaimed, award-nominated novella TIME WAS is due out tomorrow in France! LE TEMPS FUT, published by Le Bélial’, has been translated by Gilles Goullet, and has that stunning cover, above, by Aurélien Police. Here’s the synopsis…

Bouquiniste indépendant, Emmett Leigh déniche un jour un petit recueil de poèmes lors de la liquidation de la librairie d’un confrère. Un recueil, Le Temps fut, qui s’avère vite d’une qualité littéraire au mieux médiocre… En revanche, ce qui intéresse Emmett au plus haut point, c’est la lettre manuscrite qu’il découvre glissée entre les pages de l’ouvrage. Pour le bouquiniste, tout ce qui peut donner un cachet unique et personnel à un livre est bon à prendre. Il se trouve ici en présence d’une lettre d’amour qu’un certain Tom adresse à son amant, Ben, en plein cœur de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Remuant ciel et terre – et vieux papiers – afin d’identifier les deux soldats, Emmett finit par les retrouver sur diverses photos, prises à différentes époques. Or, la date présumée des photos et l’âge des protagonistes qui y figurent ne correspondent pas… Du tout.

The novella won the BSFA Award for Best Shorter Fiction, and was a finalist for both the John W. Campbell Memorial Award and the Philip K. Dick Award. TIME WAS is published in the UK and North America by Tor.com. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

A love story stitched across time and war, shaped by the power of books, and ultimately destroyed by it.

In the heart of World War II, Tom and Ben became lovers. Brought together by a secret project designed to hide British targets from German radar, the two founded a love that could not be revealed. When the project went wrong, Tom and Ben vanished into nothingness, presumed dead. Their bodies were never found.

Now the two are lost in time, hunting each other across decades, leaving clues in books of poetry and trying to make their desperate timelines overlap.

Here are a few reviews the novellas has received so far…

‘[E]ntrances readers with this multigenerational novella of two time-crossed lovers who can only meet for brief moments separated by several years… beautiful writing… Fans of science fiction who enjoy a dash of history and legend will savor this tender story.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘With echoes of H. G. Wells’s The Time Machine and replete with the inimitable scent of used bookstores, TIME WAS weaves an exquisite spell of love, war and quantum physics that is timeless in its appeal. A scientific romance in the most evocative sense of the word.’ — Nina Allan

‘[A] character-based story about the impact of a pair of time travelers on those who discover their existence. A full-length novel might have been consumed with the temporal mechanics and incidents in the lives of time-lost lovers; by eliding those details, this shorter work is, paradoxically, able to slow down and luxuriate in the story’s elegiac themes… an impressively challenging book for its length, both in McDonald’s use of language, and in its timey-wimey overlapping narratives. A story from the point of view of poets and book lovers would fall flat if the novel’s language weren’t a match for the inner monologues you’d expect from people whose interior lives are so full of words. McDonald succeeds in doing several seemingly incompatible things at once, and doing them well. TIME WAS is a time travel story that’s also, and primarily, a love story. Science fiction is typically plot-driven, occasionally to the exclusion of other elements, but this one luxuriates in characters and language. It’s a work that looks to the past, but speaks to the future of science fiction.’ — B&N Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog

‘This slender, poignant queer romance incorporates time travel and hints of hard science into a story as devastatingly sad—which isn’t to say bleak—as anything you’ll read this year.’ — B&N Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog (Best SFF Books of the Year So Far, 2018, Honourable Mention)

TIME WAS… a peculiar story of time, mystery, books, love, and war, compact as a parable, layered like a complex metaphor… and in some ways, strikingly unsettling… very well put together, and gorgeously written.’ — Tor.com

French readers looking for more of Ian’s work need look no further than his most recent series, Luna, which is published in France by Denoël (along with a few of Ian’s other novels).

Ben Aaronovitch’s L’ARBRE DES PENDUS is out tomorrow in France!

Tomorrow, the paperback edition of THE HANGING TREE is out in France! Published by J’ai Lu as L’ARBRE DES PENDUS, it is the sixth novel in Ben Aaronovitch‘s Peter Grant series. Here’s the synopsis…

À l’emplacement actuel de Marble Arch, à Londres, se dressait jadis la tristement célèbre potence de Tyburn, surnommée l’arbre des pendus, où l’on exécutait les criminels les plus notoires du royaume. Or, de nos jours, les riches demeures d’Oxford Street et de Mayfair – situées là où les condamnés faisaient autrefois leurs derniers pas – sont le théâtre d’événements pour le moins étranges et inquiétants. Peter Grant, agent de la Police métropolitaine de Londres et dernier apprenti sorcier du royaume, mène une nouvelle fois l’enquête…

The novel is published in the UK by Gollancz, and in North America by DAW Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Suspicious deaths are not usually the concern of PC Peter Grant or the Folly, even when they happen at an exclusive party in one of the most expensive apartment blocks in London. But Lady Ty’s daughter was there, and Peter owes Lady Ty a favour.

Plunged into the alien world of the super-rich, where the basements are bigger than the house and dangerous, arcane items are bought and sold on the open market, a sensible young copper would keep his head down and his nose clean. But this is Peter Grant we’re talking about.

He’s been given an unparalleled opportunity to alienate old friends and create new enemies at the point where the world of magic and that of privilege intersect. Assuming he survives the week…

‘Fans of Ben Aaronovitch’s Peter Grant series will be delighted to discover that this latest instalment is just as good a the previous five. Those new to the books (and who for some reason decide to jump in at this point) will also be pleased to learn that this clean and well thought out novel  doesn’t require prior knowledge to be fun… The pace is constant, strong and relentless throughout. Ben Aaronovitch is a master of metropolitan magical mayhem and the action is delightful. This is a tight thriller which is compelling and buckets of fun. If you already know the series, it’s high time you got re-acquainted.’ — Starburst

THE HANGING TREE is definitely one of the best in the Grant/Aaronovitch pantheon. There again, so have most of the previous books in the series and the odds are the next one probably will be too.’ — The Bookbag

‘Aaronovitch deftly balances urban fantasy with the police procedural. As for Grant, he’s a wonderful blend of laconic copper and, methodically researching how magic works, full-on nerd.’ — Crime Scene

‘The opening mystery, however, is a new one and twists in interesting ways. Aaronovitch makes channeling Grant look easy – and the result never feels overwrought even when it gets serious.’ — Locus

‘[H]ijinks, explosions, property destruction on the million-pound scale, a rival tradition of British wizardry (or rather witchery) that isn’t too happy with Nightingale’s old boys’ club tradition, and interfering American military contractors. And yes, the Faceless Man. Narrated with Aaronovitch’s trademark blend of wit, sarcasm, and police acronyms, THE HANGING TREE is a breeze of a supernatural detective thriller.’ — Tor.com

‘Very much worth the wait… If you’ve been following along all this time, then this book is definitely not to be missed, especially in light of the significant revelations dropped on us in the latter half of the story… a real game-changer. While it did end rather abruptly, it’s clear that Peter and the gang will have to tread even more carefully going forward, and the next book should be very interesting indeed. Now if I can only survive the wait…’ — Bibliosanctum

Ian McDonald’s LE TEMPS FUT out in two weeks!

Ian McDonald‘s acclaimed, award-nominated novella TIME WAS is due to be available in France in two weeks! Published by Le Bélial’ as LE TEMPS FUT, and translated by Gilles Goullet, the stunning cover is above (by Aurélien Police). Here’s the synopsis…

Bouquiniste indépendant, Emmett Leigh déniche un jour un petit recueil de poèmes lors de la liquidation de la librairie d’un confrère. Un recueil, Le Temps fut, qui s’avère vite d’une qualité littéraire au mieux médiocre… En revanche, ce qui intéresse Emmett au plus haut point, c’est la lettre manuscrite qu’il découvre glissée entre les pages de l’ouvrage. Pour le bouquiniste, tout ce qui peut donner un cachet unique et personnel à un livre est bon à prendre. Il se trouve ici en présence d’une lettre d’amour qu’un certain Tom adresse à son amant, Ben, en plein cœur de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Remuant ciel et terre – et vieux papiers – afin d’identifier les deux soldats, Emmett finit par les retrouver sur diverses photos, prises à différentes époques. Or, la date présumée des photos et l’âge des protagonistes qui y figurent ne correspondent pas… Du tout.

The novella is published in the UK and North America by Tor.com. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

A love story stitched across time and war, shaped by the power of books, and ultimately destroyed by it.

In the heart of World War II, Tom and Ben became lovers. Brought together by a secret project designed to hide British targets from German radar, the two founded a love that could not be revealed. When the project went wrong, Tom and Ben vanished into nothingness, presumed dead. Their bodies were never found.

Now the two are lost in time, hunting each other across decades, leaving clues in books of poetry and trying to make their desperate timelines overlap.

French readers looking for more of Ian’s work need look no further than his most recent series, Luna, which is published in France by Denoël (along with a few of Ian’s other novels).

The French Pocket edition of THE HOUSE OF BINDING THORNS is out now!

Today, Pocket publishes the mass market paperback edition of Aliette de Bodard‘s award-winning THE HOUSE OF BINDING THORNS in France! Published as L’ASCENSION DE LA MAISON AUBÉPINE, here’s the synopsis…

Suite à la chute des Flèches d’Argent, l’équilibre entre les grandes Maisons qui règnent sur Paris est plus que jamais chancelant. Le Seigneur Asmodée, à la tête de la Maison Aubépine depuis sa sanglante insurrection, y voit l’opportunité de renforcer son pouvoir. Une ambition qui réclame des alliés. Une délégation est envoyée au royaume dragon, porteuse d’une proposition d’alliance, mais aussi chargée de découvrir ce qu’il est advenu de la précédente émissaire, mystérieusement disparue.

C’est ainsi que Madeleine, sevrée de l’essence d’ange et désormais rattachée de force à la Maison Aubépine, se retrouve sous les eaux troubles de la Seine, dans ce monde annamite secret où le marin, l’humain et la féerie sont étroitement liés.

Au cœur des intrigues, des trahisons et des manœuvres politiques, Madeleine aura à jouer un rôle crucial, bien malgré elle…

THE HOUSE OF BINDING THORNS is the second novel in the acclaimed Dominion of the Fallen fantasy series, which is published in the UK by Gollancz, in North America by Roc Books (#1-2) and JABberwocky (#3), and is also available in a growing number of translated editions. Here’s the English-language synopsis for the novel…

As the city rebuilds from the onslaught of sorcery that nearly destroyed it, the great Houses of Paris, ruled by fallen angels, still contest one another for control over the capital.

House Silverspires was once the most powerful, but just as it sought to rise again, an ancient evil brought it low. Phillippe, an immortal who escaped the carnage, has a singular goal – to resurrect someone he lost. But the cost of such magic might be more than he can bear.

In House Hawthorn, Madeleine the alchemist has had her addiction to angel essence savagely broken. Struggling to live on, she is forced on a perilous diplomatic mission to the underwater dragon kingdom – and finds herself in the midst of intrigues that have already caused one previous emissary to mysteriously disappear…

As the Houses seek a peace more devastating than war, those caught between new fears and old hatreds must find strength – or fall prey to a magic that seeks to bind all to its will.

Here’s just a small selection taken from the great critical response the novel has received so far…

‘Meddling gleefully in the affairs of devils and dragons, this affective sequel to 2015’s THE HOUSE OF SHATTERED WINGS touches the heart as often as it cuts throats… Having fully crafted her world, de Bodard is now completely in control: she can move swiftly from gentle poetic touches to bloody Grand Guignol gestures, and she sure-handedly holds the reader by exposing the vulnerabilities and needs that drive even the seemingly all-powerful figures of rebel angels and ancient serpents to surrender to a higher collective power. In this world lacking signs of heaven, redemptions are painful but possible.’ — Publishers Weekly (Starred Review)

‘de Bodard’s people feel real to me… There is hope even in the darkest of places, and there is a desire for love, for trust, for harbor, that takes root no matter how often it’s destroyed. This is a stronger, more certain novel than THE HOUSE OF SHATTERED WINGS, and if reading it is sometimes walking the unfenced edge of a cliff, the vista is dizzying and beautiful. It is well worth the wait, and if you haven’t read the first novel, I urge you to do so. But have THE HOUSE OF BINDING THORNS in hand before you reach the end.’ — Fantasy & Science Fiction (Mar/Apr 2017)

‘De Bodard’s writing is very precise, like a well-oiled machine. The tempo is piston perfect, with the prose style having a strong and steady rhythm throughout. The emotional journey is relatively predictable (especially when we get into a marriage sequence), but the narrative is not. In other words, you can pretty much tell that the big emotions are coming, but the how and the why is what keeps you on edge. This is not a villains book; this is a powerful sequel that shows us that the incredibly complex world of the last novel is even more involved than we first expected. Strong stuff which you won’t stop reading till the end.’ — Starburst

‘The author spins a tale that’s rich, emotional and gripping, and delivers that rare thing: a superior sequel… This is an incredibly rich novel. Even as the scheming, double-crossing and action set pieces unfold, the author never loses sight of the people whose lives are on the line… There’s just so much going on here: social commentary, myths and fairytales that often feel under-represented in genre fiction, a gripping genre adventure and an affecting love story. The author has gone from strength to strength and we can’t wait for this story to continue.’ — SciFi Now (5/5*)

‘Truly beautifully balanced: between new and old, birth and death, beauty and ugliness, inside and outside, beginning and, yes, ending. It walks the line, and walks it fine.’ — Tor.com

‘An excellent series with lots of variety and it feels more inventive than many books I come across. It’s an exciting world to fall into and I am looking forward to the next book.’ — SF Crowsnest

Large Print French edition of WHEN ALL IS SAID out now!

A large print edition of WHEN ALL IS SAIDAnne Griffin‘s best-selling, critically-acclaimed debut novel, is out now in France! Published by Éditions Voir de Près as TOUTE UNE VIE ET UN SOIR, here’s the synopsis…

Dans une bourgade du comté de Meath, Maurice Hannigan, un vieux fermier, s’installe au bar du Rainsford House Hotel. Il est seul, comme toujours – sauf que, ce soir, rien n’est pareil. Au fil de la soirée, il veut porter cinq toasts aux cinq personnes qui ont le plus compté pour lui. Il lève son verre à son grand frère Tony, à l’innocente Noreen, sa belle-sœur un peu timbrée, à la petite Molly, son premier enfant trop tôt disparu, au talent de son fils journaliste qui mène sa vie aux États-Unis, et enfin à la modestie de Sadie, sa femme tant aimée, partie deux ans plus tôt. Au fil de ces hommages, c’est toute une vie qui se révèle dans sa vérité franche et poignante… Un roman plein de pudeur et de grâce qui contient toute l’âme de l’Irlande.

The regular French edition of the novel is published by Delcourt Littérature. WHEN ALL IS SAID has been widely praised since its release, and is now available eight territories (with more on the way!). It is published in English by Sceptre (UK and Ireland) and St. Martin’s Press (North America).

Here are just a few of the great reviews the novel has received so far…

‘Cinq toasts autour desquels est organisé TOUTE UNE VIE ET UN SOIR, cinq toasts pour raviver les instants-clés qui ont fait l’histoire d’Hannegan et, à travers lui, celle des métamorphoses de l’Irlande après son indépendance…’ — Le Monde

‘An intimate character study of a wealthy 80-year-old Co Meath farmer, WHEN ALL IS SAID is also a study of extreme reticence and self-sabotage, giving voice to a man who, in matters of the heart, has all too often chosen to remain silent… Griffin’s strength is in voice and in the rhythm of her prose, which is rich without being overwritten. A winner of the John McGahern Award for Literature, she fits into the Irish lyrical tradition… but WHEN ALL IS SAID feels like a bridge between the past and the present, Maurice’s belated loquacity breaking open that familiar Irish silence… a testament to Griffin’s talent that she paints such a complete portrait of a man whose contrariness disguises his stoicism. By the end of the novel his humanity is clear; he has made himself known.’ — Independent

‘Griffin’s portrait of an Irish octogenarian provides a stage for the exploration of guilt, regret, and loss, all in the course of one memorable night.’ — Kirkus

‘Maurice’s humor, his keen observations on class and family, and his colloquial language, as well as Griffin’s strong sense of place, create the feeling of a life connected to many others by strands of affection and hatred.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘The most impressive aspects of this first novel from the pen of prize-winning short-story writer Anne Griffin are its rich, flowing prose, its convincing voice, and its imaginative and clever structure. She has complete mastery of her quite complex plot, and manages to imbue her sizeable cast of diverse characters with life and energy… Griffin is a writer of unusual confidence and authority, and a welcome arrival to the literary scene.’ — Irish Times

‘Anne Griffin’s debut novel is a must read. Beautifully observed, masterful story telling – stunning!’ — Graham Norton

‘An extraordinary novel, a poetic writer, and a story that moved me to tears… There is something special here.’ — John Boyne

‘Beautiful. Intimate. Tearful. Aching and lyrical. So simply and beautifully told.’ — Louise Penny

‘Beautifully written, unhurried and thoughtful, a lonely man truthfully wrought and a character you love from the off, in spite of his flaws or maybe because of them… a terrific debut.’ — Kit de Waal, award-winning author of My Name is Leon

‘A hugely enjoyable, engrossing novel, a genuine page-turner. Maurice is a fabulous character, wonderfully flawed and completely engaging; his voice is familiar and real, full of sadness and regret and defiance, and unexpected tenderness.’ — Donal Ryan, award-winning author of The Spinning Heart

‘[An] impressively confident debut … Maurice Hannigan emerges as an engaging, compassionate creation’ — Guardian

Ian McDonald’s LUNE MONTANTE is out now in France!

MOON RISING, the third novel in Ian McDonald‘s acclaimed Luna series, is out now in France! Published as by Denoël, as LUNE MONTANTE, here’s the synopsis…

Lucas Corta, que tout le monde croyait mort, a réussi l’impossible : survivre, lui, le natif de la Lune, à un long séjour sur la Terre. Revenu en orbite pour se venger, il a triomphé. Désormais la Lune lui appartient. Mais il a également beaucoup perdu, à commencer par son fils Lucasinho, plongé dans le coma et atteint de lésions cérébrales irréversibles. Sans compter que les Mackenzie rescapés n’ont pas dit leur dernier mot et espèrent bien rendre à Lucas la monnaie de sa pièce. Les Sun, quant à eux, fourbissent toujours leurs armes pour éliminer tous leurs concurrents. Plus que jamais, sur la Lune, la guerre entre les Cinq Dragons fait rage.

Denoël has also published the first two books in the series: NOUVELLE LUNE and LUNE DU LOUP (in addition to a handful of Ian’s other novels).

Ian’s Luna series is published in the UK by Gollancz, in North America by Tor Books, and is available in a growing number of translated editions. Here’s the English-language synopsis for MOON RISING

A hundred years in the future, a war wages between the Five Dragons — five families that control the Moon’s leading industrial companies. Each clan does everything in their power to claw their way to the top of the food chain — marriages of convenience, corporate espionage, kidnapping, and mass assassinations.

Through ingenious political manipulation and sheer force of will, Lucas Cortas rises from the ashes of corporate defeat and seizes control of the Moon. The only person who can stop him is a brilliant lunar lawyer, his sister, Ariel.

Witness the Dragons’ final battle for absolute sovereignty in Ian McDonald’s heart-stopping finale to the Luna trilogy.

‘McDonald concludes his Luna space opera trilogy in triumphant style… The political intrigue never feels too abstract or removed from 21st-century Earth. Readers will appreciate the care McDonald takes with both worldbuilding and characterization, and will enjoy little touches such as giving an assassin the job title of Corporate Conflict Resolution Officer… fans of the prior books will find this wrap-up rewarding.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘… cinematic set-pieces… so much fun to read… these entertaining, and intelligent novels, capped off by the very satisfying Luna: MOON RISING, have been about establishing a society, a community, a family that looks to the future, that lives and prospers in an environment that must always be treated with respect.’ — Locus

‘McDonald’s richly imagined Lunar culture and interplanetary poleconomy make for a superb backdrop for literally dozens of richly realized human dramas, and it’s hard to say which is more fascinating. McDonald’s wildly imaginative worldbuilding (present since his debut novel, the utterly wonderful standout OUT ON BLUE SIX) and his ability to spin out intrigues are both in full flight in this final volume.’Boing Boing

‘The Luna trilogy is a masterpiece of worldbuilding. Ian McDonald has created an incredibly developed, complex and astonishingly plausible future for the Moon… What stands out, though, are its threads of gorgeous storytelling… as a whole, this is an extraordinary trilogy. Ian McDonald always writes beautifully. I love what he has to say. I’ll always remember his vision of the Moon, which at times is horrifying and violent and yet at others is so heartwarming and wondrous.’ — For Winter Nights

Ian McDonald’s NOUVELLE LUNE paperback out now in France!

Ian McDonald‘s NEW MOON, the first novel in the Luna series, is out today in France in a mass market format. Published by Folio SF, here’s the synopsis for NOUVELLE LUNE

2103. Sur une Lune où tout se vend, où tout s’achète, jusqu’aux sels minéraux contenus dans votre urine, et où la mort peut survenir à peu près à n’importe quel moment, Adriana Corta est la dirigeante du plus récent des «Cinq Dragons», ces familles à couteaux tirés qui règnent sur les colonies lunaires. Elle doit l’ascension météoritique de son organisation au commerce de l’hélium 3. Mais Corta Hélio possède de nombreux ennemis, et si Adriana, au crépuscule de sa vie, veut léguer quelque chose à ses cinq enfants, il lui faudra se battre, et en retour ils devront se battre pour elle… Car sur la Lune, ce nouveau Far West en pleine ruée vers l’or, tous les coups sont permis. Souvent comparé à Game of Thrones à cause de la brutalité de ses intrigues, récompensé par le Gaylactic Spectrum Award 2016, Luna, Nouvelle Lune est le premier volume d’une trilogie.

The second and third novels in the series — WOLF MOON and MOON RISING — are published in France by Denoël, as LUNE DU LOUP and LUNE MONTANTE (published on September 12th).

The Luna series is published in the UK by Gollancz, in the US by Tor Books, and extensively in translation. Here’s the English-language synopsis for NEW MOON

The scions of a falling house must navigate a world of corporate warfare to maintain their family’s status in the Moon’s vicious political atmosphere.

The Moon wants to kill you.

Maybe it will kill you when the per diem for your allotted food, water, and air runs out, just before you hit paydirt. Maybe it will kill you when you are trapped between the reigning corporations-the Five Dragons-in a foolish gamble against a futuristic feudal society. On the Moon, you must fight for every inch you want to gain. And that is just what Adriana Corta did.

As the leader of the Moon’s newest “dragon,” Adriana has wrested control of the Moon’s Helium-3 industry from the Mackenzie Metal corporation and fought to earn her family’s new status. Now, in the twilight of her life, Adriana finds her corporation-Corta Helio-confronted by the many enemies she made during her meteoric rise. If the Corta family is to survive, Adriana’s five children must defend their mother’s empire from her many enemies… and each other.

Ian McDonald’s LUNE MONTANTE is out later this month in France!

The third novel in Ian McDonald‘s acclaimed Luna series — MOON RISING — is due to be published in France later this month! Published as LUNE MONTANTE by Denoël, here’s the synopsis…

Lucas Corta, que tout le monde croyait mort, a réussi l’impossible : survivre, lui, le natif de la Lune, à un long séjour sur la Terre. Revenu en orbite pour se venger, il a triomphé. Désormais la Lune lui appartient. Mais il a également beaucoup perdu, à commencer par son fils Lucasinho, plongé dans le coma et atteint de lésions cérébrales irréversibles. Sans compter que les Mackenzie rescapés n’ont pas dit leur dernier mot et espèrent bien rendre à Lucas la monnaie de sa pièce. Les Sun, quant à eux, fourbissent toujours leurs armes pour éliminer tous leurs concurrents. Plus que jamais, sur la Lune, la guerre entre les Cinq Dragons fait rage.

Denoël has also published the first two books in the series: NOUVELLE LUNE and LUNE DU LOUP (in addition to a few of Ian’s other novels).

Ian’s Luna series is published in the UK by Gollancz, in North America by Tor Books, and is available in a growing number of translated editions. Here’s the English-language synopsis for MOON RISING

A hundred years in the future, a war wages between the Five Dragons — five families that control the Moon’s leading industrial companies. Each clan does everything in their power to claw their way to the top of the food chain — marriages of convenience, corporate espionage, kidnapping, and mass assassinations.

Through ingenious political manipulation and sheer force of will, Lucas Cortas rises from the ashes of corporate defeat and seizes control of the Moon. The only person who can stop him is a brilliant lunar lawyer, his sister, Ariel.

Witness the Dragons’ final battle for absolute sovereignty in Ian McDonald’s heart-stopping finale to the Luna trilogy.

‘McDonald concludes his Luna space opera trilogy in triumphant style… The political intrigue never feels too abstract or removed from 21st-century Earth. Readers will appreciate the care McDonald takes with both worldbuilding and characterization, and will enjoy little touches such as giving an assassin the job title of Corporate Conflict Resolution Officer… fans of the prior books will find this wrap-up rewarding.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘… cinematic set-pieces… so much fun to read… these entertaining, and intelligent novels, capped off by the very satisfying Luna: MOON RISING, have been about establishing a society, a community, a family that looks to the future, that lives and prospers in an environment that must always be treated with respect.’ — Locus

‘The Luna trilogy is a masterpiece of worldbuilding. Ian McDonald has created an incredibly developed, complex and astonishingly plausible future for the Moon… What stands out, though, are its threads of gorgeous storytelling… as a whole, this is an extraordinary trilogy. Ian McDonald always writes beautifully. I love what he has to say. I’ll always remember his vision of the Moon, which at times is horrifying and violent and yet at others is so heartwarming and wondrous.’ — For Winter Nights